An Unlikely companion chap.2: More than a friendly visit.

As the school day was reaching it's end, Chad couldn't keep his mind focused on school and decided to let his mind roam free. He imagined all the things he might end up doing from playing all kinds of video games to just talking and getting to know one...

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Rainshine and Adrien (part 1.5)

Adrien's back, as it turns out, was not broken, but only sore from the impact of falling (which Rainshine still wasn't entirely sure she believed). His right arm, however, was, along with the four upper ribs on the right side of his body. He also had a...

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Rainshine and Adrien (part 1)

**Rainshine and Adrien:** **Part 1** _~written (and illustrated) by Rainshine Adams _ It had been a long day, and Rainshine was ready for a break from all the cleaning and cubsitting. The young aardwolfess had been promised the rest of the night...

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Yiggow Chapter 7

Over the years of them being friends, he had developed a growing relationship with mary.

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Uncontrolled Affection

They even attracted some of the lunchroom attention, who began to churn with rumors of their growing relationship. after all, children are terrible at keeping secrets, especially one that was so out in the open.

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Winter's Palisade Chapter 3

#3 of winter's palisasde chapter 3 of wp wanted to add some extra depth to matt and nick's characters and their growing relationship.

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chapter three

As things continue to get hot and heavy between the couple, they decide to keep their growing relationship under wraps, not telling anyone, including **character a's** son/ **character b's** best friend.. at least not until sneaking around loses its


Seekers Tale Part 33

I have kept quiet about his and rosalie's growing relationship, except to shadow. when i first told him he was shocked to say the least, but has grown to tolerate the idea at least.

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Aniu; Day 6

I quickly asked celia for her outside opinion on my growing relationship with max. "personally, he's a bit timid but, certainly a keeper because of his polite honesty. you made a very wise call in hooking up with him aniu trust me on this." she stated.

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Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 13

From there he described his growing relationship with sulla, presenting it to his father more as a nervous, arm's-length situation than the close, intimate, sweaty and drool-soaked arrangement it really was.

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