The Lamp

"you know how attics are." "is that where we are?" shiro chimed in. "yes," tom nodded as he stood up and brushed himself off from the dust.

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The Magic Attic: Toonish TV Antics

An attic that's far larger on the inside than it should, well who would've guessed that this attic has some magic in it. and it's set its gaze on an otter and a dog who're in need of a new perspective on life...

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Latias and latios CH.2 (Part 3)

He decided to check... the attic. adam gulped. he's never been inside the attic, who knows what he might find there... spiders? tarantulas? bugs?? he hated spiders, tarantulas even more. bugs are just as bad as spiders.

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New Life: chapter 15

Shut it but before i closed it i grabbed the string so they couldn't see the attic door.

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"did you check the attic?" the wolf snarled with transparent menace. the pig blanched. "the attic?" the pig's response was a barely audible squeak. no one checked the attic; no one even knocked on its door.

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Game Night (Part eleven)

After i had the laptop i realized that nobody was in the attic everyone was in the hallway staring up at the attic trapdoor, "what's up?" i asked, "waiting for tyler." jamie said, "uhh, i hate to break it to you but he's already up there..."

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Merry Christmas, Silver! Ch. 3

"good, now that that's settled, can you get the christmas tree out of the attic, lisa?" "sure, mom." i left the room with a flashlight in hand. 'a tree in the attic?' silver then followed me. "lisa, let me help you with that!"

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The Anchor Holds

The attic was a lot longer than it was wide. and the heat that had, throughout the afternoon, soaked into the black shingles just on the other side of the roof ... had made it very stuffy in here.

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Loew's Creation

In the attic, he took his lifeless statue which he would create life for into the attic with the tree of life, its ten sefirot inlaid on the walls of the attic, each one a distinct attribute of g-d.

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Game Night (Part ten)

Everyone please bring their laptops up to the attic please." he said starting out of the living room to grab his tech, but joe stopped him. "uh, why the attic dude?" he asked a hint of fear in his tone. "what's wrong joe 'afraid of a little attic?"

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Auramancer: The Beginning

In moments, it had vanished, leaving the stunned girl in the silence of the dusty attic, the lone window casting a beam of light on the box.

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Chapter 5: Silence

He went up to the attic to see what he could find. after poking around for a bit, he found a box labeled "baby things." digging through, he realized it must be jack's old things, as he didn't recognise anything from his previous forays into the attic.

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