Plot of Mission Earth
#1 of Story Plots
This is a story plot. When I don't have enough time to make the story with all its details I make the plot of it so that I can remember. This one is kinda long for a plot and its only a plot for part of the story. You guy out there can use it to make a story yourself, specially if you want to make one, but you don't know what to make it about. I apreciate the artistry of all of you out there. I have seen very good stories here (from a person who likes to read).
Please Read this: What is between parenthesis are basically notes an things of how I'd make the story myself. You don't have to do what's inside, but it would be interesting to read it, since it might hold information you'd like. Besides, not all that is between parenthesis is about how I'd make the story...
Plot Short:
The army of a human nation is fighting, in the present, for a piece of land that seems to be of interest in the prosperity of the nation. However, this land is being guarded by the people/creatures that live the land and live thanks to it. In this part of the plot the protagonist, played by Erik Manheart (you can get a little creative, but it has to be a name that matches the character type), appears in the opposite side of the battlefield and attacks from behind.
Within a tropical/template jungle a battle develops with a previously unknown being. The army hits him (you can make it a her if you'd like) with all they can. The infantry charges on him with guns, grenades, semi-automatics(burst weapons), full-auto(automatic fire gun); they even attempt hand-to-hand combat (here is when one of the protagonists come in); however he seems to dodge or block all attacks and retaliates with fire power (magic, if you will; although it is not magic, since he is not sacrificing power to gain a different power. It's actually mental power that can magnify fire or thermal energy and "throw it" in a specific direction, obviously using a whole lot of thermodynamics... This is how I'd do it, but you guys out there are writers so do it as you wish.). Although they are strong attacks, he doesn't kill anyone, rather renders them unconscious. Erik comes from the opposite side of the battlefield emptying his rounds on the mysterious being and ends up without ammo. He now attempts to fight him on hand-to-hand combat since this mysterious being goes at him and he seems not to have a way to escape...
On with the plot:
Suddenly, the mysterious being disappears from the battlefield! Nobody seems to see where he went. He appears behind Erik and delivers a quick blow, but with the blow they both disappear into nothingness. All of Erik's companions, the other members of the army company in the other side of the battlefield, are now tense after the disappearance of Erik including Lela, one of Erik's closest companions and friend of childhood.
By now you have noticed that we are working with humans and a mysterious being that we yet do not know about. You can substitute the humans for any animal species you desire. You can even substitute it for different races (in other words: mix races). Just don't substitute the mysterious thing yet, since I haven't said anything from it. You might think a little different from him later on.
End of the note part.
A voice appears in Lela's head and says to her that Erik is going to be alright, but she tends to disbelieve, since she saw the blow (in fact she was relatively close to Erik when she saw the blow [lets say about 15 ft. approx. 5 meters]. The mysterious being was, also, fighting with physical weapons).
Three days later Erik wakes up in a bed, tucked in and taken care for (at least it would seem, since he can see nobody at the moment he wakes up).
A room made out of wood with a bed and a table. It is an "open room" in what would look like a tree house. In the visible view there are many tall trees and a range of mountains that encircle the area; nothing like the view of the area he was fighting in. Around the area where tree-houses similar to the one Erik was in. There was no visible view below the tree branches, which were many.
Continuing the plot:
After Erik wakes up he is a little confused and feels a little "out of place". He is comfortable physically (the bed was conortable), yet he felt a little taken down. It took a little time to adjust. While he adjusted he heard a female voice coming from the back of the open room. There a conversation develops and, after the conversation, he leaves towards what seems to be a very well lit cave which seemed to be like a house of laws. There he met "the council" (a group of wise people who lead and make decisions for the good of the people they lead). There he also sees the man who he fought previously and learns his identity and the kind of species they are.
Background on these people:
They are wise people, strong and have the ability to use "mental powers" (abilities that they can use to their will in which one does not need to sacrifice something to gain what is wanted. It is something innate, from within, of the person). They have the intelligence of a snake, but prefer to make peace and are very peaceful. They have quick eyes, good reflexes, great hearing and have abilities nobody has heard of. They have one weakness, though: they are not as ingenious as humans. The mysterious being which Erik fought before tells Erik about his stay for 10 days with them.
Physically speaking: they are humanoids with "average height", many don't have an athletic figure (the one who Erik attacked did, though), usually like long head hair, with more "filled" hands (a little more plump), they have round eyes with round pupils (with the ability to turn fast; pointy-like or cat-like), they have no fur, but have furry tails (usually cat-like).
They call themselves the Monark or Monarks (pronounced like monarch), which has no relation to monarch since monark in their language means "to serve". The name of the Monark who Erik attacked was Aldough, which means "pride selector" in Monark.
continuation of plot:
Erik ends up trusting them a little, but not as much. He ends up in a mission to a cavern situated to the north of the Monark "town". He is granted a group of Monark soldiers to go with him in the mission (around 5 to 10 people). After they cross the cavern, and complete the mission, they end up in a place with a view none of them had ever seen before (outside the caverns). They return to town and inform the villagers, and the council, about it.
Meanwhile, Aldough gets into Lela's mind and tries to convince her to stop worrying. It takes him a while to convince her, but she doesn't seem convinced. Through all this Lela doesn't know who it is she is talking to because she thinks it is her own self.
This is all I have for now about the plot of the story. I'll try to make it into a story myself, but if anyone feels inspired about it he/she can write it as he/she would like. Yes I am talking to you. Just try to be creative, OK?