I Woke Up Near the Sea

January rain soaked the world outside; trees shivered in the wind but the slick black asphalt held firm against the feet of night wanderers. Thin layers of ice had formed over puddles in the road as sleet and rain took turns assailing the...

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Second Chances: Chapter 2

This story also contains gay themes so if you are offended go away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the one who has the crystal

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Full of Life: Or Lack Of

This story is also likely to contain gay themes, or scenes later on in the story. just a forewarning :p \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_

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Second Chances : Chapter 3

As always this series contains gay themes, if this bothers you read something else :p.

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Second Chances : Chapter 5

As always this story contains gay themes so if this bothers you stop here. i also want to thank sam softpaw for encouraging me and helping me edit this chapter. thanks man you've been awsome :).

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HousePets: King's Story Chapter 1

This story series will contain a homosexual theme and may feature sexual relations between 2 male characters.

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The Walls I Built

So this was my first attempt at both furry and gay-themed writing.

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Second Chances : Chapter 7

As usual there are gay themes in this story so if that bothers you... go away. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "trust

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Second Chances : Chapter 9

This story contains gay themes, you should know this by know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so there i stood, in front

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Second Chances : Chapter 6

Once again this story contains gay themes so yada yada yada.

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The Spirit of the Season

This story contains homosexual themes, if you are offended by such content, please, don't read this story. now; enjoy the story!

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Second Chances : Chapter 8

Oh and this seires does deal with gay themes so yada, yada (i put these things in the tags for a reason people :p). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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