Heaven's Vixens song book

Story by Nights Angel on SoFurry

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#6 of Vixen's Music

There's not much to it. This short is just the songs I wrote for Vixen's. I wrote the songs outside of the story then worked them. Let me know what you think.

Heaven's Vixens song book

by Night's Angel


It's the end for you and I.

The time has come make the final bet.

There's no turning back now.

So load it with a live round

And give that wheel a spin

I'll lay it all out on the line

This is my one last chance

It's all or nothing

So load it with a live round

And give that wheel a spin

I'll give it more then what I got

This is my one last stand

It's now or never

So load it with a live round

And give that wheel a spin

You think I'm goanna give in

You say I'm goanna back down


So load it with a live round

And give that wheel a spin

I'll take it to the last level

AND NOW it beings

Now's the time to lay it out

SO load IT with a LIVE ROUND

And give that wheel a spin

This is the end

So pull the trigger

And let's who wins

[gun shot]




Will Heaven be there for me?

Will they let me in?

Will I be forgiven for the thing I've done?

I left your heart broken

I left your soul in tears

I left you needing the thing I never gave

Will Heaven be there for me with all I've done?

Will they let me in knowing how much I hurt you?

Will I be forgiven for all the things I've said?

I left your heart broken

I left your soul in tears

I left you needing the things I wouldn't give

Do you think if I was willing?

Do you think if I was open?

Do you think if I were to change

Will Heaven be there for me?

Will they let me in?

Will I be forgiven for my sins?

I left your broken in glass

I left your soul in tears washing away

I left you needing me but I just walked away

There are no words to say

There are no acts to save

Just everything to regret

There is no place for me any more

No more hope to pass along

All joy is gone.

Will Heaven be there for me?

Will they let me in?

Will I be forgiven ever again?

Midnight ballroom

I was holding my breath when you looked at me.

I took a chance and came to you.

Now that you're with me let me share this night with you.

Come with me and dance with the clouds.

Count the stars toast the moon. Kiss the sunset good night.

Will you stay in this night with me forever?

Take a breath here's your chance just follow your dream.

Take my hand you can lead just trust in me.

Come with me and dance with the clouds.

Count the stars toast the moon. Kiss the sunset good night.

We'll keep this midnight forever.

Say a pray make wish and take a step.

Listen to the melody in the breeze.

Come with me and dance with the clouds.

Count the stars toast the moon. Kiss the sunset good night.

Never let me go just stay with me forever.

Here's your chance, make your move and chase after your dreams.

We'll never lose this dream.

Come with me and dance with the clouds.

Count the stars toast the moon. Kiss the sunset good night.

Kiss me and we will stay together forever.

We spend our days in this dream.

We will stay in this night forever.

Come with me and dance with the clouds.

Count the stars toast the moon. Kiss the sunset good night.

Just one kiss and we spent forever together.

This dream. This never ending dream. Will dance in my heart forever.

Come with me and dance with the clouds.

Count the stars toast the moon. Kiss the sunset good night.


I fell from grace just to be with you.

I fought through hell just to save you.

I fell from grace just for you.

We are the fallen and we will rise.

We are the fallen and we won't back down.

I fell for you long before I knew you.

I stood with you before I needed you.

I died the day you turned your back on me.

We are the fallen and we will fight back.

We are the fallen and we won't turn back.

I'm on my own broken and weak.

I'm on my own growing older by the day.

I'm on my own cold and alone.

We are the fallen and we will be back again.

We are the fallen and we die for you.

I'm done crying over you.

I'm done dying for you.

I'm moving on, I'm moving up.

I'm moving past what has been done.

We are the fallen and we're here good.

We are the fallen and we're here forever.

I prayed for you but now I'm done.

I forgave you but I will never forget.

I won't be back for you.

We are the fallen.

We are the fallen.

We are the fallen Now and Forever.

I fell from grace just to be with you.

I fought through hell just to save you.

And Now I am the fallen for all time.

Supernatural Fantasy

Heaven's Vixens

I'm not just the girl of your dreams

Not just a fling in your daydreams

No I'm much more

I'm your Supernatural fantasy

The magical girl you always dream of

The mystic queen of the galaxy

A mythic princess lost at sea

You think I don't see the way you look at me

Boy you're living another dream

Cause I'm so much more than a playful dream

Cause I'm your supernatural fantasy

I'll take to worlds you've never dreamed

I'm your supernatural fantasy

Not just another playful dream

I'm the magical girl in your sleep

Your mystic queen of the galaxy

The mythic princess lost at sea

I'm just your supernatural fantasy

Baby you're living in another dream

Come with me and I'll show you things you've never seen

Cause I'm your supernatural fantasy

The magical girl of your dreams

The mystic queen of your galaxy

Your mythic princess lost at sea

I'm. Your. Supernatural. Fantasy.

Come on baby I see the way you look at me

Don't you think I want to share your dream?

Come on baby I want you to look at me

Cause I'm more than a dream

I'm your Supernatural fantasy

The magical girl of your reality

Your mystic queen of the galaxy

The mythic princess you found at sea

Come on baby you can be mine too!

I'm just more than a day dream

Just more than another dream

I'm your supernatural fantasy

Not just another girl in reality

Just another face on the blank screen

Another skirt washing away

I'm a supernatural fantasy

Come on baby come be with me

I'll be your supernatural fantasy

The magical girl in your reality

Your mystic queen of your galaxy

The mythic princess you found at sea

Come on baby let me be your

Supernatural fantasy

Come on baby come play with me

[playful laughter in the background as the music dies off]

Last call for love

Back again, I don't see why.

They keep telling me, it will be fun.

I've tried so many times and found nothing at the end of my line.

Every time I think I found Mr. Right, all I found was Mr. Wrong time.

But I'll put it out there one more time.

This is my one last chance, one last time

This is my last call for love.

Think me weird think me strange, but I think I see him sit at the bar.

Did I miss the joke, did I miss the gag or did I see her staring at me.

May be it's not what I think it is.

Maybe she thought I was someone different.

But maybe. Just maybe.

Fate stopped laughing at me just this one time.

But I'll put it out there one more time.

This is my one last chance, one last time.

This is my last call for love.

Do I take the chance?

Is this my shot?

Is he truly for me?

Is she the one for me?

But I'll put it out there one more time.

This is my one last chance, one last time.

This is my last call for love.

Come on baby say something to me.

Come on honey smile for me.

Don't make me wait.

I don't have all night.

But I'll put it out there one more time.

This is my one last chance, one last time.

This is my last call for love.

So here I am, come on baby give me a chance.

So here I come, come on honey give me a shot.

Say it right, and I'm yours for the night.

Flash me a smile and I'll stay a while.

If we don't work something out then I'm done.

But I'll put it out there one more time.

This is my one last chance, one last time.

This is my last call for love.

Come on baby give me your best

Come on honey give me your all

It's time we stop playing this game

It's time we found what we have both been looking for.

But I'll put it out there one more time.

This is my one last chance, one last time.

This is my last call for love.

I'm done looking.

I'm done hunting.

Even if we don't work out.

We'll say we had fun.

But something tells me.

I've found the one.

But I'll put it out there one more time.

This is my one last chance, one last time.

This is my last call for love.

This is my last call for love.

I think I found it after all.

This is my last call for love.

Because I found you through it all.

This is my last call.

This is my last call.

My last call for love.

Just another day

Hello mom, work is fine, and the boss is a jerk.

My boyfriend's fine, he just proposed. Everyone fine

It's just the same old thing

Just another day

Why does it have to be the same?

I just need to break away

Life can wait just a single day

I don't want it to be just another day

I just need to break away

Come on baby let's get away

Come on baby take my hand

We'll make the way

I'm not mad

I'm not losing my mind

I'm just bored

I need more from life

I just need to BREAK AWAY

Life can wait just A SINGLE DAY

Come on baby let's get away

Come on baby take my hand

And we'll take the day

I'm not running away

I just need to play

We'll be back and life will be the same

Come on baby, we'll break away

Come on baby, let's take the day

Come on baby, just my hand

And we'll make the play

Call in sick, take day

Your boss won't mind

You're always too kind

Come on baby let's share our day

Come on baby take my hand

And we'll save life for another day

Tomorrow will come again away

But for today let's break the chain

I just need to BREAK AWAY



JUST another day

Just another ... day

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