Merry Christmas, Silver! Ch. 3
#5 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)
Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. That goes for all chapters!
-Oh, and for the record, Edwardia is real and we've been best friends for the past 12 years, and hopefully we'll have many more together!-
On to chapter 3!
Ch.3 (The Unexpected and Preparations)
After we all said our goodbyes, Sliver and I made our way back home. Before we got an earful of lectures from mom, we explained what happened.
"What? Edwardia's a Tamer!"
"Yeah, can you believe it?" I said while putting peroxide on Silver's scar.
"Well, it certainly caught us off guard. We'd never expect a digimon battle to end like that." The scar on Silver's side disappeared. "Thank you, Lisa."
I put the bottle of peroxide away. "You're welcome. Hey, mom; I was thinking, maybe I can introduce Silver to the family at our Christmas party next Friday."
Mom sat down next to me. "You sure about that, Lisa?" She asked, concerned.
"Look; I know what you're going to say. But they're gonna find out about her eventually; besides, Silver sticks out like a sore thumb..."
Silver looked at me, as if she was going to cry. I quickly noticed this and shot my hands up in defense. "Gah! Wait a minute...I uh...what I meant to say was um uh...."
She then burst out laughing. "It's okay, it's okay! I knew you didn't mean it."
I looked at her in shock. "Silver!"
Mom shook her head, smiling. "I swear you two act like six-year-olds at times! But, I suppose you're right though, Lisa. They're bound to find out sooner or later. Lord knows your aunts are nosy enough; as much as they gossip." She finished barely above a mumble.
Silver whispered in my ear. "Is she serious?"
"Oh, yeah." I whispered back.
The next morning, I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. I slowly arose out of bed and hit the snooze button. I looked over to my side and smiled to myself. Silver was sound asleep, snoring softly. Not wanting to wake her up, I quietly slipped out of my room and into my bathroom to take a shower.
About three minutes later, Silver awoke to the sound of running water. "Huh...? What?" she groaned sleepily. She then noticed I wasn't around. "Lisa?" she then got out of bed and slowly approached the bathroom door.
Meanwhile, I was still in the shower, listening to my new shower radio, unaware of what was about to happen.
Silver leaned her ear against the bathroom door and placed her paw on the knob. Apparently, she had used too much force, because the next thing she knew, she opened the door too far and accidentally tripped over the bathroom rug.
I poked my head out of the shower curtain. "What the-?" Silver, trying not to fall, grabbed the closest thing she could find...which happened to be the shower curtain. (You can surely guess what happens next!)
"SILVER!!!!" I shouted angrily. She looked over to her side and flushed a pure crimson when she saw me.
She got up and quickly covered her eyes. "Oh my God! I am so sorry! I didn't know-!!"
At that moment, mom burst through the room. "What's going on here!?" she blushed when she saw the position we were in.
"Mom! It's not what it looks like...!" I laughed nervously, blushing all the while.
Later that day, after the...-ahem-...incident, things had calmed down for a while. I was dressed and was watching mom and Silver decorate the house for Christmas.
Silver noticed I was still blushing. "Lisa, I said I was sorry."
"Still, you shouldn't have done that! I was totally naked!!"
"What's the big deal? You see me naked all the time!!"
"Hey; that's different! At least you have fur to cover everything! We humans have to put on clothes first!!"
Mom sighed. "Now that's quite enough out of both of you!"
"You're right, mom. We shouldn't be arguing at a time like this. I'm sorry for being so angry at you."
"And next time, I'll be sure to knock before I enter the bathroom."
"Good, now that that's settled, can you get the Christmas tree out of the attic, Lisa?"
"Sure, mom." I left the room with a flashlight in hand.
'A tree in the attic?' Silver then followed me. "Lisa, let me help you with that!"
I pulled down the door and unfolded the steps leading to the attic. I started to go up the steps when I noticed Silver behind me. "Can you hold the ladder for me?"
She nodded and held the latter steady as I turned on the flashlight and climbed my way to the top. Once I got there, I turned on the light and started looking for the Christmas tree.
"You can come up if you want. Just be careful of the floorboards, some of 'em are loose."
Silver phased into the attic and started looking around. "I didn't even know there was another room up here."
I replied. "This is where we keep our extra stuff when we don't need it right away. Do you see a tall box anywhere? It should be marked 'Christmas stuff.'"
"Don't worry; I'll find it." She said as we continued our search.
Mom had just finished putting candles in the window when the phone rang. "Wonder who that could be?" she went over and picked it up. "Hello? Oh, Edwardia, what a surprise! Yes; just a minute." She went over to the door of the attic. "Lisa! Phone for you!"
"OK! Be down in a sec!" Silver and I carried the box down the steps and placed it near the door. Mom handed me the phone. "Thanks. Hello?" I paused. "Hey, Edwardia, what's up? Really? No way!"
As the conversation continued, Silver tried to listen in, but I moved further away so I could hear well. "Okay, I'll ask mom and get back to you. See ya!" I hung up the phone.
Silver walked over to me. "What was that all about?" she asked curiously. I looked into her eyes and smiled. "Nothing for you to worry about, Silver. Could you go ahead and get the things out of the box for me? I need to ask mom something." I quickly went to mom's room.
Silver cocked her head. "That's odd. Oh, well; it's probably nothing." She shrugged.
"Lisa, is there something wrong?" Mom asked.
"Mom!? I don't want Silver to hear you!" I said quietly.
"You don't want her to hear what?" she whispered back. I told her what Edwardia told me over the phone. "Christmas shopping? Sure, but what's that got to do with Silver?"
"Edwardia and I want to get her and Luna Christmas presents, but we want them to be a surprise."
Mom smiled. "Oh, I see. Well you can tell her that's just fine by me."
"Thanks, mom." I started to leave, but paused. "Mums the word?"
"Don't worry. Your secret's safe." I left mom's room and went back to Silver. In three days, the present hunt would begin.
End of Chapter 3