World of Dead Earth

#5 of losing humanity the major cities in dead earth, also a work in progress. vicentendia, dead earth- the largest and most 'productive' city of dead earth.

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Plant Anatomy

Melpod: one of the most widely cultivated and diverse species of fruit that are available in the new plants of dead earth.

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#3 of losing humanity this is the working bestiary for the world of losing humanity, dead earth. in other words, it will be added to as i continue to write. i hope you guys enjoy the added information and look into the world of dead earth.

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A New Dawn

\*roars\*" all but zeng were afraid as the monster demonstrated his power by summoning skeletons from the dead earth beneath him, as they prepared to fight zeng turned to his friends feeling that this might truly be their last moments together.

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 15

They'd had a bit of shooting practise with some of the firearms they'd retrieved from the dead earth, and they'd got to lob a grenade or two and that was all their actual soldier training had been thus far.

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 7

Unlike the jeep which anar had snagged himself from the dead earth they had visited, along with jerry cans of fuel to run it with, this motorised beast had been gifted to them by their boss from a world too alien for them to visit in person.

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The Loa Pantheon

**associated powers:** epic charisma, cheval, darkness, death, earth, health, psychopomp **abilities:** command, fortitude, integrity, occult, politics, presence **rivals:** kalfu, hades, hel, izanami, miclantecuhtli, osiris. ---------------------------

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The Demon Woods

His paws beat hard on the dead earth until he finally saw light. it was faint, but, he had to make it. he pushed on with all his little body had until he burst through the woods and onto the street.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

**associated powers:** epic charisma, epic manipulation, arete, darkness, death, earth **abilities:** academics, command, occult, presence, stealth, thrown **rivals:** dionysus, baron samedi, frigg, izanami, osiris, quetzalcotl ---------

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Sixty Four

dead earth." "that's right. our world...this story we live in, it's still so young, and fragile. people like these..." he thrust a finger up at the riddle, carved in stone. "they ruined it. by abusing their powers.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters One Hundred Three and One Hundred Four

Within a few generations, each tribe would have several shapes powerful enough to birth rain in the sky, to turn dead earth into sand, and to build new oases to support their people.

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Double Edged

It was simply dead earth. he hummed slightly, wondering what could cause it.

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