1:23 Heart Of The Beholder

Story by Jack Flash on SoFurry

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#23 of The Underground: The Mercenary

The Mercenary is the first arc of The Underground series

Chapter 23 of 32

Heart Of The Beholder

The sun shone over the horizon bringing light to the world one last time. The red sky in the later evening gave him a sense of ease. However, it was only a deception, for the dangers they faced were still present. They had merely escaped them temporarily. But it was a beautiful lie, and one that Alias didn't mind believing, even if only for a moment. The reds and oranges blended into the yellows and whites. Alias liked to watch the sunset; it helped him cope with the fact that it might be the last time he saw the light of day.

Alias didn't remember everything about last night. He had been so tired and so out of it; he had entered a state of near delirium. The pain in his back wasn't as intense as last night; Alias guessed he had Jenna to thank; however he didn't plan on saying it. He wasn't sure how to react when he awoke that next morning, only having slept a few hours. It's not that he was disturbed by the fact he woke with Jenna sleeping next to him, but it was just different; strange. As he lay there he couldn't help but to wonder why she was so willing to be near him, when most feared him. He watched her sleep for a little while. Her eyes twitched, showing signs of the REM stage of sleep. Everyone once in awhile she would grimace and almost say something; dreaming.

Alias wondered what Jenna dreamt. Was it of her loved ones, past memories, or maybe just random nonsense? It was a sign of one more thing Alias missed out on. His sleeps were dark and black for the most part. After all he had seen, it was a relief not to dream. It just gave Alias a bit of a shock when he opened his eyes to find someone there next to him, for he could only remember waking up alone.

And the plan from here?

That was an interesting question, without an interesting answer. Alias was sure Jenna had a family he could return her to, just a question of when it would be safest for all of them. Who knows? Maybe a little reward money would be in store for him. With that, and everything else, he could slip away. The Mercenary would never be heard from again. Hets may let Jenna go without too much fuss, but Hets was sure not to forget about Alias. Alias had brought this on himself. For better or worse, it was his choice to make. Call it chivalry, call it noble, call it honorable, call it pathetic; it was Alias's choice and deep down, beyond his doubts and worries, he knew he had made the right choice. They had stayed in the motel the entire day. Alias felt it better to let things cool down before venturing back into the streets of Palamont. Besides, Jenna needed the sleep. Not that he himself couldn't, but Alias felt restless. Plagued with worry about being tracked down again, it was hard to just sleep.

His mind returned to one of Jenna's questions that he actually remembered. Why her? It went a little deeper than the 'I don't know' response he had given last night. It was true enough to say the least. Of all the people Alias could have saved throughout his years of service, why Jenna? It could have been anyone, anywhere. Had it been anyone else, Alias wasn't sure he would have done what he did. The feeling of camaraderie he felt toward her registered within him. This was someone who had held a cloth to his wound, and had an actual conversation with him. Not telling him what to do, or where his money would be left. Just talking, hearing her talk, as Alias didn't have much to say, was soothing; like a massage to ones forehead to calm a splitting head ache. There was still a question that lingered in his head and burned through his subconscious. Leaning his head back, Alias sighed and took in the evening air. Maybe he needed the sleep more than he noticed.

Walking back into their room, Alias found Jenna slipping her shoes back on. Nodding to himself, Alias realized it was time.

"After stripping what I could from the SUV, we come to a grand total of four magazines for three pistols, two combat knives, and one broken GPS." Alias said aloud, looking at his loot, which was scattered across the bed. These items were now his only personal property, excluding the clothes he wore, the Blackwell, and the chrome watch around his wrist. Everything else of his had met its fate in the fire.

"You have a plan?" Jenna replied across the bed.

"Well," Alias replied pensively, "I was hoping you could help me out in that area."

Jenna was taken aback. "Me?"

Alias nodded. "I said I'd get you home, didn't I?" He replied, picking up one of the pistols. "Tell me where home is."

"I live at Ithaca Tower, but I wouldn't consider it a home." Jenna muttered. "My parents work for-"

"Stop!" Alias raised his paw to silence her quickly. "I don't want to know." Alias said, not bitterly, however, he truly did not want that information disclosed to him. Truthfully, the less he knew about Jenna the safer she was. If Hets's men ever picked him up, the more he knew the greater a chance he could lead them back to her. He hadn't silenced Jenna to be callous; it was for her own good. Alias already felt foolish for allowing this much interaction. "Trust me," Alias followed up, "it's better if I didn't."

Alias cocked one of the Berettas. The metallic ping of the bullet entering the chamber sliced through the air. Alias caught a glimpse of Jenna flinching.

"You know you do that every time I load this thing." Alias commented, making sure his safety was on.

"I don't like guns." Jenna replied simplistically.

Alias scowled. "Don't like them?" He asked, a bit confused.

Jenna nodded. "They make me uncomfortable." She explained. "I mean all they're used for is to create death." She shook her head. "Pure form of evil by nature."

Alias looked down at the shiny, polished, flat black machine. "Evil by nature? What the hell does that mean?"

"Oh come on, Alias. It has one purpose. To kill!" Jenna replied. "What else does it do, besides take life away, especially from good people?"

Alias got very quite at this comment. His demeanor calmed to a placid coolness as he looked down upon his long-term friend in his paw. "Jenna," Alias spoke very slow and calm, "you can't give an inanimate object nature." He said, moving the gun over in his paws. "A gun is simply a tool, nothing more, nothing less. No different than a pencil or a shovel. Its user decides how its action is preformed, and its the evil within them is expressed when it is used for ill intent. You claim that it takes good people's lives away. Is that what you see when you look at these?" Indicating to the pistols. Alias placed the pistol gingerly down on the bed. "What about the people saved using these?" He asked her point blank. "We would not be here, right now, had I not been able to use these. I have escorted families from enemies using these two guns, which they made possible. You see, a firearm gives the common man the most basic and supreme right. The right to defend himself in the face of an attack. It's something you have to treat with care, respect, and honor."

"This coming from an assassin who-"

"No, Jenna." Alias interrupted. "Common sense confirms it, history proves it, and anyone can grasp it. You see it every day in the paper. Ask a mother how evil a gun is when she was able to protect her cubs from an assailant who broke into her house. I've killed people. Me; I did it. I don't make excuses for what I've done and I sure as hell don't try to pin my actions on something that doesn't think or feel."

Jenna remained quite after this. Either she ran out of argument room, or she just didn't wish to discuss it further.

Grabbing the pistol he took from the horse by the barrel, he offered it to Jenna. "You should really learn how to use one of these."

"No, thanks." She replied, shaking her head.

Alias nodded. "Fine, the at least carry this." He grabbed a knife and spun it around in his paw so the handle faced her. "It could save your life."

Jenna looked down at the blade, hesitated for a moment, then accepted.

"You're passionate about that aren't you?" She asked, the criticism drained from her voice.

"Yeah," Alias nodded, "always have been. Given, I don't have the most admiral trade of all time, but I've seen enough to know where true evil spawns from. We're all defined by our actions. Which means that righteousness and evil lives within your heart, not a combination of metal and plastic. People just want to point the blame when they don't want to blame themselves."

"Well I trust you, and respect you." Jenna replied. "I guess that has to count for something."

Alias laughed a little. "You've only known me for a little over twenty-four hours. What did I do to deserve such an honor? I figured I'd be shady as hell."

A smile broke across Jenna's muzzle. "Oh you're still shady." She confirmed. "But not the bad kind of shady."

"Wasn't aware there was another kind of shady." Alias said as he picked up the useful items, and disposed of the GPS in the trash. "Maybe you're just too trusting."

"Nah," She said looking over her shoulder as she opened the door to the motel room, "I think I'm a pretty good judge of character."

Alias nodded at this as he walked out the door and made his way down to the commandeered SUV; the lift gate's glass broken from last night. Turning onto the highway, Alias realized that for the first time ever he was venturing out into the unknown without a plan for himself. Not only that, but he was okay with it. At this point there really wasn't much of a choice but to start again. Everything he owned was on him; all the rest was destroyed in the fire. However, they were simply objects that he could easily get more of. Weaving in and out of traffic, he thought about his future. He always had the mercenary life, the Invisible War made that possible. But he wasn't sure that's what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Granted, it was everything he knew, but then again maybe he could work on that problem. Merging left into a turn lane, Alias figured he had enough time to figure that out. He had learned how to disappear in a crowd; now he was going to disappear entirely.

Eventually, Alias pulled into a parking spot parallel to a large apartment complex, Ithaca Tower. Alias leaned forward, looking at the tall skyscraper, reserved for the super rich. The sun was setting, which reflected off the plate glass windows of the structure.

"Impressive." Alias said, in his usual low tone. "You must live like a queen."

Jenna let out a sarcastic laugh. "If I'm a queen, that must be the tower I get trapped in." Jenna turned to him. "So, this is it then?" She asked solemnly, ears lowered.

Alias slowly nodded. "Looks like it."

"What are you going to do now?" She asked, her voice going soft like it had been last night.

"I don't really know." Alias replied shaking his head. "I'll figure out something, I always do."

Jenna dropped her head slightly, like she had just lost something that was dear to her. "I'm never going to see you again, am I?"

Alias shook his had again. "No." He told her. "After your father threatens to go public with this, Hets is sure to back off."

Jenna nodded. "Kind of sucks we had to meet because you wanted to use me to save yourself."

Alias awkwardly ran his paw through his hair. "Jenna, I'm-"

"I know," Jenna silenced him, "your eyes apologize for you." She told him, looking over at him with forgiving eyes. "I choose to remember how you saved my life, more than once."

Alias sat there, humbled by her words and forgiveness. He felt he should say something back to her. He felt like their conversation was unfinished and needed something, but Alias didn't know what.

Before he could react, Jenna leaned across the center consol. Alias wasn't ready for what came next. Jenna's lips landed gently on his cheek, kissing him. "I owe you everything." She whispered to him, then grabbed the door handle and exited the car.

Alias watched as she crossed the road to Ithaca Tower, befuddled by what had just transpired. Of all the things Alias thought she could do, this was something he couldn't figure out how to interpret. Scowling, he couldn't make sense of this feeling, which was genuinely bizarre. It was a sense of comfort, and at the same time loss all mashed into one. His paw subconsciously wandered to where she had kissed him.

He looked over at Jenna who was across the street and walking up the stairs to the tower.

Then something caught his eye.

There was a hyena coming down the stairs at the same time. Normally, this wouldn't seem odd, but there was another hyena coming up the stairs behind Jenna. Then there was another one walking over from the left-

Oh shit!

Alias nearly ripped the door off its hinges and reached for his pistol.

A loud honk came from his left as a speeding car almost flattened him. Alias quickly dodged the car then began to run across the busy street.

Alias was already too late, as the hyena pack closed in on Jenna and ambushed her. The vixen pulled out her concealed combat knife, holding it up in front of her in defense. Even in the street, Alias could hear the hyenas laughing. Jenna took a stab at them, but they were much more skilled in combat than she was. They easily overpowered her and tore the knife away, and then one brought a stun gun down on her neck, sending Jenna to the ground.

Alias stopped and took aim, holding one of the hyena's in his sites. He began to squeeze the trigger bringing the hammer-

Felt as if a wrecking ball had just slammed into him as his head and body bounced off the metallic chassis. He went flying down the asphalt, rolling into a ball of pain and sending his gun flying across the road. Alias looked up to see a rusty green cargo van in the spot where he had been standing; a hyena in the driver's seat.

The hyena driving the van stepped out, Uzi in one hand.

Alias clawed at the ground as he heard the gun being cocked, and forced his broken body in between two parked cars. The hyena opened fire on Alias, who took refuge on the opposite side. Explosions from the gun and the shattering glass was all that Alias could hear. Peaking over, he saw the sliding door to the van open and a blue object being thrown in the back.

The driver fired off a few more rounds, then got back in the green van and slammed on the gas.

As soon as they drove by, Alias popped up. His heart was racing and he felt the feeling of panic setting in. It was Hets, Alias was sure of it. Hobbling across the street, Alias climbed into the SUV and threw it into gear.

Alias pulled a U-turn in the middle of the street, sending oncoming traffic in both lanes into chaos. Alias floored the accelerator, catching up the van. He then reached down and grabbed his secondary pistol, ready for the bastards. He then pushed the accelerator down, speeding up the SUV and slammed into the rear bumper of the van. Metal and plastic crunched together as the whole car lurched forward then backward. The van swerved and shook, not ready for Alias's attack. Alias then sped up again and slammed the SUV into the back of the van.

Getting ready for a third ramming, the back doors on the van swung open. Alias's heart stopped with the sight he was met with. A hyena sat with a mounted fifty-caliber machine gun in the back. The fox ducked, arms shielding his head and leaning down next to the center console as it sounded like there were micro explosions all around him. Glass exploded, falling down on him. The bullets tore through the engine block, and ripped apart many components of the engine. Then there was a small explosion as a tire was blown causing the wheels to jerk, sending the SUV to the right. It caught the side of a parked car and sent the SUV over on its side, sliding to a stop in the middle of the street, the only sound was the van speeding away down the street, Jenna inside.

Alias lay there for moment, gathering himself. Glass was everywhere, the car was on its side, and he had just lost Jenna. Painfully, Alias pulled himself up and reached under the passenger's seat, and pulled out the Blackwell from its hiding place. Getting out of the SUV was a more difficult challenge, but Alias limped his way to the back where he exited though the lift gate.

The Mercenary dropped to the ground, and moved his paws to a cut above his left eye. Taking a deep breath, he gripped the shard of glass that buried itself in the wound, and then jerked. Alias grunted as the foreign object was forcible removed, the dropped the bloody shard to the ground.

Looking around, the realized he traffic had stopped in both lanes and people were starting to gather around. Gathering the Blackwell, Alias painfully ran away, which was more like a limp at this point. He scurried down an alley where he took refuge next to a dumpster. Sitting down, he examined his right arm. It didn't seem to be broken, but the bone was probably bruised, as it seemed he still had full mobility, even though painful.

He felt a vibration in his pocket; his good paw pulled out his cell phone. It was badly damaged; the LCD screen was broken and the liquid crystal was so messed up he couldn't read his caller ID to see who it was, but Alias had a good idea.

"You dirty son of a bitch." Alias gasped, exasperated as he flipped open the phone. "You motherfucker. I will personally break your neck. You hear me you fuck? I'll fucking break you're neck with my bare paws..."

"Yeah, it's good to hear from you too, pal..."

Alias's ears pricked up. "Mick?" He asked confused.

"Um...yeah." A confused Mick replied. "What's wrong with you? You sound like hell."

"They got her, Mick." Was all Alias could muster.

"Who got her? Jenna?" Mick asked concerned. "They got Jenna?"

"Please tell me you got what I need." Alias asked, almost inaudibly.

"Yeah, I've got it." Mick replied. "Where are you? I'll come get you and we'll figure this out."

"No!" Alias barked. "Those bastards have been following me. I was so fucking stupid. They followed me and now they have her. You find me and they'll know you're helping me, and they'll kill you. Upload it to the server."

"I can help you Alias!" Mick insisted.

Alias shook his head, even though he knew Mick couldn't see him. "Upload it, I can move quicker that way."

"Alright, it's done." Mick replied quietly. "What are you going to do, Alias?"

Alias looked down both ways of the alley. He could hear the sound of emergency vehicles coming his way. "Same plan: kill the bad guys, get away with the girl." He took a deep breath. "And Mick?"


Alias pushed his back against the wall, forcing himself on his feet. "I'm sorry I won't be able to pay you back, because this will be the last time we speak." He paused for a second. "Thanks for everything."

Alias let his arm fall from his head where he held the phone, then snapped it shut, ending the call. He had his ammunition now. He would take Hets down, or die trying.

Regardless, he would find Jenna. This had just turned personal.