The biggest misstake

I think we have all had one, something you fee you regret for the rest of your life.I think I had mine, I said good bye to someone I love, I love him more then I do my self 90% of the time. His name is V online or Vergenne, hes the love of my life and...

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How i became who i am, a Furry.

But i made a huge mistake, i told her what i was and she left me, and she told everyone. my life was ruined. not long ago, i found a website named, the experiance project, i thought it would be fun! i thought there would be others like me...

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Stay Away by RDC

And then you will know you made a huge mistake... oh... you will be sentenced to the death of your soul, all the way through the layers of hell your punishment will never end and you will become the dark strides of life....

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a romance in the countryside: chapter 4

Whoever else has said that they didn't love you was making a huge mistake. i've only known you for a few days, but i've gotten to know you and let me say: you are a smart, funny, beautiful and just a downright amazing person.

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D.E1 Part III Prologue

"i made a huge mistake..." "you did your job." "no!" she barked at her partner. "i should've left him there. now we might pay the price. you know what they will say." "it is inefficient to keep a useless one; i know." the male said.

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Steering One's Future CH1

Was she doing a huge mistake? her form sidestepped to the side and ears flopped back, she gazed towards the first rays of sun poking through the branches above.

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DreamLand Part 2

As his head hit his pillow kren instantly knew he had made a huge mistake, however the sweet embrace of sleep was to strong to resist and he couldn't command his body to get up.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 50

You are making a huge mistake! if you stand down, if you let me do what i need to do, what everyone needs me to do, i can give you your revenge! don't you want that? don't you want to get back at the foxes who did this to you?"

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Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 9

My thoughts were interrupted when two guards came in with a huge bengal tiger, "this is a huge mistake, i shouldn't be here."

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 51

You are making a huge mistake! if you stand down, if you let me do what i need to do, what everyone needs me to do, i can give you your revenge! don't you want that? don't you want to get back at the foxes who did this to you?"

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Painful Solitude

And that in itself, could have been a huge mistake, had he not sworn marcus to secrecy. oh, yeah, and his friend from school, evan, who also happened to be his tutor. ......okay, so maybe everyone knew but zane and kayla. maybe.

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Zootopia: Full Of Cotton Wool

But of course, they had made a huge mistake, hence, were fleeing. the others were heading a different direction, but having carried two bags each, tai shan and the bear had been pursued by four cops. they'd lost two, they thought.

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