DragonZ -Origins- :Legend of the Twilight Dragon (1-3 both)
Hey loyal fans! Im introducing a miniseries that tells the backstory of some characters! This one was done by my ex-girlfriend so the credit goes to her.
Two more things:
1-like DragonZ, chapters will be soon to come
2-when you criticize on this one, please be gently on the gal ;)
So without further a due....
The sun warmed my scales and an updraft caught the blue sails. I scanned the surrounding landscape looking for a place to land and bathe before I set off to hunt. I wasn't that good at hunting when I first left home. Many a potential lunch escaped my grasp and I went hu ngry for many weeks. I suppose the fact that earlier in my life the food I dined upon was brought before me, already dead. During the seven years of independence my hunting skills had improved enough so that my ribs no longer showed through, but I still couldn't count on eating every evening. Flight was truly exhausting and a tricky thing. Again I blame my youth for this inconvenience. A flash of reflected light caught my eye and the scent of water drifted to my nostrils.
My red forked tongue flicked over my lips and a new scent became trapped on my tongue. It was sweet and spicy all at the same time; I was compelled to follow it. It was quite a bit of luck to see that it went to the water source. I glided down to see that my lake was already occupied by another. It was the most peculiar looking female I had ever seen. She was a ruby red but with black yet beautiful scars all across her body. It was obvious by the frill on her neck that she was wild, on most others it would be appalling, but on her it was enchanting. My tongue flicked out and found that she was the cause of the scent. She noticed me and lifted her head. I was hoping that perhaps she would let me join her but was greeted by a warning hiss. Turning my wings to the east I continued to look for another water source. There just happened to be a creek a few clicks in that direction. When my bathing was completed I found myself wandering back to the lake.
To my pleasure and surprise she was still there lying on the embankment. She really was a sight. She was no small girl by any means; she was probably my size or a bit larger. It was her frame she was delicate, fragile; only when she moved could one tell how lethal she truly was. It was obvious by the scars on her that this girl was a fighter and a survivor. The shadows grew as time wore on but I couldn't move. The female stirred and woke. Sunlight danced across the crimson back when she stretched. In a couple bounds she was in flight and soared into the horizon. It was only when my raptor vision could no longer see her did I realize how hungry I still was.
I returned to that lake everyday for the next several weeks. I would stay entranced by her for hours. She didn't stay as long as she did that first day, usually she would bathe and take off immediately. Some days she would gift me by stretching out and sunning. I could never tell what she was going to do each day; one occasion she was in flight took a drink and left. She smelled of salt so I gathered she lived near the sea. I was planning on revealing myself to her in the following days. I was going to kill the largest stag in the forest and present it to her as a gift. I would fall on him, a demon of the skies. Surely that would impress her. The only other experience I had with a female was one in the city whom I grew up with. She was a vibrant orange and was more into me then I was her. My scales were lacking their usual shine on account of the fact that I was not hunting as much as I should've been. "Well dull scales were not going to win her approval that's for damn sure. And this skinny ass body isn't going to do anything for her either". I took flight and headed for the mountains. "I would whip myself into shape with the cold and the lack of oxygen and she would melt at the sight of me". I kept saying this aloud as the temperature changed. I caught a flash of silver coiled around the tip of a peak. I wouldn't have seen it if the sunlight hadn't caught. It soon became apparent that it was a male when he headed straight towards me at an alarming rate. He belched out water that froze on contact. He struck my right leg and the cold burned almost as much the bite on my neck. I blew my flame at him and singed his tail a little. The silver gained altitude rapidly and was almost in the perfect strike position. "Shit shit shit" I tried to roll to the right and was almost successful. I felt the sting as he cut my underbelly. I knew I couldn't win this fight; I left as fast as my injuries would allow. The cold was a double edged sword it numbed the pain and stung all at the same time.
My shame was tangible in the cold air as I found a crevasse to hole up in. That night I dreamt of her laughing at me when I approached. I threw the deer down and she turned her head in denial. The great silver landed, threw down a whale, and proceeded to accept her praise. He opened his jaws and laughed at me, "you will never have her. You are not good enough for her you sorry wyrm."
Days came and went; my only notion of time was the darkening of the ice around me. The same dream haunted me almost every night. His jeering and her rejection... it was almost too much to bear. Cold numbed my emotions, I hid like a coward. One night a new vision came and I changed everything. She was in it like usual. Yet something was new. The crimson female smiled instead of glared, laughed instead of roared, and kissed instead of bit. At my feet were several young including a tiny blue who snuggled up to her. Her red jaws plucked him off the ground like a little grape and handed him to me, "go see daddy". Rising she came over, and before she kissed me and the bright light took me, the red tongue told me what I needed to hear.
"Come for me."
The next morning I arose and said farewell to the crevasse. With a quick check at my surrounding environment, I headed out. Turning to the south I ran into a heard of elk. Because of my fast I was starving. Without thought I fell upon the eldest stag and felt the break of his neck in my powerful jaws. I filled my belly and rested in the clearing sunning. Ravens and other scavengers took parts of the carcass away thanking me profusely. I knew they would return the favor one day. When a dragon becomes old, least from what my elders told me, they can no longer hunt as well. Wild ones often look to the skies for scavengers to point the way to an easy meal. Standing and stretching I tore off the haunch of the elk and hid it for the female. I was still in her territory and she could be prowling looking for a fight. The urge to find her was uncontrollable. Taking wing I continued my journey south towards the pond.
All was going well; I was lost in my musings. I wonder how she will receive me and my gift? Images flashed through my skull of her and I nuzzled together. I wonder if she will come back home with me? If not I was perfectly willing to stay there for the rest of my days. Again the sun warmed my back and the great blue sails caught thermals. Trees and grass plains drifted below me with my shadow only a small scar. Suddenly with no warning a challenging war cry shattered the air. I looked up expecting the silver male again. Instead crimson and white filled my vision. It was the female! Before I could formulate what the hell was going on she bit down on the back of my neck, a submission hold. Her claws were digging into my back and I could see my scales glittering in the breeze.
I roared in frustration, trying to buck her off.
'This is not how it was supposed to go' I thought. She let me go, and I retreated till we were both even in the sky. She looked me in the eye.
"Get off my land!"
Before my brain could catch up with my mouth it was already too late.
She roared and flew at me. Her left roll took my breath away, my god she was graceful. I bellowed back and went at her like an arrow. If I take out her shoulder then she'll retreat. The white lightning hit my blood hard. My muscles tensed, flame grew in my belly, my vision clarified. Before she hit me a red blast erupted from her. My second eyelids closed but not soon enough. I was temporarily blinded by the heat. We hit and the sound was deafening. My front claws found purchase on the twisting and squirming flesh beneath me. I felt the skin break and warm blood came to the surface. I kicked and clawed at her with my hind legs cutting open her belly. She screamed in pain and fury. Her jaws closed on my left wing muscle and the pain was like nothing I had felt before. My wing was useless and we were plummeting to the ground. Her jaws twisted and tore at the flesh. Suddenly I was free, unfortunately she was hovering above me. I could smell pine and heard the trees before I felt them. Branches ripped the tough membranes, needles dug themselves into my open wounds. Snapping and crunching filled my ears along with the thud of flesh against flora. I crashed into them, bruising my body. When I finally landed all I heard was the victory bellow from above me.
A quick check revealed a miracle. Nothing was broken, thank the stars, but that didn't mean I wasn't pretty beaten up. My left wing didn't work and my neck was on fire. Muscles screamed in protest when forced to move.
The desert sand was a fine white powder, a weightless incandescent dust. When the moon shined upon my lair it was as if I was transported to another planet among the stars. Someone once told me that the earth was my dam, the wind my sire and the stars my sisters. I could hear the sea lapping away at the beaches in the exact manner as it had for millennia, always unchanging always the same. The tranquil sound helped me gather my thoughts. He was still prevalent in my mind and I cleaned the gore from my claws in disgust. His sliver form followed me no matter where I traveled. I hated him almost a much as I hated the black scars on my scarlet body. I dug up some sand into my great paw and watched in minor interest when the wind carried it away. In remembering tonight's kill a wing stretched with the memory. The doe realizing she wasn't alone, the crashing of foliage as she ran panicked, the woosh of wind when I descended upon her and the final snap when her neck broke. The blood lust broke from my body and I was able to enjoy my meal in peace. A shadow blocked my kill and looked to see a raven circling. In respect I tore out a piece of meat and threw it on the ground. My brethren landed and cawed in gratitude when he took flight. I ate my fill and left the rest for the scavengers. I returned to my desert home to rest for the next day.
The horrible crunching sound..... multiple colors mixed in a gruesome array.... Searing pain in my leg.... Pitch.
_ _
A sand storm struck sometime in the night and I awoke to a sand lizard scuttling on my back. Lifting my great bulk to a cascade of sand I noted that all was as I left it. Taking to the north I soared until a glassy lake came into view. Tilting my wings down I started my landing at a 45 degree angle. My merging with the water came with all the grace of a swan. I bathed my body and stretched out onto the grass to sun myself. Another shadow covered the sun and I half heartedly lifted a red lid expecting another bird. The intruder was a large blue; a male by the looks of it. I hissed and returned to my slumber when he veered off east. I was in heat but I had my fair share of male interference to last me a thousand seasons.
Screams...his roar...my hiss...my panic.
_ _
I awoke several hours later then I had originally planned and was discouraged to find the best hunting hour had come and gone. My muscles had stiffened in slumber and I stretched to loosen them. In a couple bounds I took flight and headed towards the sea. Fish was a mouth watering thought, their tender flaky flesh and the mild fight they put up. The Dorado's were spawning and the pregnant females were high in fat and protein. I caught a particularly large one and feasted on her flesh. I remember that they were Blitz's favorite food and he demanded that I bring home only those... the bastard. Salt air felt good against the skin and the coarse sand polished my scales.
"I wonder what lies beyond the seas, beyond the stars?"
I buried my nose under my tail and bedded down for the night.
A kind blue eye looked at me with understanding and acceptance. Small babies ran around my legs and the little black buried herself under my stomach.
_ _
_ _ The coming weeks were dull to say the least. Everyday I bathed in the mornings and everyday I smelt a trespasser in my territory. Only females kept land and males would pass through and hunt in it. If a particular male came and caught the resident female's attention then they would mate for life. In the past couple of months I had to leave my old land in the mountains and find a new spot. There was a pesky green female who used to call this home but she was removed. The intruder smelt of male and a lively one at that. In the coming days I would find him and throw him out as well. I imagined how it would go, his roaming around and the screech I would emit when I landed on his back. In my minds eye I could see his surprise and could feel his scales coming away in my claws. Maybe I would challenge him in open combat and take him down even steven. The anticipation made my muscles tense and twitch. Tomorrow! I'm asserting my ownership tomorrow! He won't know what hit him.
The next day I hunted to gather strength and sharpen my jaws. I brought down a male walrus and he was no easy kill. I finished eating, headed to my usual bathing pond and as surprised to find that the scent was still a couple days old. I wondered where he had gone and was melancholy when the day did not produce him. Sullen I returned to my home, the dunes. Following weeks had the same outcome and after a while I returned to my usual routine of sunning all day. The scent faded away.
"Well least I don't have to worry about dealing with an intruder any longer."
A thought had occurred to me, "what if he was still in my territory? Not here but else where killing my game and drinking my water?"
In a couple days I will go roaming for trespassers. Soon the big day arrived and I bellowed my arrival. He was not to be found in the dunes nor by the grasslands. His scent crossed my nostrils in the north closer to my old territory that I shared with.... Him. Debating whether or not I should head up that way and risk discovery. As I pondered this a bit of blue reflected into my eye. Looking around I saw him to my lower right about 500ft below. The fool must not have me on account of my white belly scales.
" silly boy that's the last mistake you'll ever make."
I glided over till I was directly on top of him. My shadow was not visible on account of the altitude difference between the two of us. Wings tucked I began a steep descent. The membranes sounded like banners in a gale and a high whistling sound filled my inner ear. When the gap filled I flared my wings to slow down and roared at him. The great blue head swiveled to look at me but it was already too late, I fell on him. Like my imagination had predicted he wasn't prepared. My jaws found the base of his neck and I rendered his flank with my claws. The sky was host to blue gems. He screeched in pain and frustration trying to throw me off. I purposely released him.
"get off of my land!!!"
I roared and flew at him as he bellowed back at me. Rolling to the left, I felt the killing heat in my belly, smoke curling from my nostrils. He came at me with a precision of a raptor. I tilted my body so that I would hit the long neck first. The adrenaline was racing through my veins like white lighting. Kill. Kill. Kill. That one thought dominated everything. Seconds before we hit as I opened my jaws and threw flame at him, my dead young came to my mind. Fire held no result on the blue wyrm. The impact was like two boulders colliding. His blue form was replaced by silver in my eyes. His claws found a purchase on my shoulder and dug in. I could feel the muscle being punctured and the blood begin to seep out. I screamed pure hatred. The two of us squirmed and tangled in the sky. A hind claw sliced my underbelly. Red jaws found the wing muscle and bit hard, it was as if I bit into a kill. A pained screech drowned out all sound. Bloodlust took me. We were both loosing altitude fast. The whistling in my ears was proof of that. When about 50ft remained I let go of the wing and threw myself off.
We were both covered in blood that was clear. I caught the air and watched as he crashed into the trees below. Birds took to the skies as blue flesh tore through their homes. Red rain dripped not only from the major puncture wound on my shoulder but also from where he cut my flank with his hind legs. Bellowing my victory out, I headed east to the pond.
Again I landed in the icy depths. The cold water was both a gift and a burden; it cleaned my wounds but stung them at the same time. I drank, bathed and caught a couple fish to ease my belly. A mixture of cool water and fish did the trick. That fight was more taxing then I thought it would be. I licked my wounds and lay down. Though the majority of the day had passed the sun was still warming. When chaos sounded through the trees I stirred only to find my foe was back. Sunlight glinted off of the blue scales. The male's injuries were plain to see, tears in the wing membranes (from the branches no doubt), deep cuts and his left wing drooped to the side. His mane was crusted with blood and a mat of twigs and leaves. Flaring my frill in warning I hissed at him. Still he came closer. I snapped and swiped with my claw.
"leave now." I said coldly
"no, I have something for you my dear.
"I'm not going to warn you again. Get. Out. Of. My. Territory."
"I will when I'm good and ready."
Still growling I watched as he came just out of strike range. This male is cocky I thought to myself. Its somewhat...attractive. Damn it Rena, get a hold of yourself.
My blood stained claws dug into the soil in preparation. The frill on my wild neck was in plain sight. It was an angry red blossom that was accompanied with my white scars. On any other creature this would've made my point. He halted 20ft away. A blue eye locked onto mine as he bowed his supple neck and dropped the largest diamond I had seen.
"I was on my way to bring you this, my dear when you attacked me."
Only when he said that did I realize exactly what this thing was in front of me, it was a haunch of meat