A Jump To The Left

It was a hot day, on the heavy gravity of Earth, on Afghanistan. A place so very hot. Rather opressivly so. Ironic of course, considering that Liam was himself from what would be accuratly called a 'Desert World'. Ah, but Mars had a lower gravity and...

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Another Cold Day

I've been going hard-core for a while, jumping out of perfectly good dropships, and preforming orbital drops with an umbrella.

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Crash Course

High altitude-near orbital drop shock organism troop.

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Dreadnaught - Chapter 1 - First Impressions

Multirole fighters, light and heavy drop ships, orbital drop pods... they may not have been natural fighters, but damn could they build weaponry." ashdon bounced around from craft to craft, investigating everything he could possibly explore.

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Hard Landing

His eyes snapped open, and he sat straight up, feeling the effects of ha-nodsot (high altitude-near orbital drop shock organism troop).

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Feet First

Excited like a little boy on christmas eve, the officer took in admiral harper's following instructions with the biggest smile a unsc orbital drop shock trooper was capable of wearing.

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Chapter IX: Musings of a Fused Riftwalker, Part One

And finally they got to the orbital drop ship and threw him into the gunship. ingram twitched and tried to move as he struggled against the wall of the ship. he felt them as they floated upwards towards the floating continents above.

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Chapter VI: Split, Part Two

Rolling his eyes, the scientist turned away and checked the camera feed again, his interns started up the orbital drop ship and he wondered where the computer had selected to place the two. it was on terraona alpha, as he had selected from the computer.

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Chapter I: Rifts Inside of Us, Part One

The grand asher said as he took a look at the projected the pathway of basil and matthew's projected orbital drop.

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Knight Adrift

Squad primus' orbital drop pod slammed into the ground with enough force to crater a mountainside.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 20

Nevermind the coming orbital drops. he knew as well as anyone that the fleet might just not win their engagement.

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Chapter III: The Wall and the Cave

He and the king were easily able to steal an orbital drop ship. at that point they escaped down to a settlement near the border of the usc.

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