3:27 Silencing the Voices

"your life, like much in the invisible war, was stolen from you. you were forced to become a razor, an instrument of war that can't think or feel. they took from you what they could, leaving you only your mind as a place of solace.

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1:10 A Dance With The Devil

That was the start of the invisible war." alias pulled out his pistol and unloaded the magazine. opening the center console, he pulled out a box of nine-millimeter hollow tips and began to reload. "your father," he continued, "is a major player.

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1:14 Conference #1

"of course, others know this as well, which is how the invisible war started. i've been lucky enough to have secured palamont for some time now. every other faction gets the leftovers, the second best, that i disregard.

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1:6 Freak

That was the dream alias lived by, that someday he wouldn't have to work for people like hets and the invisible war would be just a bad memory. but it would be difficult. alias looked down and pulled out a pistol from its holster.

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1:2 Weakness

And there's a big fucking difference when they have an active roll in the invisible war, and when they live ordinary lives!" "it's what we do, how we fight this thing." atir defended himself. alias chuckled cynically and shook his head.

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1:16 A Harsh Reality

"i'm going for someone who carries a little more weight in the underground, and the invisible war...no offense." jenna scoffed at the fact that alias would think she would actually be insulted by the previous comment. "oh, none taken."

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1:32 Worlds Apart

Alias always said that the invisible war could never be won, only survived, which was what he planned to do. before, he was simply the mercenary, with little care to anyone else. but now, more than his own life was in his paws.

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1:24 Eye For An Eye

Because right now hets is holding someone who has nothing to do with the invisible war. the same thing will happen to her if you don't do something. you can stop all of this." "if she's important to you, why shouldn't i just let her die?"

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1:1 Collateral Damage

But in this war, the invisible war, it was how the battles were fought. not in actual combat, but in gorilla warfare.

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2:5 Embassies of The Underground

The invisible war, and all. god knows i've seen what people here are capable of, even though i'm a..." jenna paused for a second, looking perplexed. "shit, what did abby call me? a milk jug?"

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1:23 Heart Of The Beholder

He always had the mercenary life, the invisible war made that possible. but he wasn't sure that's what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. granted, it was everything he knew, but then again maybe he could work on that problem.

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2:20 Worth Fighting For

Maybe the gloss was finally smeared away enough for a glimpse of the disgusting nature of life in the invisible war. "i know you think that what i did was monstrous, that i'm no better than the people who did stuff like that to you and mick."

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