baby dragon
once upon a time a mother was expecting a baby dragon she was sitting in bed when suddenly she felt her water break she yells the babies coming to her husband who came running in with towels that he placed under and over her while calling the midwife...
Battle of the Brothers
"mommy loves her little boy." his mom cooed as she kissed him. she stood over him expectedly. "say, 'connor loves his mommy'." she whispered as if she was giving an actor his line. connor mumbled the response and then his dad stepped up.
TItle in Progress ~ Prologue
"goodbye my son....mommy loves you....and always will..." with her final goodbye, the women ran off into the rain. the farther she ran away from her son, the more her heart broke. but deep inside she knew it was the only choice.
Do you remember?
Does a mothers love stop on a certain birthday? when was the last time, do you remember? because i do.. i was six years old, i wrote a poem and you printed it out, you framed it and even took it to work and showed it off.. you made a big fuss over it.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 75
Or maybe it was the mountain they were looking at, looming over them all like the 'god' mother loved so much. banno's eye scanned the sheer cliff faces, but it was impossible to see anything.
Inari, Chapter 8: Legacy
Your mother loved misty too much, and wanted to stand by her. she didn't want someone, like kasukana, to hurt her. and my mother had no choice, with me being born." the half-sister looked at the twins, eyeing them up and down.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 76
Or maybe it was the mountain they were looking at, looming over them all like the 'god' mother loved so much. banno's eye scanned the sheer cliff faces, but it was impossible to see anything.
Eyes of stone : Chapter 1
Thanks for coming to pick us up mom... love you too..." troy snickered at the comment. "what? not allowed to say i love my mom anymore?" adam sighed. "not my fault, i find it kinda funny." "this has typical you written all over it..."
A Furry World - Part 5 Families Old and New
Afterwards there was a long and tiring discussion and explanation about how my mother loved to control others lives and soon i raised my hands and pleaded that i needed sleep for work tomorrow.
Be Careful What You Wish For As It Can Come True chapter one
love can pass unless the child is afraid of his mom.
Believe - Chapter 1: The Moon
She knew that her mother loved her and maybe even her father. but even when her mother told her that she was fine the way she was, imya felt that both her parents were not pleased with her.
Pure Love pt1
She said with a nice smile showing her shiny teeth mom loves to show them off. "so where did find this?" he said with distaste. "dad he isn't like the last one." i said with anger.