
Quick jot fairy tail long, long, long ago, there was a girl locked away in foster care, she was left alone all the time and only solace she had were her dreams...

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The Love of A Wolf

"the foster care lady" "oh the mean bitch?"

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Untold Mysteries: 1

It's not a foster care home, not a house with too many adopted children who never moved out, it's just... home. i live with two humans: our parents, five werewolves: my "brothers", and two vampires: the "others".

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My Name Is Jason Shallowater

I expected them to be angry, to throw me back into the foster care system, but the didn't. they didn't even yell at me, they just frowned as i told them what happened.

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Travelling: Chapter1

Had my father finally given me up to the foster care system? was he under arrest from the fbi? a witness in some horrible crime, and being protected by the witness protection program? what was going on?!?

A Human Outta Place

He had no farther so he had to go into foster care, he was adopted when he was six by a horrible family who made his life a living hell, his mother would smack him every chance she got, his father would beat him for the most littlest thing and his brother


Travelling Remastered-Chapter 1

Had my father finally given me up to the foster care system? was he under arrest from the fbi? a witness in some horrible crime, and being protected by the witness protection program? what was going on?!?


Don't You Get It?

Not my grandmother dying, or being taken away from my parents and being placed in foster care. my first cat dying came close, but that pain passed away quickly when i started wearing her collar around my wrist.

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What's Fair?

I grew up in foster care. mom skipped out on me and my dad when i was still a pup and he always made sure that i knew it was my fault.

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The Biography Of My Maker

My brother, unfortunately was kept in foster-care, and i never really knew what happened to him until i was a freshmen in high school.

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Binary Genetics - Chapter 1 (Revised Update)

He had been abandoned as an infant and raised in foster care, without any adoptive parents.

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Runaways chapter two: Soon the Time Will come

"both of my parents died and i was put in foster care. every house was the same, they'd bring me in, care for me, accept me up until i told them i'm gay. then everything would turn sour.

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