Our story begins at twilight, as night approaches over the kingdom of Avalon. In a high turret overlooking the castle and the town stretched out before it, King Morticai sat at his desk, staring out of the window at the distant shore, where a ship sat...
Fantasy, Mermaids, Original Characters, elves, original work
An original work, any use or reproduction without permission with the exceptions of quotes will be seen as hostile acts and result in no further work being posted.
Angel, Dark, Demon, Poem, Religion, Rhyme, lying
I did not intention to plagiarize these original works, therefore i give notice. this is merely a tribute to mac fleetwood.
Betrayal, Naked, Tree, landslide
I did not intention to plagiarize these original works, therefore i give notice. this is merely a tribute to mac fleetwood.
Betrayal, Sad
The title is currently a work in progress and might change by its end.
the original working title was
"tales of the white wolf: night of the wolf part 1 demon's arrival "
things that would become clear as the story progressed.
till things get edited and written
Story, Wolf, teaser
This work was originally published on ao3 as an original work inspired by beastars. the story has 68 chapters, which i will figure out how to upload.
living beings are intrinsically bound to instinct.
Angst, Drama, Mystery, Pigeon, Romance, Serval, Sheep, Suspense, Teen Romance, Thriller, Tiger, Tigress, caracal
basically, i kept adding and revising the story to where i figured i might as well make the jump and re-write it as a wholly original work, and one of the first things i did was
All ages, Backstory, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Fantasy map, General, Introduction, Map, SFW, World Map, safe, world building
This story is an original work created for the 2013 hallowe'en season. the setting, situations, and characters (in this context) are owned by the author.
Big Bad Wolf, Faerie tales, Hallowe'en, Halloween, Horror, Night, Nursery rhymes, Pig, Scary story, Short Story, Unknown, Wolf, attic, darkness, goose, lights, terror
#1 of den fathers
this was my original work i had done to a roleplay that me and a couple of my friends had done.
Death, Forest, Gay, Love, Lynx, No-Yiff, Puma, Snow, Story Progression, Story Series, Tiger, cold, pack, pride
The prologue of the work named "soul of fire", original work by myself. the story is nearly 300,000 words at this point, and i will be posting it in parts.
Unicorn, Unicorns
this story is an original work of fiction. any similarities or likenesses to any real people, places, events, or other works of fiction is completely unintended and is coincidence only. please enjoy.
Anthro, Equine, Fox, Future, Lizard, Meerkat, Otter, Panda, Rabbit, Wolf, Wolfox