Foresight and Luck Part 11: Optimism

It's been so long let's see if I can still salvage my watchers as well as this story. This is a really short story because in the process of writing this I felt that I was forcing myself to write too much and it may have affected the story. ...

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Runaways chapter two: Soon the Time Will come

Okay, sorry it took so long my procrastination is horrid. There are some things that I might not have explained very well, if so please tell me about it. Leave a comment, shout, or write a pm to let me know. This is my story I know what's happening and...

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Foresight and luck part 10: Trouble in paradise

* * * Characters and story are mine, copyright shyybunny. Avalar, however, is not mine. He is used with the permission of Treeckofan. No yiff in this story, sorry if you were looking to paw, but the main characters are homosexual (male) so...

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Runaways Chapter one: The trigger’s been pulled; it has signaled a new start.

* * * Characters and story line are MINE, copywrite shyybunny. Any similarities in characters and or story are complete coincidence. I came up with the story line from a project in the 9th grade. The main character, the Siberian tiger, his name is...

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foresight and luck

\*So there he sat at the party. Not knowing what to do. Away from the dancing and conversing. As he set his head back against the wall, eyes starting to shut, I he felt a paw on his shoulder and a wonderful smooth voice one could only dream of...

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