Daily Bugle

I asked one woman, who was getting her morning coffee, how she felt about spider girl. 'spider girl? yeah, i've seen her in action. stopped a car once from running into a shop.'

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Priestess to the Spider

A spider woman stood before her, four of its arms pressed together in a meditative repose. the feline stared into a face that was featureless beyond the brightly glowing eyes. "you are my priestess."

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The Pillow Book of Sethira: Entry Two

She scrambled forward and held phaedra close as the little spider woman thrashed in her arms, seizing. andarria waved her hand, and the world around us began to disappear. "leave us. stage one is near completion.

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Aurora: Chapter Two: The Demon

The average person would probably cower in fear at the sight of a massive spider woman, but all i felt was peace. in front of the statue was a small black table covered in a gossamer cloth and a row of candles.

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Eleventh Experiment

To everyone's surprise, she crawled across the ceiling, sticking to it like spider-woman. she crawled for a few feet, and then dropped back down to the table with a fluid athletic motion. she shrugged, "i discovered it last night by accident."

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