Chapter 3: Lions, Tigers, and Bears... Oh My

Chapter 3: Lions, Tigers, and Bears... Oh My When I started to regain consciousness, my face was sore and the top of my head was pounding. It was understandable why the side of my face hurt, it did get smashed by a pitcher earlier and was still...

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Chapter 2: Woods Of the Valley

Chapter 2: Woods Of the Valley To some, the Route 216 General Markets was just a multi-function general store. Much like someone would think about a decent sized truck stop that a person could stop at when traveling the highway across the country....

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Chapter 1: What Gets Left Behind

_ **Echoes in Delows Valley** _ _ **Chapter 1: What Gets Left Behind ** _ Any good story has a beginning, middle and end. So I suppose this is as good a place as any to start. My name is Frost Tavor, I am a mid twenty-some year old wolf and I'm...

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Episode 2: The Brawl of Forthac Cross.

Of Light And Shadows: The Saviors of Requiem Episode 2: The Brawl of Forthac Cross. Story- Ghost Prism found herself fighting three of the five bank robbers that she had stopped. She was holding her own against the three, but she was...

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Sortie 00 - The Straight-Build Rookie

Mobile Suit Gundam: Dive Nexus- Nightmare Gateway Sortie 00 - The Straight-Build Rookie "Aww... SHIT!" Daren exclaimed as he pulled the back on the controls to barely dodged the barrage of incoming fire. He knew that he was in trouble as the other...

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SW Second Chances PT 3 - Reconnecting by Kajex Surnahm

A rising sun and a cool breeze bore down upon and through the canopy of Yavin 4's jungle, a cacophony of birds sounding from the branches. Unmolested by the fauna below, shielded from predators that might soar above, and miles away from the ancient...

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00 - Legacy of the White Demon

Along Came A Wolf... "When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... First, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber,...

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Along Came A Wolf [Teaser]

It was then that she found herself in a Cold Weather Poncho, riding an elevator up into the upper sections of the old facility that they were under. The ride was slow, taking upwards of ten or more minutes as it ascended up the shaft. She never learned...

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AE: Recollection Pt 1: New Life Start [Teaser, Working Title]

His surroundings were starting to come into focus as his awareness grew. The smell of wood burning nearby, meat and other things were adding to the aroma that was being picked up by his nose. There was a light pressure on him, not restraining but...

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SW: Second Chances PT 2- Retrieval by Kajex Surnahm`

The Ebon Nest remained a region of space well-suited to hiding out from the rest of the galaxy, despite it being a region many knew about. Anomalies along its fringes disrupted accurate analyses of local star-charts, and several nebulae made hyperspace...

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A Sanctuary in the Woods - Part 1: Stranded

Part 1: Stranded Yahto Ashwin could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his paws squeaked on the steering wheel as he loosen the death grip on it. Slowly the malamute-wolf mix let go of the steering wheel completely so he could rub some...

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[Draft] Star Wars: Right vs Easy - Deleated Scenes

"I've tracked down the slicer, Master. It's on Ord Thoden, in the Western Ward. She has called for help, but I can intercept. My team and I will move in on your orders." A pause, then a murmur of approval. "Good. Move in quickly, but quietly. The...

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