Little Talks Chapter 4

Close Your Eyes The office I was seated in felt as ridiculous as it looked. Leave it to my mother to want to play mind games. Despite no lack in the overall air of authority she generally held, as the head of the neurology department in the humble...

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What if it was Us? (Prelude)

"A.R.!! A.R.!!" floated the excited tenor of my friend's voice. The strange but captivating hybrid was vying for my attention during one of my most hated activities. Shopping. The word even tasted vulgar to my mind. "Coming Boo." I called back,...

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Little Talks Chapter 2

Little Talks Chapter 2: Just Hold my Hand Silent tears. I've cried a lot of them over the years. Not that normal crying is good. Still I would prefer it over salt ridden books, with no babbling of any kind. It's almost not a natural way to cry,...

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Second Chances: Chapter 12

Hey guys... sorry it's been such a long time, I've just been SUPER busy with RL... RL sucks sometimes lol. Well here's chapter 12, let me know what you think...

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So... It's been a while... a LONG while. But I find it hard to write about Rose and Luke now adays so heres one of the shorts I've been writing... If you guys want I can post the rest of them but be warned they're SHORTS... so I guess what I mean to...

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Second Chances : Chapter 11

Authors note - Hey all I'm gonna make this short and sweet, thank you for reading and being amazing. Thankyou Sam softpaw for being my own little personal grammer nazi. Sorry this one is a little short but I ad to end it there. There...

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Second Chances : Chapter 10

Authors note - Ok sorry about the wait, technology just sucks in general sometimes dosent it? So, computer issues aside I really want to thank Sam softpaw for doing his thang and editing for me :). Broken record says, "I really want to...

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Second Chances: Chapter 1

Author's note - There is gay content in this story so if that disturbs you in anyway, too bad if this is not for you. This is my first story and was originally meant as a cathardic release for my emotions so if it is not up to...

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Second Chances : Chapter 9

Authors Note - Hey all I just wanted to say sorry about the time that it took for me to update, I had college mid-terms to contend with and they demanded my full and utmost attention :(. Well I want to once again thank Sam softpaw for editing and...

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Second Chances : Chapter 6

Authors note - So even though I probably sound like a broken record I still wish to thank all the furs out there who've been watching/voting/faving, and especially all the comments. Once again this story contains gay themes so yada yada...

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Second Chances : Chapter 8

Author's Note - Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up, I'm really worried that the way I incorperated the song into the story is annoying. So please comment, I really didn't want to leave it as a block of lyrics so please let me...

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Second Chances : Chapter 7

Author's Note - I just wanted to thank Sam softpaw for editing this chapter too :). Also, I am worried about the endings to my chapters being too repetitive so I'm asking you guys to comment on how you think my endings are and if your getting...

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