Mare for an Evening

A stallion is coerced into gender swapping into a mare for an evening "date" to a school reunion... --- this story has been available for early reading one to two months ago on patreon!

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The Right Thing

Muscle growth, size alterations, gender swapping. even creating chimeras. no one would believe him if he didn't have any proof. for obvious reasons, the higher ups and security couldn't allow any recording devices.

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Beacon of Hope

Lastly, wildstar's gender swapped, making him a giratina mother. wildstar opened her eyes and began to get up. wildstar's daughter was overjoyed for her father to be back, giving a "kiss" to giratina, causing it to blush.

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The Retreat [Animal Crossing Character TF/TGs]

Manhood formed between her legs as jessica's gender swapped. his shoulders lost their feminine look as they became much more square and broad. her body shrunk as her nose became quite long.

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OR: Recidians

What sets most recidians apart other races from is how their brains are wired; their entire race is mentally gender-swapped in the sense that the biological females possess male mindsets and vice versa.

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The BBQ (4th of July Special)

Down below, jasmine formed manhood while larry went through the opposite change, both their genders swapped. jasmine had become a male lion while larry was a female one. as the two ran they forgot exactly where they were going.

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Infectious Cruise (Pokemon TF/TGs)

Any trace of hair left her body along with womanhood, her gender swapping in the process. it seemed like ms. poplund had become a miniature wailord, but that was quickly changing.

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Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 2

Whatever gender swapping magic they had used was probably static, like the one she had for clovis, and scarlet was likely eager to be a man again. "yes, we're done here for today. let's get going before my guards start to panic."

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