The Lagos Magician

The Lagos Magician By CalexTheNeko Cris ran as fast his golden furred rabbit feet could carry him as he saw the massive beast that had appeared. It let out a roar, and fired sharp spines from its back. Cris quickly jumped between spines...

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:8 Bowser`s favorite moment

"(sings) so you wanna play with magic? boy you should know what you`re fighing for. baby do you dare to do this? cus' i`m commin' at you like a dark horse.."jewelia sings. the main verse end, and bowser tarts singing. "she`s a beast. i call her carma.

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Phoenix Tears

"time for a lesson in magic, boy." he said calmly. he was toying with us, this much was obvious, and neither of us liked that idea much.

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 1 Part 1

"use your magic boy! bodyguards need to see the limits of whomever it is they're guarding before a job. that's what all this melodrama is about and it will end once you do so! " darkrai orders as he himself tries to get up.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch1 - An icy journey

"hey there magic boy, bet you could use some grub as well" came a voice suddenly tecwyn looked over and saw the owner of the voice, a widely grinning fennec that had seated himself next to him while he was lost in thought.

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Children of the American Dream

_ he asks with a sigh, his thoughts on full display to her of his attraction to the exotic 'magical' males he's met recently who he was ashamed of, as well as a couple of images of the girls, including herself, muddled in which he feels he should try and focus

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Primrose Valley: The World of the Forest Boy

Arzure has been trying to convince his classmates for awhile now about the magic boy in the forest but no one believes him.

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