An Ordinary Day - Chapter 5: Yaoists, Fear Them

An ordinary day chapter 5 yaoists, fear them i walk into an ultra-modern living room to see two snow cats sitting on the white sofa. they are both identical, with blue-grey eyes, sleek white fur, and platinum blonde headfur.

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Futzler Files #1: Just Another Manic Wednesday

"you're always looking out for me kells," the snow cat grumbled. for the rest of the ride i sat back in silence and thought about my day ahead.

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Mistress of the Mountains

The highdeath family was proud and strong, her white fur with rosette spots marked her as one of the elite snow cats with that name.

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South of the Summer : Part 1

The snow-cat lurched to a halt suddenly, the tracked ice-crawler skidding a few feet over the compacted snow beneath it before it stopped entirely. "and we're here."

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The Story of the Khajiit: A Compendium

#1 of story of the khajiit a little bit of miscellanious crap, i wrote this so i'd have a full guide to my characters for snow cat. but i'm posting it, why not? so, without further ado, the compendium! this'll appear later in the story.

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An Ordinary Day - Extra: Character Bios

**kuuki tamashii** kuuki is a small snow cat and master air ninja. her headfur is cut to a shoulder length and is platinum blonde. she has sleek, silky smooth, snow white fur covering the rest of her.


His First mouse

A voracious grin covered the royal snow cat's lips. he licked the small rodent several times, savoring the flavor each time. the mouse did not even try to fight back, but instead it seemed to enjoy the bath.

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So Help Me God

Zack relaxed against the lips as he reached his arm behind him to ruffle the snow cats hair, "cloud?" zack almost frowned as the feline's lips left his neck; but in order to respond he kind of needed to do so. "what is it pup?"

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Young Love - Chapter 12

Without hesitation, the snow cat then quickly took off his medical pack and put it aside. he then jerked his shirt off, showing he athletic torso to the sick fur.

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The Hunger

"you mean to say... what you felt," squall asked hopeful as he moved his free paw to the back of the blonde's head to play with the backs of the snow cats ears, that always seemed to stay hidden in the unruly spikes.

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Back to the Mountains 2

"there are three snow cats and three airplanes, all with a full tank and working well."

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Kindred Spirits, Fang's Nightmare

No, probably better count on twenty, with the snow cat drivers, maybe as many as twenty five, since even he couldn't be sure he had killed all of them. this wasn't going to be easy, but at least he wouldn't face them all at once.

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