Ben and Justin: Our Stand Chapter 3

This made him a prime target for assasination by the u.s. military. if the russian army got his hands on this, then the rules of war would change drastically.

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Ben and Justin: Our Stand Chapter 1

Their mission today was an assasination of the boss of a mexican mob that had caused many innocent deaths in raids, kidnappings, and weapon trafficking.

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The time Rachel fell and Sky was born Part one

Chapter one As she ran down the street she blinked back the tears that had been building up behind her eyes. "DAM YOU ALEX! HOW COULD YOU?" She sobbed as she took the antidote to the slime potion Alex had made her take. She felt herself turn slowly...

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Honor assassin chapter one

#1 of honor assasin thoughts in italics am actually pretty pleased with this an comments welcome in a center a room filled with copper and brass and old fashion looking electronics sits a politician a corgi anthro working quietly and quickly glancing up

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Prolouge to Sexy Justice

Even when she was heavily restrainted. she has super strength, and a skilled assasin. yet a modle prisoner, she has taught most prisoners the form of meditation and calmness.

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His Destiny (part 4)

Stuff and if someone tries to react gets killed... painfully killed... and for that nobody fells safe anymore not even in their houses, and for that all the "bad guys" swarms around doing what they pleases, for now the only peoples that fight against the assasins


The Chronical'ers Journal part 3

That was untill king dorncoleone iv. was assasinated by a group of mysterious people that were seen to be bipedal raptors that walk upright like men.

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Rising Anew Chapter 18, The Battle Won, the War begun.txt

Honed by years of time spent as a spy, assasin, and soldier. he was only concerned with results and could care less about how he achieved them as long as it was done quickly, silently and with as little disturbance as possible.

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Ben and Justin: Our Stand Chapter 2

Ben remembered that they were on top of an abandoned warehouse, quite similar to the one that the mob boss was assasinated in. they glided a few more feet before reaching a small hole in the floor.

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Shard - 2 Pieces, however small make a Whole

He was used mainly for survielance and assasinations. he was damned fast with his knives though. he could shave his name into your fur in seconds, and you would never feel it. and last but not least the water dragon serinas.

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roo's adventure

"uuh... ok then... how about assasin?" "... bad call. bad call!!!" "whooooaaaaaah.... easy, little guy." "hm! im outa here." a few hours later roo saw dr. j once more. this time in cyborg form. "haha! now, you will regret crossing paths with me!

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How Does An Assassin Retire?

My boss says the worst thing in the world an assasin can do is learn how to feel, guess i now know why. i'm gonna be so fired if i survive all of this.

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