Treter: Better Cani
A mission sent by VPD requesting about visiting a certain prisoner adjacently to Virkoal Forest; however, depite being hired by them, they had released him. For what reasons had the other coyotoes questioned his aligned to either canine or reptile. But surely after the reunion, had they gotten their answer already.
Treter: Better Cani
We stand. Staring out into the horizon before ourselves, silence falling overhead with the only ringing into our ears. Only I exhaled a breath and closed my eyes, shifting my attention towards the other coyotes that were surrounding me. Watching their facial expression in the following silence as I had nothing more else to say. Now, some of you in the audience maybe wondering how my own coyotes were frustrated and mad. It was because of the wolves. Mainly, Hunter's pack. Perhaps it was cliche to even say it at most mainly because of the rivalry between coyotes and wolves that is.
My head shook as I rid of the words that were upon my own mind. Turned away from them and back upon the horizon in silence while watching the sunrise peak from the mountains at the distance. Things were relatively normal and peaceful to say the least. We were out in the plains, a top of one of the hillsides, staring level ground to the distance mountains beyond us however. From which I had taken a breath and smiled faintly, taking in the fresh wild air that surrounded us which had died for a moment and breathed out.
Although things were normal, I could not say the same for the other coyotes as I returned my gaze back upon them. All of them were moody; faces were darkened for some strange reason. With tails hiding behind their backs, they all gaze away from one another and from me too as they just stared at different directions. Viewing different places. Exhaling another sigh, I rose to my feet. Thus barking at them to get their attention. It took three times before all heads were turned towards me. Once I Had an audience, I cough to clear my throat and stepped forward closer towards them before answering to the silence looming over us.
"You guys should just get rid of that hatred with the wolves. We are all in this together with them and the cats as well." "Then why is it that the others pay more attention to them than us?" Growled Wovan, Wyott agreed nodding his head while shifting his attention to the coyote that was adjacent to him. I frowned at the pair for a moment, answering them as best I could. Then I was already interrupted by Wivina whom with his tail between his legs, he shivered while he spoke to me. Attempting to raise a paw from the grounds which had failed and attempted something else. But a raised paw from me, halted him while I turned around. Glancing behind me where I had noticed a reptile and I blinked, tilting my head towards the side.
A hanged silence fell between us while the coyotes behind me started howling and barking all of the sudden. Though I had ignored them as my eyes were kept upon the reptiles before me, I questioned him in a low voice for an attempt for answers. "Why are you here? Where you came from?" "First, there is a mission that the VPD wanted you to do." He started as I just gazed at him in silence prompting him to answer as he continued onward, "Second-" "Where is it?" I interrupted him, he said nothing. A glare from his face, but backtracked to his original answer and further explained, "At the VPD prison jail. Far South from Vaster. Adjacent to Virkoal Forest." "This never ceased to amaze me somehow." I commented, the reptile shook his head agreeing with me for a moment. I just crack a smile for him but he turned around and faded, leaving me alone with the coyotes again as I rose to my feet. Exhaled and turned around towards them. Explaining the mission.
So right around afternoon or so I had presumed it was the afternoon hours however, we had already landed upon the grassy plains below us. We landed with our feet toughing the soft grass beneath us while I turned around, gazing at the coyotes behind me. All of which gave a thumbs up of assurance and agreeance. Neither of them was suffering an injury from jumping halfway height however which had surprised me. But shaking my head, I turned my head back around and ran. Sprinting into full speed with the high winds blowing me back, resisting my movements from evening moving another step forward. The other coyotes followed me from behind, Sprinting full speed while they had attempted into catching up to me.
So everyone was silent when we ran across the plains. Running a short distance away until we had reached upon our destination. From where that reptile had told us to be upon. For which I halted my movements immediately which had allowed a few coyotes to move passed me a bit before they had stopped too. They shifted their attention back towards me, I nodded my head before moving my eyes away from them, gazing now at the building which we were led to believe that the lizard was held upon. Despite the silence held overhead, Wovan tilted his head to the side questioning me with a mutter "Why is the lizard held here? Should he not be inside of Vaster to be checked by the dragons?" "That is the question I am thinking of too, Wovan." I responded without answering him as he turned his head, meeting my eyes for a moment and said nothing in silence. I just stared at him before taking my eyes off from him suddenly and walked onward ahead. The coyotes behind me followed as we draw near to the building before us.
The building was not what we had suspected from Vaster or Canine realm. It was half the size of either of them. Yet it had more windows than both of them combined. A rooftop was overhead of the building; but it is not walkable or sustainable however, mainly because of how the rooftop was designed. It had baffled me knowing that there are restrictions upon the rooftops just by staring at it however. But we had reached upon the door in front of me; the door of the building. An red arrow was pointing down towards the door, a single word was written above the arrow and the door which Wivina read to himself. As I rolled my eyes, Wovan and Wyott stepped forth immediately and snatched the bar with their jaws. Pulling backwards until the door was opened on its own. We had walked inside afterwards.
It was pure darkness inside. We could not see a single thing. Regardless, I still walked ahead. Often times bumping into something cold that it had jolted my body a bit. Hard that my head was starting to ache or something as I find myself snarling and growling. A bit pissed and frustrated because of the things that were inflicted upon myself. Yet all of that ended when the light was turned on and me and the others shifted their attention behind ourselves, spotting Wovan already at the flicker of switches. Faintly smiling upon me while I just growl at him, annoyed about something about his smile or glee or something.
But ignoring it now, the coyotes formed up upon me while I just turn around and walked along the path before us. Deeper through the series of cells that had became our walls as we had attempted to find our target. It never took us long to find him. For he was deep upon the darkness hallways, hanged from the rooftops of his own cell, staring with daggers pointing upon me and my pack as I just smiled faintly upon him. "This is our guy?" Responded Wivian which Wovan nodded his head, glancing back onto the lizard before themselves. For as the lizard coughed and said nothing, he still split his mouth later questioning mainly me "Why are you here? Should you be licking the feet and floor of your superiors?" "Both Canine and Reptile realms are not ours. We are just hired to do so."
"Regardless, being hired is the same as working for them."
"It really is not." I protested back.
The short conversation had ended there as I just find myself staring at him and frowned. I stepped back from the lizard's cell and said nothing while the other coyotes just glanced at me in silence. All having a look of worry, confusement or something while Wovan stepped forth towards me questioning with a mutter or a whisper against my own ear, "What are we going to do with him? What had the Canine Reptile realms wanted us to do?" "Protect him from the vixen. She does not know he is here however. Half suspecting him to be somewhere in jail of canine or Reptile." "So they had sent him here?" Wovan question with eyes popping out from his socket, a nod came in response towards him from me as the silence fell between us once again.
"What had the vixen wanted revenge of you? You two were inseparable of one another." I commented, perhaps to passed the time however. The lizard remained silence, saying nothing more than a glare upon me before shifting his attention elsewhere more important than us. I clicked my tongue and remained silent, removing my eyes from him and gaze now onto my coyotes whom were gathered in one spot. Adjacent to the cage, all eyes were upon one another. Yet mouths were closed. Me and the lizard stared at them for a moment before we kept our eyes upon one another again. Though silence was the first thing upon our minds.
As I said nothing, I just shook my head and motioned my head towards the other coyotes adjacent to the cage as they turned towards me, I spoke issuing an order to them, "Release the lizard from his cage." "Would this break protocol from both-" "Never care for both of them." I demanded, sharply cutting Wovan off while he flinched. The other coyotes said nothing more than to turn their attention to the switch adjacent to them. Only Wivian pressed the shiny red button which had turned to green suddenly. As a loud ringing erupted the silence and the cage's entrance opening up before ourselves, the three coyotes gathered up to me and walked in as once. Grabbing onto the lizard, setting him onto the cold grounds as he walked towards me.
"There is nothing to say between us however." "Good. I got no words for you either." I growled at him, saying nothing more as we just glared at one another. In the silence, we watched him walked a bit ahead of us. Heeding through the silver path underneath his feet, heeding straight towards the pair of doors that was closest towards himself before opening them and heading out completely. We, on the other paw, ran out to follow him. Out upon the doors we had arrived where the sunlight shines from the blue skies above us.
Everything around us was empty. Yet so beautiful at the same time however. With grassy plains beneath our feet and a gentle winds blowing passed our fur, I shivered but take in this glorious day for a moment. Knowing full well that it would be over at any time however. But as my eyes opened up, the remaining coyotes whom was behind me dashed forth. Rolling down the hillsides onto level grounds below themselves where the lizard was sitting down. Picking up whatever was besides himself however.
I walked down the hillside, following behind the coyotes as they gathered themselves with the lizard. As he turned towards me and met my eyes, he just glared and said nothing more than to rise onto his feet and walked a few inches away from where I stand. Enlarging the gap between us. I grounded my fangs, growling loudly for him as he just flat out ignored me suddenly and kept snatching at the grass surrounding himself. "Hey! Hey!" I snarled, already a bit irritated as I jumped him. Tackling him onto the grounds where we rolled a few inches away from where the lizard was sitting upon. We fought each over for the top spot which resulted in both of us rolling against one another in silence. No laugher or joy erupted from either.
Not that I had minded however. This little fight had ended with me overtop of him while I bare my fangs and snarled at him again, muttering angrily in threats only he perhaps would understand "We are doing this for your own good. So just stop being stubber already and let us protect you from her." "She is nothing of my problems. And neither should you probed upon my own privacy." He returned back, eyes already narrowed at me as I just stared at him back, "Let me to die. Left me to do her own thing." He repeated, "She never done that." I remarked, a bit calmer while he just looked up to me silence looming over his lips as I continued, "In fact, it was you whom had escaped. After abandoned her for the destruction of-" "Shut up." He cut me off, throwing his paws onto my chest and pushed me off from him. As I fell onto my back, my eyes opened up and looked towards the blue skies above me.
But a short while letter, that was blocked when the lizard kept his eye onto me and snarled a bit responding, "It was not me. It was not me. It was her. She left me for something. Now..." He trailed off saying nothing more than the silence hanging over his lips. The other coyotes stepped forth surrounding me, blocking the lizard from me as he stepped back; allowing it to do so. Although his eyes were kept upon them and myself, he turned around and walked slowly away. Fading into the horizon then afterwards while Wovan reached out with his paw, hoisting me onto my fours as I nodded to him. He smiled faintly afterwards.
"We need to catch up to him. We still have our mission." I repeated, reminding everyone. But neither of them had wanted to committed to the mission for all their heads hanged low glancing instead at the grounds beneath them. I blinked in surprise upon them, but said nothing more. A frown escaped through my lips just as Wivina responded to the short silence between us, "He still thinks it is her fault." Everyone turned towards him while Wivian remained silent but just stared onto me in silence. I nodded at him after a good pause in time. But remained silent afterwards while looking away from him, towards the horizon whereas that lizard had escaped into. For with an exhale of a sigh, I spoke almost muttering to myself "Fine. Let just go find him." "I was going to suggest we-" "Enough." I barked, stopping whomever was going to alternate suggestion as the held silence was there. With no one saying anything else in silence, we headed straight to where the lizard was going.
It was a while through the fields of plains before us before we were able to catch up towards the lizard. But by the time we had, we already noticed that the cats were together with him. "Liverpaws." I muttered, catching attention by the other coyotes as they just nodded their heads, though remaining silence as Wovan questioned me "How are we going to meet up with him now? Liverpaws does not trust us as much as they trust outsiders and third parties however." "We do not." My eyes narrowed before walking a bit. Though stopped when Wyott grabbed onto my tail as I turned towards him, he shook his head muttering "This is not good enough. I assure to you that he is in safe paws." "With a village that is hellbent on destroying both realms?" I questioned Wyott as he blinked, releasing my tail while staring at me for a moment before responding after searching the words,
"Is that all what the realms things of the village?" I nodded my head, "We were all poised by the media that the kings had broadcast from their towers and such. The citizens of both realms had fallen onto their charm. Although they had done nothing to accomplished their goals however." "Then I guess it is a good thing." Muttered Wyott for a moment as I just stared at him silently then turned around, looking to the lizard again and hanged my head. Frowning, "I guess both realms will have our heads now." "Not unless we live upon Virkaol Forest with the Hunter's pack." Suggested Wovan while Wivina nodded his head smiling at him, then turned towards me in silence. I just look at them either in turn before shaking my head laughing or rather chuckling onto them. Finally agreeing, we turned tail and fled into Virkaol Forest.
We had arrived onto Virkaol Forest's entrance where we had immediately entered in. Allowing the darkness to covered our eyes as we peered upon our surroundings, staring at the clusters of trees in the surroundings. Darkness. It was pure darkness inside here. No light could penetrate upon. Additionally, it was also silent for we had heard nothing except for our own ringing inside of our own ears. Wivian and Wovan frowned, flattening their ears as they hanged around my flanks. Eyes up front staring at the horizon. I looked around although. Meanwhile, Wyott looked a bit worried. But remained silent therein as he kept watch upon our tails, gazing behind us.
So we were like this for thirty minutes or more due to of course, our gradually slow walking. With crickets chirping upon our surroundings and the sounds of other night animals chittering in the daytime, I shivered and so did the other three. I felt my flank being a bit tighter than normal and shifted my attention towards Wovan and Wivina. Both of which were scared; white paleness was upon their faces. Yet neither of them moved, keeping their formation with me at the center of them. We walked, step by step forward underneath the dirty roads beneaeth us. Rocks, pebbles and among other stuff were there. Stabbing against our feet, causing little wounds to be pierced upon them as I let off a sharp hiss or something resembling that however.
By the long walk, we had arrived straight upon our destination where the evening lakes was settled upon our eyes. Sparkles had came from the surface of the lakes, twinkling underneath the sun's rays whereas the trees were set far from the lake, allowing the sun to penetrate upon its surface. The place was beautiful to look at; it did not help that the sparkles from the lakes also attracted us upon its location too. While Wovan, Wivina and Wyott smiled replacing their earlier frowns, they were tempted to jump in however. But I had stopped them when I raised my paw behind us, stabbing the air to forced the others to look. We all turned around; gazing over to the trees where the wolves were gathered. Gazing and meeting our eyes upon the following silence as I and the wolf stepped forth; glaring at one another.