Weekend At The Smiths

Meet The Smiths Chapter One. "Alright then I'm off to work. Come on Kyle let's go. I'll drop you off at school on the way. Caiden you behave for your mother today. I know you can be a good boy, so please do so." A tall well-toned Grey wolfman, with...

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Chapter 3.1 And now for something new!

I've also learned more about the smith family, which has given me some ideas on why all this shit's happened.


3.2 The Truth is Out

"that would make things difficult for the smith family to intervene if it would appear as if she was going to kill arnold as well. but that will make the plan all the more difficult, we can't bring him into this."

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Yellow Eyes Are The New Powdered Noses

Ah, thought johnathan, now that sounded like the smithe family. they were good enough people, but they did tend to be somewhat flighty, concerned more with their image than anything else.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 100

Lore's great grandfather murdered captain smith, so in turn i felt it was only right he give the company to the smith family. as far as mr.

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