We Can Be the Hero, Too

For this one, it was sword and sorcery! i was honored to be chosen as the winner for that year's competition, and this was published in the 2015 con book. i'm posting it as is, without editing or touch-ups.

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[Commission] Chapter 3: Assembled story rogues camp by the fire

_Alright, this is what happened. We were in that bathhouse, right? So, I was done with my massage. It was pretty good actually, did wonders for my back. Anyway, I just got out of the hot springs and I was gonna head in early and..._ -Wait,...

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[Commission] Chapter 2: Roguish story by the campfire assembly

_So, there I was, as Rik here so graciously explained, punched in the balls and rolled over on my side. Now, the badger had a decent punch, I'll give him that, but he couldn't jump all that well. His hit was enough to topple me, but not enough for me...

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[Commission] Chapter 1: Rogues assemble at camp for stories

-...so you see, this green wunderkind of a bastard here, he goes: What's a little fuzzball like you gonna do about it, eh?" And, and, I kid you not, the damn badger, who might I remind you is a little over our tough guy's knee, just straight up jumps...

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[Commission] Chapter 5: Stories fire the camp with rogue assembly

-That's it! Rik stood up and turned to walk away, while Bron grabbed her arm pulling her back, the laughter of the group filling the stillness of the night. -Come on, Rik! We're just playing around! No need to get so uppity! He pushed her down on...

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[Commission] Chapter 4: Assembly rogues fire the camp with stories

_Well, it happened some time ago. We were passing through the Yunder mountain, if you can recall. I believe we set camp in a cave when Rik volunteered, in her usual boastful self, to go out a search up something to eat. I of course decided to join her,...

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[Commission] Gutpunch - the story of the gnoll who got punched in the gut

-...so you see, this green wunderkind of a bastard here, he goes: What's a little fuzzball like you gonna do about it, eh?" And, and, I kid you not, the damn badger, who might I remind you is a little over our tough guy's knee, just straight up jumps...

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[Commission] Chapter 6: Camping by the fire with assembled storied rogues

Rik stepped forward, her eyes glowing yellow, swinging her fists wildly. Bron on the other hand, took conservative steps, dodging the gnoll's haymakers. Although the Rik was much larger than the orc, she wasn't as skilled in hand to hand combat and...

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

"now we enter the asadian era, an age of sword and sorcery, royalties and knights, victorian structures, and..." the museum's guide lectured on as he led the group to one of the museum's main attractions; the display of the 16th century's asadia age.

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 6

"i get a feeling we're going to live up to that name, sure enough," anar smiled, "especially if we're bringing bullets to a world of swords and sorcery." "oh yes! the weapons!"

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army Story - Chapter 4

swords and sorcery? bring it. orcs and elves? whatever. he'd fed rogue demons to his astral cat, he could do anything. except push-ups, he'd probably have to work on those.

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Adipose City: Aussie Thunder

Smart materials gently conformed to his shape and cushioned him as the reclining steel chef turned on his game console and the flat screen television turned on with the loading screen for a multiplayer swords and sorcery game.

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