The Time of My Life Season 2: Chapter 2 -- Vacation Day
#3 of The Time of My Life Story Series Season 2
Second chapter of the second season.
The Time of My Life Season 2: Chapter 2 -- Vacation Day
(c) I own all characters.
P.S. I had to rewrite this story because my computer crashed, so if it doesnt sound good, im sorry. :/
2.1 -- Morning Preperation
Time: 4:45am Location: Darkflame Gameroom Date: 06/04/11 Sunday
We woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. Daez and I got out of bed, Daez going over to the couch and I went over to the coffee maker. I turned it on and started up the coffee. I heard Jake stirring as he said, "ugh, why do we have get up this early?" "We have to so we can get ready and leave for the vacation, duh." I said as I looked at the coffee brewing. The coffee timer dinged and Daez and Jake came over to the counter as I set out 3 mugs. I poured the coffee into the mugs. I got the cream and milk out and set them on the counter. Jake and Daez raced for the cream while I grabbed the milk. When we were done making our coffee, we delved them down quickly. I was done with mine first, so I went and turned on the shower. I turned on the disco lights and turned on the built-in MP3 player. I put three tracks on repeat and played them.
Playlist: (3 Songs) 1. Lips of An Angel by Hinder 2. Lost and Found by Tripping Daisy 3. You and Me by Attack! Attack!
Jake and Daez came walking in with all but their boxers off. I stripped myself and stepped in, them following shortly after. When we got our own showers to our temperature, we all sighed in relief as the water washed everything away. We were washing and dancing around in there for about 15 minutes, then we turned the water off. I stepped out and turned on the heated floors and heat fans. The hot air quickly consumed the room and we were dried of any excess water. We stepped out of the bathroom and to our closets to find our clothes. When we were done "customizing" ourselves, we turned off the power and walked out to our rental car. We turned on the car and I turned on the Wii to check it. It was powering up and I checked over everything. "Lets see, I got, 4 Wii-Motes, 4 Nunchuks, 20 Games, 2 uDraw Tablets, 3 SD Cards, and a 37" Flat-Screen to use when we are stopped. That should be just enough gaming equipiment." My parents walked out, greeting us as they talked with us.
My watch beeped at me, signaling our departure. We all said our goodbyes as we piled into the car. I drove out of the driveway waving to my parents goodbye. We drove out the neighborhood and to the grocery store to get some food and stuff. We pulled into the busy parking lot of the Kroger and quickly found a place to park. We walked in, each of us having a basket. We all spread throughout the store grabbing what we thought we needed. We all met up by the pharmacy and sorted our stuff out. Afterwards, we went to the registers and paid for our "supplies". We walked out of the store with about 1.5 carts full of random groceries. We stuffed it all into the car, and grabbed what we wanted and drove off to South Padre Island.
Chapter 2.2 -- Road Trip
About 2 Hours later....
We were driving on the road, gazing at the landscapes spread among us. We constanly talked and chatted about what we would do when we got there. We pulled over to a gas station and got out. We decided to have a little brunch and play the Wii a little bit. Jake walked in and got some more drinks and snacks, while Daez turned on the Wii. Something caught out of the corner of my eye, there was something on one side of the building. Being bored, I decided to check what was over there. I walked over there and saw a little pool, about 5 feet in depth, AT a gas station. I ran inside the store and asked an employee about it. They said you are allowed to swim in it, but you must use the outdoor shower first. I thanked her and walked over to where Jake was, he was looking at some candy.
Authors Note: These segments will have exchanging characters.
R= Radin////D= Daez////J= Jake.
R: Dude, there is a pool right outside, do you want to go for a swim??? J: A pool? That sounds a little wierd. Oh well, it is getting a little hot, a nice dip would do the trick. We got our candy and went out to Daez playing Tennis on the Wii. We joined in and started playing against each other. Me and Daez reigned superior over Jake. R: Hey Daez, do you want to go for a swim? D: Uhhh.... Where do you suppose we could do that??? R: Apparently, there is a pool on the other side of this building, I walked in, and they said we could use it. D: I guess we can, I am a little hot from the tennis playing. I locked up the car, and we went inside carrying our swimsuits with us. We came out of the bathroom changed in our swimwear and ran out to the pool. I turned on the "shower" on started washing myself off. When I was done, I stood aside as Jake and Daez washed each other. I stepped into the pool and shuddered at the temperature. The pool was very cold, but it felt great in the very warm weather. I stepped completely in the pool and sighed. Jake stepped in and splashed a little bit of water on me. Daez smacked his head and stepped in. We all sighed as the water cooled us off. We were in there for about 10 minutes until we realized we needed to start traveling again. We all stepped out, ran into the store and piled into the rest room. We all stepped out with our vacation clothes on and drove towards our destination.
Chapter 2.3 -- Ocean Arrival
3 hours later...
We drove up to the bridge that connected the mainland from the island and gazed at the massive sea spread through every direction we looked. We laughed as we could smell the sea salt emnating from the crystal waters. We drove along the seawall, looking at the busy beach and all the beauty of the ocean. We drove up to our hotel, it was a Holiday Inn Express with 8 floors. We pulled into the back of the parking lot and walked into the main office. I walked up to the desk and the personell gave me four cards and she called a bellhop. She told us to pull our car to the front so they can get the luggage. I ran out to my car and pulled it up. Daez unlatched the back door and helped the bellhop with the luggage. When we had it all loaded up, I pulled my car back to where we parked and walked back in. We got into an elevator and went up to the top floor. The bellhop guided us to our room which was the "Special Suite". We walked in and gazed at the massive room. It had everything!!! It had a kitchen, master suite, rooftop terrace, balcony, and 3 beds. The bellhop held out his hand and I gave him $30. He smiled and closed the door behind us. We walked all throughout our room, looking at every spectacular thing we could find. Daez ran into the walk-in shower, while I hooked up the Wii to the flat-screen, and Jake went out to the balcony. The Wii was hooked up and I decided to play on the homebrew channel. Jake walked in and sat on one of the beds asking, "What should we do?" Daez walked out saying: "You two should take showers, then we can go souvenier shopping." Me and Jake ended up taking a shower together. We washed each other off to save time.
15 minutes later...
We were all ready for the shopping. D: What store should we go to? R: There is a store a couple of blocks from here, and there is a store much further down the seawall, and it is HUGE. J: Can we sort our money out real quick? I want to see how much I can spend in one day. R: Sounds like an idea.
Budgeting Details: (8 Days)
Radin> Has $750, can spend up to $93.75 a day<
Daez> Has $810, can spend up to $101.25 a day<
Jake> Has $675, can spend up to $84.40 a day<
We drove over to the first store and parked our car. We walked up the steps and into the massive store.
Chapter 2.4 -- Shopping Spree
I ran towards the wakeboards, while Daez ran for the shirts and Jake went out on the store balcony to look at the ocean. I found a wakeboard, and was suprised at its huge size. It was up to my chest and had two fire dragons fighting each other on the board. I picked up the huge board and walked over to the register. The cashier rang it up at 55 dollars. I was suprised, because a sign said it was 115 dollars. I paid the cashier and walked out to the balcony where Jake was. His eyes widened at the sight of my board but turned back to the waves as they were crashing on the shore. R: Are you going to buy anything? They have some really good sales in there. J: I might buy a shirt or something. I don't know. R: If you dont like this store, we can go to that other one. It is on a really nice beach. J: I guess we could. I really just want to go to the beach though. R: We will go to the beach when we are done shopping. After the beach, I can maybe take you and Daez to a romantic dinner. Jake looked at me and hugged me. J: Sounds like a plan!! We walked back into the store to see Daez, who apparently bought a shirt. It was a bright Neon Green and said, "South Padre Island, Texas 2011!!!" in big blue letters. I told him about my plan and he agreed to it. We all walked out of the store and piled us and our stuff into the car. We started driving to the other busy store, when we saw another hotel above the ocean. It was called the Flagship Hotel, and it looked really abandoned. D: Radin? What happened there?? R: In 2008, it was hit by a hurricane. It used to be a popular hotel, on a 1000 foot pier. It closed that year, and has been sitting here ever since. D: Wow, I cant imagine how bad that hurricane was. We kept driving on the road until we spotted a tall shopping center. It was the other place, and we pulled into the parking lot and went in. We gazed at the massive size of the inside. All the walls were covered with surfboards from top to bottom. I was looking for something in particular, Jake and Daez scattered throughout the store. I finally found the stand I was looking for and waited at it. Jake and Daez asked me what I was waiting for as they walked up. R: a temporary tattoo station. Look at the sign above... They looked up and gasped... J & D: They last for 21 days?!?!? R: Yep, they always do. A dude behind the stand smiled at us and said, " Do you three want a tattoo??? They are only $25-$30 and they last for almost a month." I smiled and said to him, "set us up!!!" He smiled and led us back to a room in the back of the store. He turned on the lights on the room and we walked in. There were tattoo designs EVERYWHERE! "I have over 200 designs for you three to choose from. So choose your design and we can get started." Daez chose a tribal dragon to put on his arms. Jake chose a dragon head to put on his neck. I looked at the designs and gasped, the design on the wakeboard was one of them. It was a $45 "Special Tattoo" and only went on your back. The dude asked what I want and I selected the "Special" tattoo.
15 mins. later...
Daez cheered at us as he showed his tattoos. Jake got up on the table and got his started.
15 mins. later...
Jake showed us his tattoo and I got on the table, and let the tattooist do his work.
30 mins. later...
He was finally done with my tattoo and I stood up. R: Holy Crap!! It looks so freakin' real!!! Dude: Yep, that one is a special and lasts up to 40 days. It is also Water, Salt Water, Sweat, Sun, Sand, Heat, Cold, and Wear proofed. Which means it is a little indestructible. R: Wow, man. I never knew that they could make stuff like this. We paid the tattooist and I gave him a $30 tip. He smiled and waved us goodbye as we walked out of the store.
Chapter 2.5 -- Beach Walk
We walked out to our car and piled all our stuff in it and drove off. We drove back to our hotel, parking and then carrying our stuff as we did so. When we got up to our room, we changed ourselves into our swimsuits and I turned on the TV. It was already 94 degrees outside and it was not even noon! I shut off the TV and we all walked down to the beach. The shoreline was crowded with a lot of people, but we found a spot to be at. We all set our stuff down and ran towards the water. I tackled Jake and Daez into the water. They splashed me with the rancid tasting salt water. I had an idea for revenge. I ducked underwater sucking some water in. I came up kissing Daez and Jake and spat salt water into their maws. They gagged and Jake went running up to our spot while Daez and I wrestled in the water. He won by putting me in a chokehold, and I sighed and admitted defeat. He picked me up and carried me to our spot. He set me down on the towel and said, "Dude, that is the most disgusting thing ever!! Dont ever do that again!!" I grinned at him, while Daez ran off to get some smoothies. Jake watched over me, to make sure I wouldnt move anywhere. Daez came back holding three smoothies and a glass of water. Daez told me to stand up against the wall and I did, him throwing the cold water on me. It felt good, and Daez looked a little pissed from it. He handed us our smoothies and we started sipping on them. The Coconut and Pineapple flavour exploded in our mouths as we sucked them down.
Jake suprisingly finished first, even though we were not racing. I finished right after him and Daez finished right after me. When we decided to leave the beach, I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see a fire dragon running and hugging me. R: Who are you?? K: Dont you remember me? I smiled when I finally realized who he was. R: Kale?? Holy hell!! Its been a long time since ive seen you!! What are you doing here? K: Well I live here, and I wanted to come say hi AND tell you that there is a beach party tonight on the beach at 7pm. R: Beach Party? K: Yeah, the whole beach is rented off for a all-night long party. It is really big and we are having live musical performances by Tripping Daisy and Linkin Park. They even give out prizes like beach gear and a "Ultimate Video-Gaming Package!!!" R: What does the grand prize include? K: Here let me show you the form.
Details on package:
Systems: Wii(Red) 3DS (Black) XBox 360 (Slim) PS3 (Slim) PS2 Fat (Brand-New) (Blue) DSLite (Blue) PSP 3000 (Blue) PSP 2000 (Red) PSP 1000 (Black) PS Vita (Pre-Release Bundle) 1,000 Games valued from $20 -$65 Pandora Gaming System (Hand-Held Gaming System and Laptop All-In-One)
R: DAMN!!! Thats some prize. I cant imagine how happy the lucky person that wins it is goin' to be. You wanna come back with us to our hotel room? K: Sure, I dont have anything to do right now. We gathered our stuff and walked back up to our hotel room. I turned on the wii and got out 3 more controllers. I put in wii sports and we decided to play golf.
30 mins. later...
We finished the game and looked at our results.
Kale: 30/36 (6 Under Par) Daez: 33/36 (3 Under Par) Radin: 35/36 (1 Under Par) Jake: 42/36 (6 Over Par)
We went to the menu and we started playing a game of bowling...
20 minutes later...
We finished our game with these results:
Radin: 239 Jake: 234 Kale: 227 Daez: 220
I turned off the wii and we discussed what we were going to do next.