Small Little Reflection in the Middle of the Night

One last thing, because i'm such a romantic i might write a story called of kings and centipedes, which centers on the forbidden relationship of a king and a peasant during medieval times. now, if you excuse me, i'm gonna get off the computer now.


The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 2

I hear a voice near my ear, "_I really hate to do this to you, Aeneas, must be done. You never should have trusted me. I do this in the name of the Northern Alliance._" I hear the sound of steel cutting air before I scare myself awake. "No!"...

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The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 1

I wake up suddenly after someone kicks me in the leg, "Ouch! What was that for?" I look at my surroundings to find seven guardsmen of every possible species with swords pointed at my face, one of them holding Elizabeth hostage. Gaia asks both me and...

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The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 3

The Second Phase: The Exile _I wake up in a vast expanse of nothingness. Just the color white in all directions...except for a lone mahogany bar table to the north of my position. A mysterious cervine awaits my approach on a stool, beckoning me with a...

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A Bleak Outlook (Part 1 of 2)

It was a wyranese novel, one about a forbidden relationship between a young noble woman and a commoner. predictable in terms of plot, but otherwise quite elegantly written.

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A Palce to Belong - Chapter 26

The war sixteen years ago was because of a forbidden relationship." "the house of anaris\*... no... frickin'... way!" jason said with his muzzle agape, staring at me. i felt everyone stare at me, i couldn't stand it.

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