Tales of Azoria - Chapter 2
He still grinned widely down at her happily, still feeling the urge to giggle more from her facial expression. "mom, it's the day! i'm so excited! pleeeeease, get up."
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The drone, rotating on its own axis while still attached to the ceiling, aimed its facial scanner at the raccoon's face.
The Fall of the Elvish Kingdom
His soft facial features hardened and squared, two tusks grew from his lower jaw, and his nose broadened to inhale more air needed to his new set of expanded lungs.
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Watching their facial expression in the following silence as i had nothing more else to say. now, some of you in the audience maybe wondering how my own coyotes were frustrated and mad. it was because of the wolves. mainly, hunter's pack.
Tales of Azoria - Chapter 11
He saw bossbiss's expression showing concern and worry, then his facial expression changed to a grin as if he just came to an interesting discovery. azuri couldn't tell what it was until another dragon flew into the doorway. "your majesty!
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Yet his facial expression betrayed him as he started beaming in happiness and a soft smile appeared upon his face. though with the silence looming above us again, i exhaled a breath and shook my head.
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For i had saw strange facial expression upon each of their surfaces. i shivered and stayed close to the two other coyotes whom taken the lead instead of me, walking forward weaving through the forest. the peaceful silence that loomed over us was gone.
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Wovan frowned and flattened his ears after gaining motion control over his body and facial expressions however too. for he turned towards me who started growling and to wyott who remained silence, he whimpered following it.
First Day
"facial id won't flag you as long as i'm hacking any program that glances at you--you're welcome--and we won't run into anyone you know on smuggling runs," she said. "she does have a point," rayne said. "she always does," shade said.
Chapter 2: Woods Of the Valley
This new person was a complete stranger to her, he had the face, muzzle, and ears of a wolf yet his fur and what she could see of his facial markings made her think of a raccoon instead with his grayish brown fur and darker fur around his eyes.