Second Chances: Chapter 2

Story by ArcticRose on SoFurry

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#11 of Ar

Author's note - I figured while I'm awake I migt as well post chapter 2 since I may not get the chance for a while. I hope you enjoy and as always please comment and vote, it means alot to me and it helps me improve my writing for all's yall's. This story also contains gay themes so if you are offended go away.

The one who has the crystal clear blue eyes that make you think his soul is pure, with the black tips of his cute silver ears, the one my dreams were made of, and he was crying. Just seeing him there made my heart skip a beat. I felt like I wanted to bolt, run away, and make absolutly certain he wouldn't know his very existance made me tremble. Just so he wouldn't know how badly I wanted to embrace him. Care for him. I fought back all these feelings so that I could help him. Luke was crying and I would do anything in the world to stop his tears. To keep him from feeling how I felt moments before my "attempt" to end everything.

"Hey Luke," I started. Doing my absolute best to keep my voice from quivering. He had apparently not noticed I was there because as soon as I spoke his head whipped around so fast to see who was there, I was sure he was going to give himself whiplash

"Oh...Hey Ar," he managed to choke out. I guessed he was doing his best to hold back the tears. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, 'I completly forgot how this might effect his masculine pride. Icould be hurting more than helping.' Luckily he continued before my over-thinking could harm our encounter, "I'll bet your wondering what I'm doing out here balling my eyes out for any random passerby to see," he spat out. Angry. Damn it I shouldn't of said anything, now I injured his pride.

"No man, it's all good. Just seeing if you wanted some company." There, an open door. If he wanted me to leave he could have his pride in tact, all he had to do was tell me to 'buzz off.'

"It's ok, I was just... I was just thinking about how short life was," the hard emphasis on the word short made me cringe a little. At this point his tears had stopped, why hadn't he taken the door? Wasn't he made at me for injuring his pride? Didn't he want to rip out my eyes for seeing him cry? "and now I'm wondering if your OK." I stopped dead.

"Wait. What?" I just gave him a blank stare. Why would he care what happened to me? I hadn't talked to him in about 2 years, ever since I quit the swim team. I mean sure there were the occational sitings, the 'hey, how ya doin?' things but not actually talk, talk.

"I saw," he managed, and almost immediately he was choked by an almost visible lump in his throat, but when he started again it seemed he had forced past the lump with pure will-power. "Look, I was on my morning run two days ago and my rout goes right past your house and then..." he broke only for a short breath, with renewed tears in his eyes he managed, "then I saw you being carried out of your house with a tube down your throat and put in an ambulance and, and" he stopped just so he could hold back his tears. So it WAS my fault. It was my fault his beautiful clear blue eyes were now clouded with tears, worry, and doubt. As this realization hit me my ears layed down so low they were practically plastered against my head. My eyes bored holes in the ground my gaze hit the dirt so hard. Anything to keep me from looking at his eyes. The tension in the air became palpable.

"I'm sorry," I had to break up this sad tension, "look at me now though, hospital fixed me up and I'm as good as new!" I jumped up to show him how 'fixed' I was. Perhaps a little too quickly, because as soon as I stood my head felt light, my knees buckled a little bit. Luke gasped and grabbed me, pulling me back down to the bench we were sitting on. Wait we? When had I gotten over to his bench? I don't remember nor do I care because at this moment I was having the time of my life. In this brief moment I was in the arms of the most beautiful savior to have ever existed. In those seconds I took in everything I possibly could about him, his gentle touch, his warmpth, the light scent of apples comming from his fur. Every new detail made me feel all tingly. Or maybe it was just the residual effect of first contact with another fur outside of that greusome hospital. As I was sat down on the bench I regained my senses, "I just stood a little fast, I'm all good, I promise," forcing the biggest smile I could muster. He looked at me and frowened, and gave me eyes that tore my heart to peices. I just wanted him to smile. More than anything else in the universe. Please Luke, please smile.

"Well," he broke in, taking a deep breath and wiping the tear streaks from his matted fur, "I'm at least walking you home so you don't pass out on the sidewalk." Before I could even protest he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. I reeled back slightly on my heels and he steadied me. "I'm not taking 'no' for an answer," he stated quite firmly, and so we began the trek back to my house.