a poem from a broken heart

''three years my heart had been, three years my heart had longed, three years my heart has weeped, three years it has grown, and in three years it has shown. love only grows, never shall it fade or diminish, no time or distance shall keep it at...

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First Day of School

Here is the second part of the story (previous one: Introduction). I apologize if you don't like the story so far. Please comment and give any tips if you can. Also, tell me if I missed any...

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U.O.P.I. Chapter 1 page 3, memorys of the fallen king

_See here my grandson, see how the world burns benieth us, see how one day you will take it all? let no one stop you let nothing stand in your way, if anything does get in your way, you will kill it! Drag your enemy out of bed by the hair, remind them...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 20 aftermath

_Here is the next chapter. This chapter is one of the few in my story that is sad. I know I said that of chapter 19 as well but that one still had action as well, this one has only sadness. Even though I mostly like happy chapters I do have to say that...

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The She-goat

And the hosts of heaven were heart broken. a life lived without fulfilling its purpose is not a life at all. once upon a time there was a little she-goat who was born into the world. she lived and suffered, and then she died. the end.

The Fall of Umbria

broken his soul torn, the magic that is now dead, cannot be reborn, the star shimmer has shattered, broken the world dies, on his behalf, his heart and soul shattered like ash, the fall of umbria cannot outlast....


pieces first draft 7/24/12

Poetry of mine pieces pieces of my heart, pieces of my soul, gift of my heart, smashed to pieces, picking up what's left, a soul is only as big as a heart to hold it, pieces of my soul falling away, heart broken again and again, till the pieces are to small


Lost and Confused

Another poem, after going through 2 more relationships way back when, just me transcribing my thoughts onto paper shrugs **lost and confused** my heart, broken once again by the unfaithfulness of one and the priority of another and yet, it still

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I Walk Alone

**i walk alone** my heart broken one time too many and as the pain grew too much the heart once soft turns solid stone the person once caring now emotionless doomed by choice to forever walk alone on love i gave up as all hope was

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As I Watch

| # as i watch there i stood, heart broken forever. you turned around and walked away, leaving me wondering why. why did you just end this? everything was going so well, the love we shared was grand.

Heaven's Vixens song book

I left your heart broken i left your soul in tears i left you needing the thing i never gave will heaven be there for me with all i've done? will they let me in knowing how much i hurt you? will i be forgiven for all the things i've said?

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Six Word Stories

· his heart's broken; it bleeds despair. · through the caliginous forest, the destination.

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