Runaways chapter two: Soon the Time Will come
#2 of Runaways
Okay, sorry it took so long my procrastination is horrid. There are some things that I might not have explained very well, if so please tell me about it. Leave a comment, shout, or write a pm to let me know. This is my story I know what's happening and if you don't that means I need to do a better job. The usual stuff: My story, any simtilarities between this and another story is pure coincidence, please don't steal it. This story is mainly about homosexual males. Not your cup of tea? Go to the starbucks down the street. Other wise enjoy.
- * * I sigh in self-acceptance. I finally feel free, free from my abusive "family", my spineless cowardice, and my helpless disposition. No longer will I simply stand and let others ruin me. My plan is playing out. I've gone to the cops and turned my father it for abuse. I stood by as they hauled him out of the house and into their car. "You didn't want me as ‘your blood', so you spilled it out. Now I am completely myself, separated from the trash you are." The look in his eyes was pained, not anger but pained from the realization that'd he'd lost everything. He drove his wife away with the constant beatings on ‘their son' and now he lost said ‘son' from the beatings he gave. I watch Dad stare at me with despair as I slip through the throng of furs curiously watching Dad's arrest. With all the focus on him I easily slip through the furs and back behind the houses into the woods that surround the area. I know the cops are going to want to put me into some foster care program, and I wasn't going to let that happen. I don't know where I'm going to go, where I'm going to live, but what I do know is I'm done living in this town. No longer am I simply going to stay here while I'm tortured for being me. I know I am walking south east due to my natural sense of direction, "I guess I do rather enjoy the idea of living in a tropical area," I think to myself as I walk. I have my essentials in my backpack, I withdrew all my money from my savings account which is more than enough to get me by for years, I have my cell phone and charger, and my iPod along with its charger and an adapter to use on outlets. Since I didn't plan on completely sticking to forests I decided it was best to bring those. I am tempted to turn my iPod however I need to be able to hear when troubles may be approaching. I am supposed to be under the custody of the state now since neither of my parents will take me and I am sure by now they have realized I'm gone. But there's another part of my mind that says I'm not that important for someone to take that much notice. Either way I keep walking, though my iPod remains in my pocket. Five hours of walking and I am now halfway across the state surprisingly. It's nine p.m. and I haven't stopped to eat. I walk a few more miles to come up to a large town. As I walk I notice there are several more lights the farther in I go. I walk to the center of the town and find a McDonalds that's open 24/7. I walk to the counter. The black lab behind the counter looks up from the register screen and eyes me. I see the confusion in his eyes but I don't want any unnecessary attention so I give him my order and pay. "Okay," he says after taking my money, "There's going to be a wait for your sandwich. If you want to take a seat, I can bring your order to you when it's done." He suggested. I nod my head in agreement. Then I take my cup to the soda fountain and fill it with Pibb Extra before going to a table by an outlet. I decide this is as good of a time as any to charge my phone. I get it plugged in and let it sit on the table as it charges. I really don't know why I have a cell phone. I have no one to call in case of emergencies; I don't have any friends that call me, and I don't call anyone with it. It's just another waste of my money, but I keep it in the hope that one day I'll need it. I sit in the booth for nearly five minutes before my order gets to my table, so much for FAST food. But when the black lab brings the tray it is carrying three meals; two of what I ordered and another meal. I look up to the lab and open my mouth to say the order has been mixed up but he speaks before me, "If you're on a long trip, you could use the extra food. And it's my break so I thought I'd join you," he says with a smile as he sets the tray in the middle of the table and sits across from me, "If you don't mind that is." "No I don't mind...but I only paid for the one meal." I'm completely confused as to why the lab is giving me any attention. The only attention I ever got back home was the attention of a punching bag. This is so different that I don't know how to react. "I paid for the other one," he states as he eats one of his French fries, "So, if you don't mind my asking, where are you going?" I shrug, "I don't know. Maybe Georgia or even Florida, I haven't really decided yet." "So where are you from and how did you get here?" "I lived in a small town halfway across the state, and I walked here." I explained as I began eating one of my sandwiches. I hadn't realized how hungry I would get. "I see," by now he had completely stopped eating. He put all of his focus on me and getting to know about me, "So why did you leave?" I sigh and put my sandwich down, "Look at my face," I turn my head around so he can completely see the damage Dad had done to me. Then I lift my shirt to show him my bandaged ribs. His expression instantly changed a worried one; though he is becoming enthralled even more, "I was beat up by my classmates and abused by my father for being gay. I left the hospital yesterday after being admitted the same day for three broken ribs and a punctured lung, granted it wasn't under the doctor's permission. One of my classmates did that to me. My dad did everything you see on my face." Now his expression was that of complete disgust. Disgust of what my dad and classmates did to me no doubt, "My god, how can people be so stupid. Just because someone likes guys instead of girls is no reason to get upset. It's not like you killed someone, robbed a bank, or did anything else that is worth being that mad about." By now I have finished my first meal and half of my second, "People often don't care enough to think of that. They usually are too content with past teachings to adjust to the newer changes in life." "It sickens me. A person is a person regardless of which gender they prefer to mate. Until someone does something like stealing an innocent life or something along those immoral lines, they should be able to live without the harassment." A thought dawns on me, "You seem to take this subject to heart; are you gay to?" He smiles as he holds up his right wrist that is sporting a gay pride bracelet, "Proud of it." I smile over at him as I finish my second meal and look over to my phone. It is almost done charging so I sit back and let the food sit. I sit back in my seat and he looks over at me, "So I didn't catch your name, I'm..." I cut him off, "You didn't catch my name because I didn't give it to you. I didn't give it to you because when I walk out that door, we probably won't see each other again." The labs expression becomes sad in an instant, "Oh. I see." Though his head is down I can clearly see tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry but it's for the best. I wouldn't want to get attached just to never see you again." I try to explain it to him without hurting him anymore. He keeps his head down, "It's okay. I understand," I can easily pick up the strain in his voice. He is trying with all of his might not to bread out crying. I sigh, "I'm going to use the bathroom real quick. I'll take care of the tray when I get done." With that I walk off towards the bathroom. It doesn't take me long to empty my bladder and wash my hands. I walk back out and see the lab is gone from my table. I sigh feeling bad that I hurt him, but it's for the best considering this would probably be the only time I'd see him. I pick up my things and walk out the door to begin walking again. After an hour of walking in ditches and tree lines, as much as possible, I feel my pocket twitch. I reach it to my pocket and dig around to find the source of the disturbance. My phone? I pull my phone out of my pocket and open it. 1 New Text Message from Vance; my phone read. *Who is Vance* I think to myself. *So, you know my name now. Do I get to know yours? * The message reads. I sigh and shake my head before responding. *You do know that in all likelihood you'll never see me again, right? * I respond and keep the phone in my paw waiting for a response. ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZ my phone vibrates. *Yeah, so? * His persistence confuses me. No fur has ever paid this much attention to me in my whole life. Why does he even want to know my name? Why does he care? *May I ask you something? Why do you care? I'm not trying to be snobby or anything, but you're the first person to actually take interest in me. * I close my phone in my paw waiting for a response. I hear a car coming down the highway and I can see headlights just over the hill so I dart into the trees, I only go in far enough that the driver can't see me. I don't want to hitch hike and risk meeting someone who wants me to be their sex toy and I don't want the cops to find me so I try to stay unnoticed. ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZ I flip my phone open and read the text message from Vance. *Because I like to help people, and I just got this feeling that I should try my hardest to help you. * The headlights have passed now and I'm making my way back out to the tree line. *Really? Why would you want to help me? That's another first. * I reply then close my phone yet again and that's when I hear a rustling behind me. I freeze, here there are many mountain lions and running is the exact opposite thing I want to do. I turn as slowly as I can manage and look in the direction of the rustling. It isn't a mountain lion it's an anthro. I can make out his eyes the clearest; they're a bright green. Is it a wolf? Is it a cop? By now I don't want to bother to find out. I turn and sprint as fast as I can then I hear it call out. "No, wait." The voice isn't very deep it is masculine though. I'm guessing whomever and whatever it is, is only a teenager like myself. I slow down slightly to turn my head. I see he has stepped out of the trees just enough for the moon to light him up. I stop running to take in his features. He is a wolf like I thought, he has white fur that turns into a crimson red at the tip of his ears and at his paws, he is no taller nor muscular than I; in fact he looks as if he was put through something similar to what I was put through, and he is wearing baggy clothes that hide his luminescent fur. He stays where he is taking in my features a little more the says in a small voice, "I'm a runway to." "How do you know I'm a runaway?" I ask. He chuckles softly, "For one you're walking down the highway in ditches and tree lines, two you're as thin as a stick, and three you have cut's and bruises all over your muzzle." He lists off. "Okay, so why were you following me?" "Well originally I wasn't. I was trying to get away from the foster home I was in and I saw you a few miles ago." The wolf explains. "What's your name?" Now he walks over to me and holds out a paw, "My name is Drake Johnson, most people would just call me DJ before beating me up. And your name?" I took his paw in mine and shook it, "Tristain, Tristain Thompson. So why are you running away?" I ask as we turn and continue walking back in the direction we had started. "Both of my parents died and I was put in foster care. Every house was the same, they'd bring me in, care for me, accept me up until I told them I'm gay. Then everything would turn sour. The decent ones would just talk to my worker and have me leave the next day, the less decent ones would beat me and degrade me every second of the day. Then I got fed up after 10 different foster families so I ran away. And you?" "Well I told my parents I was gay, Dad didn't like it so he beat me, Mom didn't like it so she left maybe even killed herself, classmates didn't like it so they tried to kill me. I ran away and here I am now." I rushed through my explanation because I really didn't want to relive it in the first place and apparently he understood that because he didn't press the matter any farther. "So...where are you planning on going?" I shrug, "Not sure yet. I was thinking somewhere like Florida or Georgia." "Really!? That's where I was thinking of going to. Mind if I tag along?" "Not really." I try to stay calm, but there are so many things running through my head right now. The main one being why had two people suddenly decided that they give a crap about me? "Cool, so..." Drake is cut off as we both hear approaching sirens. They're definitely police sirens. I push him towards the trees, "RUN!" I shout as we dash through the trees that get thicker the further we go. We both take off into a dead sprint; spinning and jumping out of the way of branches and bushes as we went. Through our panting I hear the sirens get closer and closer, "Faster," I say just loud enough for Drake to hear and comprehend what I say. The police were obviously tipped off as to where we were and knew where to look. The thought of getting caught gets my blood going three times as fast as it already is. What the..? I think to myself. Everything seems to be slowing down around me, everything is getting clearer. Drake looks like he's running at the speed of a tortoise, all the trees look so distant, and my body feels like it is burning. I refocus and go over to Drake and pick him up in my arms while he's still running. Then I resume my full sprint. We seem to be going at least 50 miles per hour and I'm carrying and extra 160 pounds. Town after town passes by in the distance as I work my way through the trees and brush. I look back to see there aren't any police within 50 miles. I conclude that's a safe enough distance that I stop and put Drake down. He instantly falls on his bum panting for some reason. "Why are you panting? I'm the one who did all the work and I'm still full of energy." "Well sorry. I wasn't expecting you to pick me up and carry me through the state at 100 miles an hour." Drake is holding his head looking nauseas. "Well you were running at the same pace of a slug so I decided to carry you. And please, it's physically impossible to run that fast." He looks at me dumbfounded, "Whatever. You were going at least 100, you ran with the freeway and no one could keep up. You were passing them like they were going in reverse." I shrug as I sit down. I know it is impossible. Now that I am more relaxed I can feel my body burning again. It hurts the most on my paws and face. "Are you okay?" Drake obviously knows something was wrong. He still looks nauseas but his full attention is on me. I'm looking my paws over. Turning them so I can see every bit of them. The fur is still white with a few black stripes and black slights where my claws are, but the fur seems to be emitting a small glow where the white is, "I'm not sure. My body feels like it's burning and my fur almost looks like its....glowing." I explain. He looks more carefully at my paws then his eyes widen and he moves in for a closer look, "You're right, you are glowing. And you're getting brighter every second. Whoa, it's pulsing with your heartbeat." He's right. My fur seems to get brighter with every beat of my heart. Even through the hypnosis my fur has been putting me in I can feel my head hurting more and more. Now it feels like it's splitting. I bring my paws up to hold my head, my teeth are clenched so tight that I'd be able to bite through iron. Then the light goes out, I'm in darkness yet again. "As the light fades, the shadows grow larger." A voice calls out. "Who's there?" I ask. It is so dark I can't tell if I'm standing, lying, or sitting nor where up or down is. "But don't be afraid, just keep walking. For fear of the darkness makes you cling to light." "What are you talking about?" I try again. No luck. "If you cling to the light too much you grow weak when it leaves. And if you stick too much to dark you will be blinded by all light." "Why are you telling me this?" "Which do you side with? Can you pick a side?" "Please, who are you?" "Soon the time will come. You will have to ask yourself, light? Or dark? Which will you be?" I was brought back to consciousness and from the dark by excruciating pain. My back was arched so that it was close to it's breaking point. My eyes and jaw are clenched shut trying to keep the pain in as much as possible. The pain is getting worse and worse with each beat of my heart. My back arches more and any second I feel like I could die from the pain. ..... Nothing. All the pain is gone. In it's place I feel some weight on my chest and at my side. Something is wrapped around my chest as well. I lay there panting, too afraid to open my eyes for a few moments. When I open my eyes my white fur glowing around the black stripes as well as Drake hugging my chest greets me. My fur is glowing like a flashlight and still pulsing with my heartbeat, but it isn't getting any brighter. Drake nuzzles my chest and I instantly begin purring. He looks up at me and smiles when he sees me looking back down at him. But it only lasts for a moment before he pulls himself off of me and begins apologizing. "I'm sorry but it looked like your back was going to snap and that seemed like the best way to get your back flat." I'm sitting up on my elbows now, "It's fine. I'm glad you did it." His smile returns, "So what happened?" "I have no clue. I blacked out then there was this voice going on about light and dark. He takes a moment to process the information I give, "Weird..." "Yeah.." our ears perk up as we both hear rustling. It's coming from all around us. Though my fur is glowing brightly I can make out figures emerging from the trees. All are cloaked so I can't see any of their faces. Something about them is making my fur stand on end but I don't have the energy to run, not yet. *(TO BE CONTINUED)* * * *
So sorry about the delay. Because school is starting for me on the 26th posts may be slow but I'll put them up as often as I can. As always comments and constructive critism are welcome and thanks for reading.