Darkness Exiled

The copper dragon roared and sliced his blade, decapitating the twisted remains of what had once been a wolf.

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The gryphon and the couatl

There was thistlefur, the local druid's enormous riding badger, clack the copper dragon who worked with the mages of otisburg. hialfi, the huge fox-taur who made a scanty living delivering mail. and there was the couatl.

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Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 31

Conversation soon shifted to the bloody mermaid and her crew, what would become of them with the group's departure and the reveal of the copper dragon.

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Delphine Dragon Description

Delphine dragon description delphine is a quadrupedal copper dragon. her body measures 20.54 meters from her nose tip to her tail tip and she has a wingspan of 20.72 meters.

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The Path of Honor

A mighty copper dragon rested atop a pile of gems and gold at least marky's height and easily ten times as wide as he was tall.

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Expectations Subverted

The copper dragon was absolutely not in the mood to fight these people again, but there was someone new....who did not smell as if they were from here, and had to be assumed as a hired blade.

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The Victor's Cup - Chapter 2: Preparations

"food," the copper dragon stated flatly. he grabbed another one from the crate and ripped the top off, revealing a starchy "cake" that appeared to be wet cooked rice mashed together along with bits of meat and vegetables.

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Dragon Charity Work Part 2

The copper dragon does not look at all happy with that prospect, until he looks at caelin again, and suddenly seems to calm entirely, even going so far as to look smug. "you are right dragon-singer, but please. leave me with some dignity. no saddle."

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Chapter Seventeen

Inside one of the cells was a golden and copper dragon with a vicious glare. a faint, magical glow surrounded the cell as elder turi cast a barrier over it, to suppress the prisoner's magical abilities.

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A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 06 : Stand Off and Stand Down

You are really a dragon, shapeshifted into a human form, i presume, a copper dragon to be precise?" "why yes, i am," thissle replied, impressed at their hostess' perceptiveness, "was it the eyes that were the giveaway?"

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The copper dragon was kind to his very claws. in a society where many dragons, even those who'd embraced serali's peace, still clung to the old, aggressive ways, a dragon who was kind had seemed a breath of fresh air to the lonely red.

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