Dragon's Christmas Adventure
Introduction to the millions who watched the first ever shrek christmas special on television, it succeeded in maintaining the same dark humor, and quality animation, but the general consensus was that is was far too short, being only a half hour production
A Christmas Special
I think the nice part of sleeping is the fact that I can tune out life for hours, if I'm lucky. There's no one that relies on me, and I can cast a small bubble around myself. But dreams, like most other things in life, have to end. This time...
Christmas Special
Anyways with that i hope you all enjoy the christmas special where all of your favorite furs get together to celebrate the holidays! i'll see you at the bottom of the page!
Spyro Christmas Special
[Transmission Detected] [Source: The Ultimate Guardian] [Location: 5683699578-23-A-1] The wind howled outside the entrance of the cave. Cynder was curled up next to the fire. She looked worriedly outside, watching the blizzard blow snow in all...
Christmas Special 2018
The bolanderbooks 2018 christmas special there is a void that exists somewhere between the waking world and iowa. a void where, for 364 days a year, all the universe's nothing and nonexistence is stored.
Christmas Special 2017
There is a place where, once a year, all of the universes converge. A void, dark and empty, that stretches on for eternity, and yet can easily be compressed into a smaller space. Like a house. Or a neighborhood. Or a theater. Every year, an unlucky...
A Fur of a Present - Christmas Special
_ _ **thank you for reading my rushed christmas special furstory! i enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoyed reading it! ^w^** _ _ **be safe these holidays and i am always here for you all, so you are somewhat not alone! \<3** _
Jon Mahon Christmas Special
Jon mahon christmas special -------------------------------------------------- he's making a list and checking it 9001 times gonna find out who's naughty (in bed) and nice jon mahon is coming to town he sees you when you're showering!!!!
Stuck Together Christmas "Special"
This is a bit of a sequel to another piece that i will edit and post here eventually, a "christmas special" of sorts for a slice-of-life series.
The BolanderBooks 2016 Christmas Special
**the bolanderbooks christmas special** **featuring the casts of amber silverblood, the slayer and the sphinx, staying human, and juryokine** ** ** there was a fire burning in the hearth, a tree glowing in the corner, and the smell of delicious food
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Christmas Special
**christmas special** "come on sasuke!" naruto whined. sasuke slowly headed towards the room with his usual stoic expression and laid back attitude.
Christmas with friends and family(Christmas Special)
#34 of highschool days alright, christmas special of highschool days! this takes place five years after raymond and gideon's marriage. that's right, zakai+zandra are five, their other set of twins(yes, twins again) are four.