Zootopia: Full Of Cotton Wool

Story by Elzy on SoFurry

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One of my own ideas, this time, letting poor hapless Nick Wilde get transformed into a life sized plush via the power of an excuse plot!

Also I didn't call the show mentioned Game of Furrones as that's kinda silly isn't it.

Honyurui is what google translate claims is Japanese for Mammal.

The suspects, a Brown Bear and a Panda, fled from the half-dozen ZPD officers chasing them. The portly Panda lagging somewhat behind

"Oh sure, Tai Shan, the alarm is totally off, there's no cops gonna come when we rob the place! Where did you learn to hack?" The Brown Bear fumed at her partner.

"It was an app! It should have worked!"

The pair had just raided a chemical storehouse, along with two others, after a number of substances. But of course, they had made a huge mistake, hence, were fleeing. The others were heading a different direction, but having carried two bags each, Tai Shan and the Bear had been pursued by four cops. They'd lost two, they thought.

"I'll app you, you fuzzy - Tai Shan!" The bear cried out as her slower partner was tackled by a blue and grey blur.

"Agh! Bella, go!" The Panda yelled, somehow being pinned down by a Rabbit.

"Nick, after her!" The Rabbit ordered as Bella fled down an alleyway with her half of the haul.

A few moments later, the Bear was trapped, in a dead end.

"Alright, stop there, there's no route out," the Fox cop warned dart gun aimed.

"Except through you," Bella growled.

"Yeah, no, you look smart, you don't want to try that with more cops coming," Nick warned.

Bella reached for her bag.

"Hey, don't try it."

"You sure those little tranqs can drop a bear in time?"

"They can drop an Elephant, I know, I've arrested one before" The Fox said back.

Whipping out a small dartgun of her own, she quickly fired, but Nick also shot. However, she had tried to dodge, meaning his shot only grazed her rather than delivering a full dose. He, however, took the dart right in the paw.

"Ow! Well, good luck now, that's assault on an officer, use of an illegal tranquilliser gun too," Nick grumbled, feeling his paw going numb.

"Oh, it's not a tranq. You can just get stuffed, copper," Bella smirked, feeling a little woozy from her partial dose, just as a wolf and polar bear officer rounded the corner.

"Hopps and McHorn are getting the other one in the wagon, you good?" Wolfard asked.

"Uh, not so much," Nick waved his numb paw with dart up.

"Crap, call it in, we need a medic," Snarlov said, moving to cuff the now half-collapsed bear.

"What was in that dart, ma'am?"

"Tell ya when I'm awake and my lawyer is there," She giggled.

"...Ah scat, it's Teddy, call in a code 10-99, officer in need of medical assistance, say an officer's been injected with Teddy resin, 100% undiluted," Snarlov groaned as he inspected the dart gun the Brown Bear had dropped.

"Wait... What the heck is Teddy?" Nick wondered with alarm, looking very closely at his hand, as Wolfard called it in.

"Don't freak out or anything, it's not gonna kill you, but, uh... you're gonna be a bit cuddly for the next few days."

"Oh, great, dosed by a sex drug, hooray(!)" Nick sighed.

"It's not a sex drug. It's, well... it turns you into a plushie."

"...What?" Wilde and Wolfard both said, just as Judy neared.

"...Nick, you've got a dart in your hand! What happened?"

The fox poked his wounded paw, alarmed to find it was very soft.

"...Well, I'm completely terrified and apparently my body's turning into stuffing," He said.

"Paramedics will be here in a minute. But they say all we can do is wait," Wolfard reported, then blinked.

"Dial this back, you said plushie, like, toy? He's gonna get all stiff or something?"

"Wait... Teddy resin?! Oh crap, Nick!" Judy gasped.

"Look, can you all stop freaking out and actually explain why my damn paw feels like a stuffed toy?!" Nick said, squeezing his affected paw.

"Because it is. Your insides are turning into something like stuffing. But it's temporary!" Judy reassured.

"So why is everyone so antsy?"

"Because it'll last at least forty-eight hours, and the antidote is a worse idea," Snarlov said.

"Wait... How is that even possible, how can a mammal's insides turn into stuffing and not make them dead?"

"It's a sort of paralysis and congealant thing, places cells into some kind of hibernation state if administered intravenously. I don't know the inner works, it's more a bear thing to use it like this recreationally, we Rabbits just smoke it," Judy said.

The three officers looked at her.

"...What? It's legal, even in Bunnyburrow. We smoke the actual leaf, just makes you feel all fuzzy for a bit."

"Judy, I'm shocked," Nick smirked, despite the strange feeling having now reached his shoulder.

"Not as shocked as you will be in a second, officer, because I need you to take your clothes off," a Paramedic said as she neared, a giraffe.


"Because your fur may fuse with your polyester uniform shirt and pants if you don't - cotton is fine, there's sweatpants and a shirt back in the ambulance you can put on. Or I can give you an antidote but I strongly recommend against that."

"...What's so bad about the antidote?" Nick replied.

"Your fur falls out entirely in eight out of ten cases. If you'd rather have some privacy you should be able to follow me to the ambulance, you'll have a few minutes until it hits your heart, at which point, it is gonna speed up," the Paramedic warned.

Sighing, with one arm totally numb, Nick followed.

"Uh, Wolfard, do me a solid and maybe give me an assist, kinda don't think one handed stripping is gonna be easy."


In the back of the ambulance he had changed, fortunately his boxers were cotton and therefore safe, but he was now simply lying back waiting.

"So, uh, what happens here?" He asked. Judy and another Paramedic, an otter, were now with him

"Well, like my colleague said, it speeds up as it hits your heart. After that it'll be about a minute. Try to keep your eyes open, because, well, you're still gonna be aware."

Nick's eyes widened.

"Wait, I'm gonna be paralysed and awake on a hospital bed for like two days minimum?!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure your partner can come visit. And they'll prop you up facing the tv I guess," the Otter shrugged.

"...At least tell me the hospital has cable so I don't miss the new season of A Song of Ice and Furstarting," Nick pleaded, then gasped.

"Nick? You okay?" Judy placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling it softer than it should be.

"...Think it just reached my heart. Hey, bright side while I'm awake, you can't get away with dragging me off into your pile of stuffed toys on your bed," He joked.

"I told you those were just because some of my nieces and nephews were visiting!"

"And I told you I didn't believe you!"

"Actually, officers, someone giving you the occasional, uh, cuddle may be helpful, it's meant to release endorphins. Probably helpful given, well, kinda stressful?"

"I'll schedule some group hugs then, huh, Nick?" Judy smiled.

"S-sure... thanks, Carrots," he said, then the process truly got underway.

His chest tightened up and then felt fuzzy and loose, his other arm grew numb, his jaw locked, and he fought to keep his eyelids open as they began tightening. Down his whole body, the numbness and tight-fuzzy-loose accelerated change began. And a few moments later,he was basically a life sized Fox plush.

"...I'm gonna put an emergency hug in here now, though, okay?" The rabbit said, leaning over.

'Thanks again...' Nick thought, his ability to speak now halted by his throat almost literally full of wool.


"Sorry, what? There's a drug that turned one of my officers into a giant teddy bear? No offence, Snarlov?" Bogo blinked, as he received the report.

"Uh, yes sir."

"And if it's diluted..."

"It lasts an hour, but at full concentration they think Nick might be laid up for the next two days or so, he's lucky it didn't actually hit him right in the heart or it could have been instant and lasted a week. As it is, his left paw's basically gonna be paralysed for that time, it took most of the dose for him," Snarlov replied.

"And apparently Rabbits smoke it?"

"Yes, sir, we call it Fluffle. Because, well, it makes you feel fluffy. It's not bad."

"Alright, so, two shocks in one day, Wilde's become a plushie, and straight-laced Hopps apparently smokes a legal recreational drug," Bogo sighed.

"Oh, no, sir, I just tried it in college a little, I don't smoke."

The Cape Buffalo rubbed his temples with his hooves.

"...Hopps, since your partner's off duty for a week at least, I want you to work with Snarlov and Clawhouser to get me a report on any other weird plant-based chemicals that do odd things so I can maybe not be surprised by them when somehow an officer suddenly can fly or something. First we had Nighthowlers causing mammals to go savage, now there's this... Teddy, or Fluffle, or whatever, that turns mammals into plushies."

"...Uh, well, sir, there's a few. Like, there's the one that can shrink you, the one that can change your gender, the one that can make your fur turn neon colours..."

"How the haitch e double hockey sticks does any of that even work?"

"Short answer or long answer, sir?"


"It's basically what biologists call the rule of Fabula Excusamentum. They have no idea."

"Well, as long as I'm not the only one baffled," The Chief accepted.


Meanwhile, in hospital, Nick was now laid up, still as plush and inanimate as ever. Some thoughtful soul had put his on a little arm so he could see messages from friends.

<Finnick> So I was talking to my cousin fromHonyurui? She wanted me to tell you something after she heard about your situation.

<Finnick> "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

<Finnick> Hope it helps, don't let your bunny cuddle you too long : p

<Finnick> Oh, she said something else.

<Finnick> "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

He really wished he could move so he could block Finnick for a few days... Still, at least being completely in a form of biological stasis, as nonsensical as it all seemed to him, meant he didn't have to eat hospital food.

And the department had managed to get him in a room with a TV that could watch his show, so, not as bad as it could be!

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