Lion heart
#2 of pokemon story lion heart (had this one revised ahead of time. enjoy :) ) walking through route 32, leo could already see signs of max and his group walking down this path and knew he was headed in the right direction.
The Other Dragon World Epilogue
Whether it is far eye or lion heart that will become the next leader, i don't know. it's up on the tribe's favorite. until then...i wish his spirit will be with his mother by the stars." "i hope so," said spyro. "say, ellora is not around.
Partners in Crime - Rebellion (1)
Lyther waved at her as she left, smiling in return the walk back to lion's heart wasn't a long one, but it definitely took some time.
Heart of the Lion
This one about my primary fursona reno blazefire the lioness. heart of the lion * * * have you ever wanted to be someone else? something else? have you ever longed to break free of whatever chains are holding you back? better. stronger.
Uncertainty and Doubt
But that ambition, that willingness to go beyond his calling in life awakened a nameless fear in the lion's heart, a fear which he had suppressed for the longest time. 'what if the golem becomes too powerful for me to control?
A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: Chapter 1
The lion's heart sank and his tail went limp (his tail was always a clear indicator of his emotions) well come back for at least one more week you never know, this week might have just been a bad week.
Xvmon's Gut Punching Beat Down
His fist stretches in deeply through leomon's upper abs, pushing to his ribcage, chest cavity, threatening to impact the lion's heart. xvmon swiftly pulls out, allowing the beast to retch copious amounts of drool.
Found at the Yard Sale (Diapers)
When he noticed the wet spot, the lion's heart skipped a beat. he immediately knew what happened to tyler. "oh, i -- i can clean that up. it's not a big deal," michael insisted.
Flight of the Fallen Angel
Only twice had he managed to say something to extinguish that light, and both times it had broken his lion heart.
Z-Hero Compilation 1
[b]jimmy:[/b] ...lion heart?
[b]kai:[/b] \
Family Treasures
The warmth of the laughter took some of the chill from the lion's heart, and he was able to look at the boxes with something more like gratitude than regret.
Indigo Nights- Chapter 13: Mr.Kuiper
Phoenix glances at indigo, who looks everywhere but back into his eyes, sensing the pain in the large lion's heart. "tied." "i get a vote too," phoenix says, "and i choose to stay." "that's not fair!"