3.2 The Truth is Out

Story by WriterHubris on SoFurry

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#12 of A Strange Journey

Releasing a deep sigh, I'd say finally. "I know almost nothing, not even her name. I do know that she was loved though, Arnold seriously loved her." Seeing that I admitted to not knowing, Helmsford would nod before saying. "You're right, he did love her, and she loved him. It was for that love, that I supported their marriage. Even though it went against the orders that I and my daughter were given."

Daughter? Blinking, I'd look at the man blankly... I mean, the dots connected instantly but... Why? How? Why was he acting that way? Why call me Young Master? What the fuck?! No no, that's... He's my... I've never had one of those, but why didn't he say anything? What the hell... Okay, let's focus... But seriously, why? "CALM DOWN!"

I'd suddenly yell out, then would shake my head quickly before looking at the man seriously. "Okay, so that was a sudden thing to drop on me... But let me make sure, you're my... Grandfather?"

Nodding his head, he'd chuckle at my whole little antics, arms crossing against his chest. "That's correct, Young Master." "Okay, no don't call me that." Chuckling a bit more at me, I'd grumble and hold my head with both hands. "Okay okay, that explains a lot... And makes me more confused... How could you let Arnold remarry again?"

I know, why would I ask THAT question and not, what orders? Why didn't you kill that bitch when I told you that immediately? Or hell, why call me Young Master? But you gotta understand, my last parents were still together after 30 years so my sense of marriage and responsibility of love was kind of strange and romantic like... So why the hell would you remarry, after at most six years after your loved one died?!

Of course the answer was painfully obvious. "That's because it was to get more resources to search for a cure for your supposed sickness." Well I asked a dumbass question... Really fucking dumb... "Right, I knew that... Just, kind of..." Grumbling, I'd sit back, arms crossing my chest.

"Okay then, gramps... Heh, always wanted to call my grandpa that... Oh! You're my first, even that dream life, my grandfather had died before I was born." Listening to me, he'd nod a bit then would smile. "You've mentioned that dream life before, but I've been thinking... You're not Alexis, are you?" Hearing that question, I'd freeze up once again, wondering how to answer... Though the answer was obvious and realizing that this man was the closest thing I've ever had to an actual grandfather...

"I'm... Not... I'm sorry, but that woman has killed your daughter and grandson." I didn't even look at him now, I didn't want to see the pain that would appear. I didn't even make any excuses, or promises. Instead I'd wait, to hear if he'd leave, or if he'd stay. It was a long wait, kind of awkward too. But finally, after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"My grandson barely had his life start, and his life was cut short. His passing would have destroyed his father and myself, so maybe he changed places with you, wishing for you to carry on your life. Alexis was always concerned for others like that." He'd finally reach out, touching my shoulder. Looking up at him, I saw the man with a tear rolling down his cheek, and a gaze of absolute seriousness. "Do not ever disrespect the memory of my grandson, live up to his name."

Looking at him, I opened my mouth, as if to answer... But nothing would come, nothing could come... Instead I'd close my mouth, nodding solemnly. Removing his hand from my shoulder, he'd turn around, his back to me as he spoke. "Now, tell me... How will we get revenge for them?" With the conversation shifting back to the main topic, I'd swallow a mouthful of words and finally cleared my head before saying.

"She believes Alexis didn't die, hell... The whole mansion believes that. Whatever her plan had been, it was to kill me. Since it failed, she'll try again... I doubt she'll use poison again though. Whatever this poison is, if she thinks I survived it, she'll probably believed I've developed a resistance to toxins through it."

Listening, he didn't face me at all, and I didn't completely look at him, instead I continued to speak. "What we need, is to create a situation where she'll be able to try and kill me. Or at least have a situation like it presented to us that we can control. Once we manipulate it, we give her the chance to try."

"She'll likely try to use someone else, but it'll give us a thread to pull. We need to put her in a situation where she can't deny she tried to kill me. Otherwise her family will likely pull something to have her taken to their province. Once there, she's out of our hands to touch."

Finally he'd speak, "So you want to put yourself in danger to trap her, isn't that risky?" Turning, he'd face me, though his hands had moved to wipe something from his face, and I wasn't going to question what it was, a man has his secrets. Instead I'd nod my head, "It's the only way to trap her. Besides, I won't put someone else at risk for the plan that's made."

Sighing out after that, I'd reach out, storing the dagger back into my inventory. "And right now, we need to find the situation that can trap her. At the moment Helmsford, we have no real way, and making it on the spot would probably just lead to disaster... Plus, we'll need Arnold here. He's the figure of authority for the whole of the Dukedom and it'll be useful to implicate him in whatever she does to me... As if she was going to kill him too." It was cold to do what I was thinking, to drag him in without him even knowing why, but... He's a slave owner, so what do I care.

Of course, Helmsford was surprised at my own thinking and would go silent for a moment before nodding his head. It looks like remarrying, while necessary did not earn Arnold any points with his father-in-law, heh. "That would make things difficult for the Smith family to intervene if it would appear as if she was going to kill Arnold as well. But that will make the plan all the more difficult, we can't bring him into this."

Ah, good man, he knows how to keep things secret! The fewer people that know, the better, and we can trust one another. Hell, I think I could control Helmsford more than I once thought when I showed him the inventory ability. Okay, back on track, "You're right, it'll be more difficult but for now... Let's just focus on finding the opportunity. Also, think you could get me more books? Not on healing or anything, stuff like cultivation arts." I know, pretty random, but this ability of mine... It's too powerful!

Looking at me curiously, he'd ask, "If you wish to store those, it may not be wise. Books on more advanced cultivation arts are quite expensive. I doubt I'd be able to afford them." Hearing that, I'd smile more. "No, I don't want to keep them, I actually gained a new ability while I was in the study. I can basically record all the books I store and read them later at my leisure, even when I don't have the book physically with me." Surprised now, he'd look at me with wide eyes, mouth opening and closing. I guess that was a kind of powerful ability, but that's just the tip of the iceberg... And this man was my grandfather.

With a grin I'd begin telling him the full length of my abilities, about my S rank skill, and what it means. It would take me a few hours, all of which I spent just walking around without tiring and explaining all the way. Of course, by the time it was over with, my grandfather left while murmuring something like "My grandson's successor is a monster..." I think I broke the elderly man, should see if there's any doctors with Xanax in this world, he could use a full bottle of it.