Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 9

Story by G-man2014 on SoFurry

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#9 of Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 1

** I apologize for the wait but I got busted and I haven't been able to upload the next chapter but here it is Chapter 9, if you haven't read the other 8 chapters go back and read them if you're all caught up then enjoy the story...**

** I own all the rights to my characters which include Gabe, Nathan, Nate, Hannah, Garret, Luke, Sammy, and you're favorite ass hole Rex, now lets get on with the story...**

Chapter 9

When I sat down Nathan seemed excited about something, "Hey Gabe check out what Nate showed me I could do." He seemed anxious to show me, "Alright what did he show you?" His eyes lit up when I asked. He inhaled and blew fire out of his mouth, it got really close to me and I panicked as it singed my fur, I'm not going to lie though I was kind of jealous Nathan could do that.

Him, Nate, and Luke where laughing so hard, Nate nearly fell out of his chair, I laughed as he tried to recover from it, "Nathan I would keep that a secret so the guards don't put a muzzle on you."

He nodded in agreement, I turned back to the panther and asked, "So I hear you can hack into anything due to an experiment, would you mind explaining what happened?"

His ears perked up as he answered, "Shhhhh... keep quiet about that, the guards don't know and neither does Rex and I don't want them transferring me into a more secure cell," We nodded and he continued, "I have always been smart even before the eclipse, you could say that I'm your typical computer geek or tech nerd but way more advanced than the average computer geek," He showed us this device with that looked like it should be in a Science fiction movie, "I made this at home and it can hack into anything. Don't ask me how it works because it will only confuse you and I really don't want to explain it."

We nodded as he continued, "This is what got us into the food storage unit when they cut our food supplies." I sat there taking in all that he told us but my thoughts were interrupted when a guard announced that lunch was over. Everyone in the cafeteria went their separate ways, 'I guess everyone is assigned to a cell block depending on their age' I thought to myself as I got up from my chair.

Me and Nathan were heading back to our cell block, but we were interrupted when Nathan collided with a large Grizzly bear and they both fell to the ground from the collision.

The bear had light brown fur and green eyes, he wasn't exactly muscular but he wasn't out of shape either, "Hey watch it dragon boy!!!" I got a better look at the bear and he looked like he was in his early twenties.

Nathan rubbed his head and shot back, "Me?! You need to watch where you're going asshole!!" Nathan stood up and dusted himself off, "You wanna go dragon boy?" They were face to face with each other, "Bring it, I will kick your ass!" I was debating whether I should step in or not but decided against it when they started cussing each other out, and I really didn't want to try to stop a fight between a bear and a dragon.

All hell broke loose when Nathan tackled the bear, turning it into an all out fistfight. Nathan got a few good punches in, giving the bear a black eye and a bloody nose, but the bear kept slashing Nathan with his claws. All the prisoners formed a circle around them and started chanting, "Fight, fight, fight!" Their fight was brought to a stop when Rex yelled, "ENOUGH!!!"

He pressed a button on his controller, setting off both Nathan's and the bear's collar. They both screamed in unison and fell to the ground with a THUD, "Everyone back to your cells, NOW!!" The bear got up weakly and stumbled back to his cell, while Nathan just lay there motionless.

I picked him up, put his arm over my shoulder and walked him back to our cell. When everyone was back in their cell the barriers were put up again, I set Nathan on the metal bench, still unconscious from the shocking.

I growled and said, "If that bastard hurts any of my friends again, I swear I will beat him within an inch of his life." My fists tightened, "These Goddamn collars will be the end of us."

I sat down and looked around watching all the other prisoners in our block doing their own thing, Nate was sharpening his knife, Sammy I think was meditating, Hannah was pacing in her cell deep in thought, the cheetah was practicing his martial arts, and Luke was studying what looked like blueprints.

"Watcha got there?" I asked Luke curiously, "Just some blueprints of the building," He showed me and explained, "It looks like there are four floors. We are on the lowest floor," He pointed out the floor we were on, "The lowest floor has all the cells and the cafeteria, the level above us has all the labs ad research they have collected, the level above that is the sleeping quarters for the guards and that's where they store all the necessary equipment for the guards like weapons, their uniforms, things like that."

He moved his finger all the way up to what looked like the top floor, "This is the top floor, it's the only one that is above ground. They use it as a cover up so they can fool suspicious government officials. Supposedly it looks like a ranger outpost."

I nodded taking all that he has told me, "Has anyone ever tried to escape?" He was a little surprised by my question and answered, "Yes, many people have tried and the only one that was successful was this cheetah, the rest were recaptured and were severely punished." I thought to myself, 'That must be the cheetah that I met in the canyon.' I asked him, "Were the escape attempts done individually or in a group?"

He nodded, "Yes, they were done individually. What, are you planning to escape?" He finished his answer sarcastically, but I answered in all seriousness, "Maybe, but I have one more question for you Luke. How tight is the security on the above floors?" He looked at me completely surprised, "Well it's all the standard stuff, you know cameras, heavily armed guards authorized to kill, doors that can only be opened by people with I.D's or voice recognition and the more secure doors have code panel's."

I stood there thinking about all the things Luke had told me, 'Nathan could take out the cameras with his fire breath, Hannah and Nate could get us through all the security doors, me and the cheetah if I can get him to join can take out all the guards, and Luke can walk us through since he seems to know the most about this building. Now all that we have left are these damn collars.'

My thoughts were interrupted when two guards came in with a huge Bengal tiger, "This is a huge mistake, I shouldn't be here." He was thrown into the empty cell next to us, "No you can't do this!!!" He ran towards the front of his cell but he was thrown back by the barrier.

He looked at me and Nathan, "Gabe? What the hell happened to Nathan?" I looked back at him and asked, "Do I ... know you?" He gave me a shocked look, "I'm Garret", "Garret!!?" I immediately recognized him by his clothes and voice, "What the hell happened to you?!"

Sorry for the chapter being short but I have to end it here. Is Gabe really planning on escaping? What happened to Garret, and who is the cheetah on the other side of the cell block? All of this will be answered on the next chapter, thank you all for reading and I will see you all on the next upload.