Tales of Unova, Mission: Martha
Someone appears in this story ;) The Tales of Unova takes place a few years after the Journies of Martha; so certain characters have grown up. "Hi kids! My name is Professor Juniper, and from this day forward, you will be sent out to the...
Spirit Bound: Historical Data
**Historical Characters, Contains Spoilers** \*\*This information contains MAJOR SPOILERS!! Please, do not read past this point if you have not read beyond Chapter 52. The entry of Yoishi Takahashi contains data from the story _The Love of Yoishi...
Ahltha 3rd 7708
Ahltha 3rd 7708 | _Zenthim patients sighted near Adawnte theater_ Around 19 NT last night, two alleged Zenithium Patients, one with black fur and another with silver, were sighted behind the Awdawnte theater rummaging through the waste bins. It has...
Quarrel (Spoilers)
Zenji is for a game and I really liked the way this scene turned out, so here's just a snippet (The scene is a bit of a wip and may change when the content is released). This is for a larger event involving Zenji, this is a requirement for something...
The Time of My Life Story Series Character Sheet 2
Character Sheet for upcoming characters: 1. Name: James Dihansen Species: Anthro Wolf Gender: Male Height: 6 feet 0 in. Weight: 192 lbs. Bio: James is a wolf that recently moved from New York and wants to live in a more rustic society. He...
Merry belated Christmas!
The cold breeze of Japan wafted over Jason's face as he walked through its bustling streets. With the day being Christmas Eve, several pokemon were rushing here and there on the Christmas rush shopping for whatever presents they were to give to their...
Helastar's Biography (Spoilers)
_"When love is gone and all is lost, how do you find the strength to continue? Right now your life is all pain, but you must push through. Push through, until you once again see the light." Helastar, Session 85C-2, B9L112-5K9-6493_ * * * Feliday...
Bonanza Bros' Story (SPOILERS)
Mike And Spike Are The Human Males That Are Clumsy Theives , They Are The Only Boys Who Can Find Out Stealing , But One Day , They Steal A Machine Which They Ended Up In Alternate Universes , Their Body Turn Metal Like And Their Hands Became Crane Like...
Paper Pat's Story (SPOILERS)
Hi , I'm **Patrica** , I'm 8 Years Old , I Lived In The **Orphange** In **California** Since M, I Went Out And Take A **Job** , I Felt Like I'm The **Best News Girl** , But When I First Met **Robo** And **Mobo** (_The Bonanza Bros_) I've **Became...
Something About a Time Alone
Something About a Time Alone If there ever was something you could count on for the neighbourhoods on the eastern ends of Long Island, on both the North Fork, and the South Fork, and the coastal neighborhoods on the Massachusetts coast, obviously...
The Buccaneer's Bay (anthology excerpt)
All a family needed to do in order to come here was go down a road five miles south of Gladwin, over a small bridge and to this open area. Large cracks zig-zagged the abused blacktop, most of it covered in accumulated grass, all of it in front of a...