Kindred Spirits, Hunted
Even though his foe was meant for hand to hand combat, no one matched a dragon. then without warning, the wolf's pupils dilated and the pain seemed to vanish, the wolf's lips forming a grin of almost manic pleasure.
Plot of Mission Earth
He now attempts to fight him on hand-to-hand combat since this mysterious being goes at him and he seems not to have a way to escape... on with the plot: suddenly, the mysterious being disappears from the battlefield!
Dragon Storm: Chapter 32: Shayde Vs. Yun, Exceeding the Limits to Attack!
Shayde frantically practiced hand-to-hand combat techniques, and finally... "okay, you three are now promoted to novice swordsmen today!
TMF-Ep6-Test run-
Hugo's fighting style uses more hand to hand combat moves, kevin's style was more so a long distance fighter, while dan's was more blunt and in your face.
Raziek "Blake" Draconis
As a street-fighter, blake uses hand-to-hand combat--preferring to rely on his brute strength as opposed to technique. he possesses super-agility and super-strength, but no magical capabilities.
Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p5
Hiigan looked back at him, the same deadly expression he usually has in his eyes, "i want you to begin to train in hand-to-hand combat once again. you partner is already quite skilled with it, but you need work." "what?!"
Chapter 1
Instead of only studying from a book, i had to practice with hand-to-hand combat weapons, start casting spells, and even start summoning practice.
Project Blade #1
The red, new sign up, was on his finale stage of testing, hand to hand combat. "round one, start," said a computer female voice. the test bot ran towards the red.
My World of Pain (CH 3)
"your next test is for hakuda (hand-to-hand combat). 9th seat tengoku of second division will fight you. i waited till said person was in the arena. we bowed to each other before starting the match.
Leonard Wolfe Biography
**weapon** : ofuda can be thrown or used to slash opponents in a pinch as well as hand to hand combat but primarily uses nono magic for offense. is capable of producing fire, water, gusts of wind and shock waves at will to attack.
Black Petals: Chapter 5 ~ Rome Took Forever.
This was to get her more used to hand-to-hand combat. she had yet to land a hit on the more experienced hedgehog, but amy was beginning to get the hang of fighting without her hammer, something shadow noticed.
Character Sheet
He fully accepted the offer that was given to him and was immediately shipped out to a remote location where he was trained in hand to hand combat, and became an exceptional marksman, he was also trained in surveillance and counter surveillance and everything