Winter's Palisade Chapter 3

Story by Wolfy76 on SoFurry

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#3 of Winter's Palisasde

Chapter 3 of WP

Wanted to add some extra depth to Matt and Nick's characters and their growing relationship.

I've gotten several PM with questions that I'll answer:

1.Q: Do you base your characters off yourself or anyone you know?

A: Somewhat,I did base Nick off myself. I'm shy around people I don't know,Though I'm extremely outgoing around close friends. I am somewhat affront to doing anything sweet in public,I do consider myself vain for doing this. Matt is based off a guy named Matt(Duh) from school. He is outgoing and nice like his character. I don't know his sexual orientation,Though he's hinted Bi from now and then. I added a few characters in,Like my parents(You haven't seen much now,But in later chapters you will.

  1. Q: What is happening to Nick in the beginning?

A: You'll find that out in later chapter,Unfortunately I may be getting a bit off topic with this,But you will find out what happens,It may just take a while to get there

  1. Q: Are you dating and how old are you?

A: This question was a bit personal,But I doubt any of you know who I really am(Used my usual Surname for this site) So I'll Answer. I'm not dating at the time,I'm Currently 14,Though my birthday is next week(April 13)

Hopefully none of you are pedophilia-addicted kidnappers or I'm in trouble

If you have a question,Then feel free to send it,I won't Bite,Promise :)

Also,Readers,Some of you will notice the word tense has changed,From Third person to First. I was third in the past books(From an authors point of view) Though I switched to First(From Nick's View) due to me being able to write better in first.

Once again,I do make mistakes,So if you see any massive mistakes or problems,Please inform me,I might include you in the series ;)

After burning 2 eggs and smoking up the kitchen,I decides I've done enough and decide to head to the local diner for breakfast. After making sure the house is all locked up,I grabs his jacket and opens the front door of the lodge. I'm instantly met with a bitter breeze and rough snow. My kinda weather I thinks while smirking. Walking down the steps and landing on the fresh snow with a wet crunch,Nick looks toward the driveway,Only to see the vacation car is gone.

Parents must of taken it to head somewhere,But where? I wonders. Nick contemplates over how he can get to IHop. He could call Matt to come pick him up,Speaking of which where is he. Nick decides to call him for a ride.

*Ring* "Hey Nick" Matt says in a cheerful tone.

"Uh,Hey Matt,How'd you know it was me?" I ask in a curious tone.

"I've got your number saved silly,I like to know when your calling" I instantly smile at Matts cute comment.

After taking with Matt about him picking me up,He says that he's at the store with my parents,We were low on things and they headed out to refill our pantries. He'll call a cab and then pick me up and we'll head to the diner together.

"Sounds good,It's a date" I can practicly hear him grin through the phone

"I'm hanging up now,Bye Matt" I say with a big smile on my face.

After he says his goodbyes,I hit the disconnect button and my heart flutters. I'm 16 and I still act like I'm 13 with him I think to myself. Oh well,Do what makes you happy.

Waiting a good 10 minutes,Matt finally shows up. Nick smiles when he see's that sweet wolf wink at him from inside the cab. As he climbs in,He's met with a warm hug from Matt. After talking with Matt over a variety of things,And paying the cab driver his fare plus a good sized tip,They emerge from the cab into a beautiful scene. Fresh,Pure snow falls over bare trees next to coffee houses,And the local IHop. A slow trickle of the town's population walk through the town square,Under the statue of 'Alverez Harrez' The founder of the town. After walking into the diner,Matt offers his arm to the blushing Nick who quickly sits down in the closest booth.

"Matt,What was that?"

A frowning Matt replies "Oh,I'm sorry,I just thought I could do something sweet"

Poor Matt,He just wants to be nice to me. I'm just not ready for....this in public. I put my hand on his arm "Matt,I'm sorry,But I'm just not ready to be public with this. It's not that I don't care about you,It's just that I haven't really told anyone that I'm....Gay" I whisper the last word out of embarrassment. I'm so weak,He can just say it and not care about what anyone says,Why am I so vain?

"Hey,It's fine,I understand. Now enough blushing,Let's order breakfasts" He says while caressing my cheek.

After ordering breakfast,Matt and I talk about a variety of things,Where to ski on the slopes,What we were going to do with the the final days of our vacation. Parents had been hesitant at first to let a guy go with their son to a ski resort,But they had finally caved after I cleaned the entire house while they were gone. Matt of course was extremely happy to go,We don't really see a lot of eachother so this would be a good chance to connect. A_nd maybe something more_ I think to myself

Suddenly I remember something from earlier,A smirk emerges on my face. "Hey Matt,You said that you had my number in your phone,Right?"


"Oh,No reason" I say though the expression on my face completely contradics what I'm saying. I quickly pull out the Iphone(Had gotten for christmas) and dial Matts number.

A soft piano piece starts out,Followed by by: Woah Woah Ohh Ohh Woah Woah Ohh Ohh I Kinda Feel Like It Don't Make Like it-Like it-Like Don't Make Feel Like It Don't Make Sense

As Matt pulls out his phone,Blushing like mad,I have a strange urge to listen to the rest of the song,As he's about to answer it,I snatch the phone out of his hands. "It's just a song Matt" I say trying to console him,To no avail,As he's still embarrassed beyond anything. Rolling my eyes I turn the volume down to only where we can hear it.

I'm Thinking Baby You and I are Undeniable But I"m finding out Love Unrealiable I'm Giving All I Got Just To Make You Stay Or Am I Just A Roadblock In Your Way? Cause Your're A Pretty Little Windstorm Out On The Boulevard Something Like A Sunset,Ohh Your A Shooting Star And I Might Drive Myself Insane If If Those Lips Aren't Speaking My Name

'Cause I've Got Some Intuition Or Maybe I"m Superstitous But I think Your A Pretty Sweet Pill That I"m Swallowing Down To Counter This addiction,Got Me On a Mission Tell Me Darling,Can I Get A Break Somehow Could I Say No?

He's Got A Love Like Woe Woah Ohh Boy's Got A Love Like Woe Woah Ohh Bah Da Da I Kinda Feel Like It Don't Make sense Cause Your Bringing Me In And Your And Now Your're Kicking Me Out Again Love So Strong,Then You Moved On Now I'm Hung Up In Suspense Because You're Bringing Me In And Your Kicking Me Out Again

"Fan of The Ready Set?" I ask as I ignore the call.

"Um,Yeah" Says Matt akwardly while staring down,Still blushing.

"Matt,Don't be embarrassed,It's cute that you do that too.


Oh crap I think,Didn't mean to say that. "Yeah,Call my phone" I say while hanging my head. Matt speed-dials my number:

There's A Calm Surrender,To The Rush Of Day When The Heat Of The Rolling World Can Be Turned Away

An Enchanted Moment, And It Sees Me Through It's Enough For This Restless Warrior Just To Be With You

And Can You Feel The Love Tonight? It Is Where We...

That's as far as the song goes before I hurriedly ignore the call and thrust the phone in my pocket. Looking at Matt,He's grinning at me.

"Lion King fan?" He asks nonchantly

"More like obsession" I say with a nervous smile I look down and start picking at my claws,Something I do when I'm nervous

"Oh,Nick come here" Matt says while leaning forward Before kissing me right on the muzzle.

It's only a few seconds,But a few seconds of pure happiness. My heart flutters and I forget every little trouble I have. All I know is this moment I'm stuck in. This perfect little moment.

And Matt parts,Unfortunately, And then leans back and smiles. "Good to see that your not embarrassed anymore" He says with a wink

As I'm about to say something,The waitress walks up and smiles,before giving us our food. As we thank her,I realize something,I just had my first kiss. I mean I've kissed a few times before this,But they weren't anything serious. Just a little peck here and there,Nothing like what Matt had just done. I smile inwardly at that.

"Let's eat,I'm starving" Says Matt with a smile on his face.

"Me too" I say,Before digging in.

He kissed me,He just kissed me I think to myself while picking at my eggs. Remembering that moment from just a minute,I can't help but smile at the thought. This vacation just got a whole lot better I think while smiling at Matt,Who's smiling Back.

Definetly a whole lot better