Salt Pool Reader X Holly___ (Reader)
_"When you look in the water you will see what you want, not what you are."_ Your ears perk when you hear the voice and then a gust of wind blows your fur to the side, flower petals swirling around you before drifting off into the night sky. When you...
Hero, Chapter 6 - And into the Frying Pan
Reya winced once or twice, but the salt water had already been seeping into the charred skin where it hurt the most and the bit extra that he was applying barely registered.
The Time of My Life Season 2: Chapter 2 -- Vacation Day
They splashed me with the rancid tasting salt water. i had an idea for revenge. i ducked underwater sucking some water in. i came up kissing daez and jake and spat salt water into their maws.
Unknown Worlds: NewVenture
By a healthy diet compose of salt water and fish! sometimes sharks. okay never mind me drinking the salt water. it just taste funny on its own. as for the fish, the water was warm so surely then there would be some fish swimming about.
Why Me?
Such as a fatal reaction to salt water, in many ways it acted like a acid. highly adaptable in many situations. fully telepathic. as well as accepting of other species.
Manaphy's Electricfying Meal! Timothy And Manaphy!
He could only smell and the scent he is sniffing now was like salt water, and gets stronger as he gets closer to manaphy's mouth. "ughh... what is this smell, salt water?" timothy said. "of course! that's my breath, silly!" she replied.
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 4
The satchels beneath it were still in the crate lashed in place and gave me a sliver of relief that my armor and blade had not taken a cold salt water dip.
Twisted Smiles
First a tick, then a tock with silent words it greats your ears a soothing voice, no others can hear lip and teeth for twisted smile the soft calm voice stays for a while so suddenly the voice is gone and once more all seems and feels so wrong salted
Happy Teeth
"does the mouses," she asked, her accent heavy, "wash with salt-water rinse? daily?" "uh ... " "one does not want the mouses to have gingivitis." a purring sound. more poking and prodding of the mouse's teeth. it hurt! a bit ... anyway.
The Coming of Spring
We discovered two things then, first that being in the salt water helped lower her fever and keep her temperature stable. secondly, it is possible she either was not born with her seal skin or the gods gifted her a way to join her people.
Ghost of the Western Cretaceous Sea
Mine eyes have seen the face of sweet salt water, and i live. its memory colors every joy i glean. life holds me from it. this i can't forgive. nay, sight is not enough.
Milk Egg
The milk near the actual eggshell is still mostly fluid, while the outermost layer is hardened, more so if in contact with salt water. within its matrix there are several bubbles, allowing heat to be preserved.