Chapter 2: Woods Of the Valley
#2 of Echoes In Delows Valley
So... now we get to see more residents of Delows Valley as well as the female lead of the story
One thing I do want to mention is that the chapter title is a Work In Progress, I'm not honestly 100% sold on the title, yet I'm also lacking a better one at the moment...
Another thing is that I don't want to spoil too much about this chapter, but something I do want to mention is that I did use a little family history that gets briefly mentioned during a conversation (much to my mother's embarrassment since she was the one who did it, but I'll let you guess what that might be.)
I did have fun adding this little bit in the story
Life moves on for those in Delows Valley. Rory Woods is one of these residents and is doing her best despite the given situation.
However, events will test Rory's limits to their breaking point and risk problems that will impact her future.
There's an event that could be a trigger event for some people
so placing this warning just in case
Story and characters are mine
Image was done by an AI Art Generator, Frosting:AI
Chapter 2: Woods Of the Valley
To some, the Route 216 General Markets was just a multi-function general store. Much like someone would think about a decent sized truck stop that a person could stop at when traveling the highway across the country. Yes, one could buy groceries, fresh produce and meats there; but there were also other items that one could find there like clothes, simple tools, and other simple household necessities that someone might need and not want to travel for at least thirty mto an hour to the nearest store. The place was also the only fuel station for at least twenty miles and housed the only diner in about thirty miles.
To others though, the Markets was more than a simple market store. It was the heart of the small town and without it, the town would eventually die out. This is something that some have come to know and want to keep the store and by extension, the town alive.
One of these individuals was Rory Woods.
Rory had lived most of her life in Delows Valley and most of the people that she knew were here. She owed her life to those of the valley, and she wanted to give back to those that helped her. Especially her late surrogate father Ashton Tavor, someone that took her in and treated her more like family when her own blood basically cast her aside. She owned the old wolf a lot, who knows where she would be now if he hadn't taken her in.
Her focus was broken when a tapping sound came from the door to the office caught her attention.
"Huh...? Yes?" Rory spoke up as she looked away from the paperwork that she had buried herself with. "What is it?" A young snow leopard appeared from behind the door.
"Hey Rory." She said as she came into the office. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm alright Amber." Rory sighed, forcing a smile. "I'm managing things for the moment. At least until the new owner shows up and they can take over."
"Has there been any word on when they might show up?"
"I haven't talked with Mister Maddox in a few days." Rory pushed herself away from the desk and brushed some of her brown locks of hair out of her face. "Maybe once I'm caught up with this BS I can call him to find out what is going on."
Amber nodded. "It would be good to get some news. Who knows how long before Mr. Clarke or someone like him might try and get their hands on this place."
"That arrogant..." Rory growled as she barred her fangs at the thought of their town's resident mechanic. "I'll be damned if I ever let someone like that... SWINDLER get a hold of this place!" The outburst caused Amber to put her hands up in mock surrender.
"Okay... Okay... I was just saying." The snow leopard said as soothing as she could to calm her friend and boss down. "No need to get so upset over talk."
"Sorry..." Rory sighed as she recomposed herself. "Ever since 'Uncle' Ashton died, things have been... You know..."
"Stressing you out?"
"Listen," Amber said as she walked over to her friend. "Try and remember that you're not alone here." She placed a comforting hand on the wolf's shoulders. "You got me, Phoebe, and my mother. We have your back, just like we all did with Mister Tavor. If you ever need a thing, and I mean Anything, just let any of us know and we'll be there for you."
"I... Thanks." Rory said, looking up at her friend. Amber smiled before patting the wolf's shoulder and walking out of the office.
With another sigh, Rory looked at the pile of paperwork on the desk in front of her. Sales reports, product order forms, utility bills, tax documents, offers to buy the business... The list goes on. It seemed like a daunting task that her uncle left her, to look after the business until someone took over the reins of ownership. The business itself was self-sufficient, but lacked any real leadership despite Rory's best efforts. It wasn't that Uncle Ashton didn't trust her to do it, it was more of the fact that he felt that she might crumble under the stress of running the place on her own. She knew that Uncle Ashton had someone in mind to fill his shoes, but he never got around to informing her who they might be. Just that it might be someone that he believed he could trust and that the person could be a part of his extended family that he rarely talked about.
Rory gave the paperwork a final glare before she let out an exasperated huff and got up to leave the office for a bit, feeling the need to take a break from the printed forms for a while. She had decided that she'd look for Victoria, Amber's mother who usually helped out in the kitchen and ask her if she would be willing to help with the paperwork for a little bit. While Uncle Ashton was like a father she never actually had, Miss Victoria Snowden was her surrogate mother. Victoria was one of those mothers that despite looking after two of her own daughters, wouldn't hesitate to step in and help a child in need.
As Rory figured, the older snow leopard was in the kitchen, wiping down the counter space since it was one of their slower nights. She was slightly smaller than Rory, with a motherly figure from her age and having children. Her long silver hair was pinned up into a simple bun behind her head and her almost trademark smile was on her face. It must have been a mother's intuition as though she didn't stop her cleaning, her smile grew slightly as she glanced over at Rory.
"Need a break from the administration work?"
Rory blinked before letting out a chuckle. "Yeah, everything was just starting to get overwhelming in there."
"Well I've tried to tell you that you don't have to do it alone, I'm more than willing to take that duty over for you hun."
"I know...." Rory said, looking down at the floor . "I know... it's just..." She sighed, something that she noted that she was doing a lot of recently. "It's just that I feel like I need to prove that I was... Am good enough for what uncle Ashton did for me."
"Oh hun..." Victoria dropped the cloth she was holding and hugged the young wolf. "You don't have to prove anything. Ashton took you in not to have you pay him back, but so you can live your life. Don't think that you need to prove anything to him and the best way to pay him back is to live your life happily." Rory opened her mouth when another snow leopard burst into the kitchen. The two looked at the new arrival that was panting with a confused look. "Phoebe? What's going on?"
"It's... It's Nash..." The younger snow leopard sister said, looking worried.
"Oh dear god..." Rory groaned as she started to make her way out of the kitchen. "NOW what does that lunk headed Idiot want." She stormed out of the kitchen without much thought and barked "Where the hell is that asshole! He knows that he's Not welcome here!"
"Right here." A deep voice said behind her as two arms wrapped around her and picked her up. "Hey sweet cheeks, did you miss me?" He said as he came in to give her a kiss, only to be met by her hand trying to force his head back.
"Hell NO!" Rory growled. "Let me go Now you jerk!"
"Why would I want to let go of my girlfriend?"
"How many times do I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull, Nash! I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND I NEVER WILL BE!"
"Aww, come on Rory," He said close to her ear, Rory gave a disgusted grunt as the smell of alcohol washed over her nose. "You know that you want me, every girl wants me."
"Only dumb bimbos would want anything to do with you." Rory spat as she stomped his foot with hers, causing Nash to yelp and lose his grip on Rory. Rory shoved her way out of his grip but before she could get more than a few steps away, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him.
"Oh why do you like playing so hard to get?" He said as he pulled her close. "We both know that you want me, why don't you admit it?" It would save the both of us some time."
"Cause I don't even like you, you fucking moron! Now let me GO!"
"Oh come on, just give me a kiss."
"NO! Let me GO!"
"Nash Walker!" A voice hissed from the kitchen. "You let Rory go Right Now or else I will have more than a few words with your father!" With the mention of his father finding out what he was doing, Nash let his grip on Rory loosen enough that Rory was able to push free and get some distance from the male.
Nash looked over at the matriarch snow leopard, the elder feline had a glare that chilled him to his bones. "Aww, come on Miss Snowden, I was only foolin'" He said, trying to be sweet as he could be in the presence of Ms. Snowden. The feline's glare didn't change though.
"Don't give me that 'only fooling' line boy." Victoria hissed. "You know that when someone tells you 'No' they mean NO!"
"Yeah, yeah..." Nash said dismissively.
"Nash," Rory spoke up. "You've been told multiple times already that you are Banned from being on this property, so Get the Hell out of here!"
"Or what?" He spat. "You're going to have your attack cat put me through a wall?" Nash laughed. "I'd like to see her try with me as I don't think that she'll have an easy time with me like she did with Johnny."
"Johnny was warned just like you were." Victoria huffed with some embarrassment in her voice. "I suggest you leave, Now!"
"Johnny is a nobody farm boy, I was the star athlete in school." Nash gloated. "You really think that you can take me on?"
"Hey." A new voice spoke up from the entrance. "You were asked to leave, so will you excuse yourself from the premises and not come back?"
Rory looked over to the source of the voice to find a rather tall wolf, at least he looked like a wolf. This new person was a complete stranger to her, he had the face, muzzle, and ears of a wolf yet his fur and what she could see of his facial markings made her think of a raccoon instead with his grayish brown fur and darker fur around his eyes. She also noticed a golden stripe that ran along either side of his face that disappeared down into the collar of his shirt, though she wasn't sure if she was seeing things as she noticed that there were spots down by the base of his neck. He might have been dressed what he considered casual, but to her his outfit was
"Stay out of this stranger." Nash hissed as he came up to the stranger in an attempt to intimidate him. Nash was noticeably smaller than the wolf, but Nash was bulkier compared to the stranger. "This has nothing to do with you unless you make it that way!"
The wolf just stared down Nash, not phased by the intimidation tactic. "I'm not the one who is harassing the employees of this place nor making empty threats like a school yard bully. I'm just here asking you to leave before you do something that you regret."
"Yeah?" Nash snorted. "And what are you going to do if I refuse?"
"Nothing?" Nash laughed. "All that bravo and your plan is to do nothing? Ha! You're pretty stupid. How about I teach you a lesson!"
"I'm not interested in any "lesson" that you think that you can teach me. Besides," The wolf gave a devilish smile to Nash. "My plan was to do nothing because I don't have to actually do anything." He said as the door behind him opened up as more people entered the diner. The wolf stepped to the side, revealing who had just come in and caused Nash's face to drain of color. Two of the three gentlemen that had walked in were wearing casual clothes with insulated flannel shirts as jackets due to the falling temperatures outside and topped with a ball cap. The third was wearing a black uniform jacket with a brimmed stetson hat atop of his head, but what really stood out was the badge he was wearing.
Rory was familiar with all three new arrivals, they were regular customers after all. The two wearing flannel were local truck drivers, they were routed through Delows Valley on one of their routine dispatch and would stop every few days when they passed through. Both looked rather gruff, but those at the Market knew they had good hearts despite their exterior looks. The third arrival...
"Deputy Ryan." Rory spoke with a bit of glee. "I am so glad to see you."
"Good evening." The German Shepherd greeted as he nodded her way, however his gaze was focused on the person in front of him. "Nash Walker..." There was a bit of annoyance in the Shepherd's voice as he stared down Nash. "It seems like the last time I saw you, I had to trespass you from this very premise. Tell me, has the ban been lifted to allow you back on the property?"
"No it hasn't, Deputy." Victoria spoke up. "In fact, he came in and immediately started harassing our staff."
"God damn it Nash..." The deputy sighed and shook his head, rubbing his temples.
"Cody, listen..." Nash started before he was cut off by the sheriff deputy.
"NO! You listen, Nash!" The Sheppard barked, obviously irritated. "You got to knock this bullshit off or else you WILL land your ass in jail! And I sure as SHIT I won't help you in any way, in fact I will be the one to shove your stupid ass in the cell." Deputy Ryan got within an inch of Nash and his nose flared at the smell of alcohol on him. "Now, I'd suggest that you get your tail back in your truck and head home. If you're not out of my sight in thirty seconds, not only will I trespass you but I WILL arrest you for being under the influence! You understand?"
Nash let out a timid "Yes..."
"Now... GET!"
Nash wasted no time as he bolted out the door. Soon an engine could be heard though it sounded like it had seen better days and was quickly followed by the sound of squealing tires as a pick-up truck was seen fleeing the parking-lot through the windows. When the racket of the vehicle was gone both Rory and Cody let out their respective held breaths.
"Oi, Ryan." One of the truckers pipped up. "You sure it's okay to let him go like that?"
Cody's shoulders visibly dropped as the canine let out a long sigh. "No..." He affirmed. "The problem with someone like him is that while he deserves to be behind bars, there's also other repercussions that shouldn't actually factor in but does."
"Family connections..." The other driver snorted as they rolled their eyes. "Idiocy if you ask me."
"Despite him not getting punished like he deserves," Victoria said as she walked up to the three. "I for one am glad that you were able to come in and deescalate the situation that was building up."
"So am I." Rory sighed with some relief. "That bastard has been handsy with me since middle school and doesn't want to take no for an answer. Can't believe he had the gull to come here and try to force himself on me. Uhg..." She shuddered at the thought. "Wish he would just disappear."
"Yeah... Life in the county would be that much better if he did." Cody offhandedly remarked. "But life doesn't work like that unfortunately."
"So true." Victoria agreed. "Anyway. Cody, will you be having your usual?"
"Yes, please." Cody said without hesitation. The radio on his shoulder started broadcasting something that no one but the deputy could fully understand. After a moment of listening to what was being said, he grabbed the mic and spoke into it. "Understood. On my way momentarily." Then he added to the girls. "Could you make the order to go? Something came up." He gave a look at Rory before shaking his head. "And no, it does not involve the moron that just left." Rory cursed under her breath at that, she rather hoped that Nash had wrapped his truck around a tree or over a non-existent tall bridge.
The gathered group dispersed into the diner with the deputy leaving as soon as his coffee and food was ready. The two drivers had chosen a table and were sitting and sharing stories with each other while the stranger sat by himself, listening to the conversation and adding his two cents now and then when prompted. Phoebe was sitting at a table focusing on her school work while her sister was running the kitchen. Their mother was in the office, doing what she could with the documents that had momentarily overwhelmed Rory.
Leaving Rory to be the waitress, something that she didn't mind all too much.
There were a few more customers that came in a little later, some regulars and other towns folks with a few new customers that were passing by, wanting to try the place out. Phoebe had finished her school work by this time and was helping out waitressing with Rory. The odd thing about the evening was the stranger. Even after eating his order and paying for it, he was still there. He was just sitting at the table and nursing his drink while observing everything that was going on in the dinner. It was well into the third hour since he had arrived and to say that Rory was getting more than a little miffed at the stranger would be accurate. She was getting to the point that she wished that he would just leave. It wasn't that he was doing anything wrong, he was quiet and was cordial when Phoebe or her came over to check on him. It was just that the longer he remained, the more he was slowly getting on her nerves.
"Is there anything else that I can get you?" Rory asked the strange wolf for the sixth time that night.
"No..." He started to say but seemed to change his mind just before Rory turned to leave. "Wait. Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?"
"Well, you just asked one." She said. The wolf blinked before chuckling lightly.
"Supposed I walked into that one." He admitted. "Well... Mind if I ask you what your thoughts are about working here?"
Rory was taken by surprise by the question. To be honest, it wasn't something she really thought about either. "Uhm... It's... Okay, I guess. Why?"
"I was just wondering." He answered, though it left Rory feeling a bit skeptical. "What were your thoughts on the previous owner?"
"That's personal and really none of your business."
"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I didn't mean..."
"Didn't mean what?" Rory growled, cutting him off. "Didn't mean to bring up a sore subject? Didn't mean to pry into someone's personal life? Guess what, you did. You being here is weirding us out, so how about you stop being a creep by hanging around here and GTFO."
"What the..." Was the wolf's only response as Rory turned on her heels and started to walk away. "Wait just a damn minute here." He said as he got up to chase after Rory. "I'm sorry if I was creeping you guys out, but that's no reason to go off on me like that. Hey, are you listening miss?!?" After saying that, the next thing the stranger knew, he was on the floor. His fur and clothes were soaked and the side of his face was hurting like hell. He looked up to see the waitress holding the handle of what remained of a glass pitcher. "What the HELL is wrong with you!?!"
"SHUT UP AND...!" Rory couldn't finish what she was saying as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. "WHAT THE HELL! LET ME GO!" She yelled, trying to struggle out of the embrace.
"Miss Wood, calm down!" The man behind her said, trying to calm her down while also trying to keep his hold on the struggling female wolf.
Amber poked her head out of the kitchen, wondering what was going on after hearing the commotion. "Rory, Mr. Parker, what is going on?" she came out to find not only Rory being restrained, but one of the customers on the floor. "What the Hell is going ON? Rory, what did you do?" Amber briefly disappeared back into the kitchen before coming out with a towel and went to the customer's side, trying to help him dry off from the pitcher of water he was hit with. Amber ignored the expletives that were coming out of her friend's mouth and focused on what she was doing. While she wanted to know what triggered her friend, she knew that it was a moot point to try and get anything more coherent from the wolf. There were only two people she knew that could snap Rory back to reality.
"RORY WOODS!" Came a sharp, commanding voice that caused everyone to stop what they were doing and look at the source. The snow leopard matriarch was standing there, hands on her hips and tail twitching violently behind her. "What in heaven's name do you think you are doing young lady?" She was staring at the she-wolf with her ice blue eyes, a silent rage filling her icy gaze.
Rory was like a deer in headlights upon seeing the elder snow leopard's cold stair. It didn't help that she was also being held from behind and taking a moment to look around, everyone was looking at her with a confused, worried expression on their faces. Everyone except the stranger who was glaring at her in a rage and Victoria, who was radiating motherly instincts and was more than ready to punish one of her cubs.
"V... Victoria... I..." Was about all she could stammer out before being quickly interrupted.
"Don't you 'Victoria' me, young lady!" The snow leopard hissed in a loud, commanding tone. "Right now I think it's best that you get your tail into the office and cool off, before you get yourself into more trouble than you already have!" Her gaze shifted to the man behind Rory. "Mr. Ward, would you be so kind as to escort Miss Woods to the office before you finish closing down the deli?"
"Sure Mrs. Snowden. Come on Ms. Woods, let's go." Mr. Wards said softly as he slowly let go of Rory and gently pushed her to where the offices were.
Rory walked in a daze as she was escorted into the office and Mr. Ward gave her a bottle of water before leaving her alone. Things felt numb as she sat alone in the office, her mind just a blank space with the events of the night. It was almost an hour when Victoria came in, there was no animosity or anger in her eyes like before but a sorry, sad expression of a disappointed mother looking at their child. One look at the motherly snow leopard and Rory couldn't hold back her tears. Maternal instincts easily kicked in for Victoria and she was instantly pulling the wolf up and into her arms.
"Just let it all out." Victoria said in a soothing tone. Rory couldn't help but to sob into Victoria's shoulders as pent up emotions let themselves out. Victoria couldn't help but to grieve with the girl in her arms. While she had her daughters in her time of need, Rory didn't have any family to lean on after Ashton's sudden passing.
"I... I really screwed up...Didn't I?" Rory finally said after several minutes of sobbing. Victoria didn't say anything, didn't quite dare to given the circumstances. "Oh god... Wh-what's going to happen to me now? I can't lose this job!" Rory couldn't help but to start panicking. "I can't lose this place! What would Uncle Ashton think "
"Rory, calm down." Victoria said. "What's done is done, and there's no changing that now." She pulled away so she could look in Rory's tear filled eyes. "All we can do is move forward and persevere. I know that you've been focusing on work since Ashton's death but you do need time for yourself. You are strong, but you're not infallible. I think it's best to take some time off, at least a week or so to focus on yourself and get yourself back in order."
"No..." Rory tried to argue. "You need me here. There's just so much that needs to be done. There's no way that you can take care of everything. You need my help!"
"Rory." Victoria said in a warning tone. "Yes, there's quite a bit left to do. But! It's not like everything is hinged on your involvement, or is necessary to have you present to complete what needs to be done." She sighed. "Besides... I think it would be best that you are not seen around the store for a while. I had to do some quick thinking And some fast smooth talking negotiations to NOT have the police called on You. You Do realize that you assaulted a customer and they could easily have pressed charges on you."
"Oh god..." Rory whimpered.
"Yes. Thank god that he was understanding enough when I explained (some) of the situation that you've been going through recently that he relented enough Not to press charges. Though the deal was that you do get some form of punishment. Now it's up to you on how you view this. It's either you voluntarily take time off or you are going to be suspended for a week at minimum." Victoria let out a long breath before continuing. "Either way, you are taking time off for a while. It's a question of how you are going to view it."
In the end Rory reluctantly relented, like she had much of a choice to begin with. Rory couldn't help but to feel defeated as she knew that once the snow leopard made her mind up that there was no changing it. She had done wrong and she needed to be shown some kind of punishment for what she had done. So after gathering her coat and other items she needed, Victoria escorted her out to her car and Rory reluctantly made her way home.
Rory had been feeling numb from all the recent events, but what had transpired this particular night was starting to take its toll. She could feel her mind go blank as she traveled down the road, though thankfully the way home was second nature to her and she was able to react on autopilot as she drove. The ten some minutes drive was its usual uneventful ride as her ranch style home came into view. It was among some of the last things that her uncle did for her to set her up for her life, a lovely home of her own on the edge of his property to help start her adult life.
As much as it was her home, she needed to find some comfort right now and so she continued on to the last house on that road.
She let out a sigh as the comforting view of her uncle's home greeted her as she came up the driveway. The outdoor motion lights greeted her as they came on as she approached, allowing her to see the path around to the side of the garage where she typically parked her car when she got it. A sense of relief washed over her as she got out of her car and looked at her uncle's home. While her uncle had built the other house for her, this was where she was the most comfortable.
"There's no place like home." Rory muttered to herself as she looked at the exterior.
With practice ease, she pulled her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the garage's side door, allowing her entry into the house. She idly made her way through the garage as she felt the comfort of familiarity around her. It wasn't the same with her uncle gone, but she still found comfort by being here. To be honest, when she wasn't at the General Market she was actually here in her old room more often than the house that was built for her.
It wasn't until she entered the joining utility room that she noticed something amiss. There were noises coming from the living room. "My god!" Rory whispered to herself. "Is somebody trying to squat in the house?" She quickly went to the interior door and listened for a moment, sure enough the tv was playing but she couldn't hear any other noise. Cracking the door open revealed light coming from a lamp in the living room, leaving the dining room and kitchen cast in darkness. Opening the door wider, she cautiously poked her head out into the space between the kitchen and dining room. At first she didn't see anything besides an old movie playing on the flat screen television above the fireplace, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust and spot the intruder against the shadowy backdrop. Whomever it was, they were sitting on the couch facing the television with their back to her.
As stealthily as she could, Rory exited the utility room and backed into the kitchen. She needed a weapon and the only thing that came to mind was a cast iron skillet that her uncle kept hung up on the wall of the kitchen. She only took her eyes off the intruder to locate the pan and unhook it from its resting place, nearly dropping it from the sudden weight of the cooking instrument. Twice in that moment she nearly gave herself away, once from nearly dropping the pan and the other from the low grunt she unintentionally let out as she grabbed the pan. Thankfully the intruder didn't notice the commotion behind them and kept their attention to what was going on with the movie.
It wasn't until it was too late that the intruder discovered that they weren't alone in the house anymore...