Christmas Special

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#1 of Miscellaneous Stuff :)

Merry Christmas you guys!

Because I know some of you are out of town visiting with family and whatnot, I just wanted to wish everybody a merry Christmas (or happy holidays if Christmas isn't you're thing, I don't judge :P )! And so with the holiday season upon us, I figured I would write up a quick little Christmas special for you guys since I won't be uploading anything more than likely for the next week because I will be at my dad's house in South Carolina spending time with family that I only get to see a couple times a year. Hope you all understand and if I find any free time I'll see what I can do about getting a chapter or two uploaded but at this point I can't make any promises. Anyways with that I hope you all enjoy the Christmas special where all of your favorite furs get together to celebrate the holidays! I'll see you at the bottom of the page! :D

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house...

The party was rocking- what the hell are you doing outside?! Get in here!

Third Person P.O.V.

"First of all I want to thank everybody for coming tonight, it makes me so happy that we had such a great turnout." A blue and white husky spoke to the crowd of people below. Glancing to the fox next to him he nodded giving him the floor.

"And second I want to thank all you readers who are here tonight as well, we wouldn't be here without you guys! Literally!" He added at the end getting a light chuckle from the sizable group.

"We're all here to celebrate the holiday of giving and getting, and here to celebrate all the support you guys have given us over the last month and a half." Elijah continued.

"It's been an amazing thing to see the feedback you guys give on a daily basis which helps and drives us to improve the quality of the work that goes out to you guys." Nathan finished with a wide grin.

"And so to kick off this fantastic party we'll start with a toast!" The fox continued, glancing towards me.

"To the readers, and to many fun chapters and stories ahead!" The husky finished, holding up his glass. The rest of the group held up their glasses as well before drinking. Elijah nodded to Nathan as they both stepped down the sets of stairs running up towards the balcony above. The husky glances around at all the people crowding the lobby area.

"Do you guys see all of this? This is all because of you guys! Every person in here happened because you guys inspired the guy sitting behind the keyboard right now typing this up. Come on, follow me!" He shouts, running off the direction of one of the many archways of the beautiful mansion.

"And when I said everybody, I meant everybody!" The husky says, gesturing to a grey furred wolf and a german shepherd cutting up together who notice Elijah approaching. The husky runs up to Jasper, throwing himself into the wolf's open arms.

"Babe this is awesome! I can't believe the turnout was so well." Jasper commented, squeezing the husky tight. Elijah grinned madly in his boyfriend's embrace.

"I know! Isn't it great?" He replied after being released from the hug. The shepherd chuckled at the pair.

"You two are so perfect it's almost sickening." He commented in good humor.

"Oh yeah? Maybe we should tell all the readers how much you-"

"DO NOT finish that sentence! We can't tell them yet!" Baron cut off Elijah, blushing slightly.

"Fine. You're no fun." Elijah pouted though with a mischievous smile. "Alright wuffie, I'm gonna go find more people, I'll see you later." The husky said.

"Aww alright, have fun! This is all for you y'know!" Jasper shouted as the husky ran off. The high vaulted ceilings made the mansion look bigger than it already was, and as Elijah walked down the hallway he couldn't help but smile giddily. Turning the corner Elijah ran into a few more familiar faces near the punch bowl.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod Elijah! This is fantastic!" A high energy ferret shouted as she downed another cup of punch.

"Glad you're enjoying the punch Kylee." Elijah commented, turning to the red panda standing with her.

"And how about you Jen, having fun?" He asked.

"Yep, not bad at all I must say." She replied with a grin.

"Glad to hear, make sure you guys are back to the lobby when I call please." The husky informed them. The girls both nodded before grabbing another cup of punch. Elijah wandered the house more, searching for the other furs who'd all shown up to the party. Upon entering the lounge he found the adults who were looking for an escape from the younger crowd.

"I can't believe I actually came for this." A lightly greying german shepherd commented to the brown wolf sitting next to him.

"Oh stop that Andros, you were the one pushing everyone to get moving cause you wanted to get here!" A lioness commented from one of the other lounge chairs across from the two. Roy chuckled at Delilah's commented, giving the shepherd a playful push.

"Lighten up Andy, we're all having fun here right? See even Elijah came to say hello!" The brown wolf noted waving to the husky who returned the wave happily.

"I see you guys wanted to clear out from the younger kids eh?" Elijah commented. Andros huffed at the statement.

"College kids... you know in my day-" He was cut off my groans from the other two lounging with him. The shepherd released a hardy chuckle which spread around and soon everyone was laughing with him.

"Alright you guys, enjoy the party." Elijah exclaimed as the older furs waved him off. The husky made his way to the library looking for the more shy furs who wanted to get away from the party atmosphere. He poked his head down the various hallways between the books, making sure it was clear. Finally upon reaching the small chair set up in the back near the fireplace he found a bobcat sitting with a small grey chinchilla.

"What are you two doing in here? The party's rocking out there!" Elijah asked the two.

"Meh, not really a partier. I found Vinesah in here and so I figured I keep her company." Sebastian replied motioning to the chinchilla sitting in the other chair who nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just not really the partying kind of person. This library is really nice though, tell the author I approve." She commented with a small smile.

"I'll be sure to let him know." The husky replied with a chuckle.

"Alright then I guess I'll leave you two alone, make sure to keep an ear out for when I call for the final toast." He added.

"We'll be there, don't worry Elijah." Sebastian replied and Vinesah nodded her head at the statement. The husky exited the library, making his way to the kitchen where he knew he would find at least one fur in particular.

While he was crossing back through the lobby his ears swiveled towards the loud footsteps coming from the top of the stairs. Turning his head towards the twin staircases on each side of the balcony he watched a hyena running after what looked like his mirror image. He sighed before getting their attention with a shrill whistle. They both slid to a stop running to the handrail over the balcony.

"Oh hey Elijah!" The hyena brother on the left shouted.

"This place is awesome!" The other hyena commented.

"Glad you two are enjoying the party, but try not to run around. The stuff in here is really expensive." Elijah scolded them slightly. The twins exchanged a glance before busting out into laughter.

"You got it boss!" They both exclaimed at the same time before walking off up into the upstairs portion of the mansion. Continuing to the kitchen he found a white tiger raiding the fridge as well as the only human in the mansion digging around in the spices cabinet. The husky cleared his throat getting both of their attentions.

"Oh hey Elijah! Can we just talk about all the food in here? It's amazing!" Jasmine commented shoving her head back in the fridge.

"Hello dear, I supposed you're happy with the turnout tonight?" The older woman commented as she stood near the oven. I nodded as an amazing smell wafted into my sensitive nose.

"Whatcha cooking Edna?" I asked curiously, licking my muzzle as I had a pretty good idea of what it was.

"Oh just some chocolate chip cookies, I needed something to do so I figured I'd do a little bit of baking." She replied glancing at the timer that read five minutes.

"Smells good, come find me when they're done and I'll be your taste tester okay?" Elijah exclaimed, silently hoping she would agree.

"I already promised Jasmine here the first cookie, but you'll be the second." She replied with a small smile.

"Aww fine. I need to go find those foxes, they're probably all getting up to no good." He pouted walking out of the kitchen. Wondering where the trio of foxes could be hiding he decided to check out by the pool just in case. Sliding the glass door open he instead found an otter and coyote enjoying the huge pool. He chuckled at the irony of the two outside together.

"Hey guys, how's the water?" The husky asked stepping out onto the deck. At that moment Perry decided to show off his diving skills, sending a wave of water towards the husky who had to jump back to avoid it.

"The water's great! Come on and get in for a while!" The otter said upon resurfacing.

"No that's okay, I'm looking for Rachel and Nathan, you wouldn't happen to know where they went would you." Elijah asked the duo.

"I thought I saw them heading upstairs, you could try-"

"Heyy Elijah! This view is awesome!" A younger voice called out from above them. Tilting his head back he located the group of vulpine he'd been searching for on the third floor balcony looking over the pool.

"The balcony." Trevor finished with a sigh.

"Thanks Trev, I never would have found them." Elijah chuckled as he made his way inside once again. Trotting to the stairs he climbed two separate sets on his way to the third floor. A left turn brought him to one of the bedrooms where the three foxes stood side by side watching the stars.

"Better not let Baron see you out here with her, he might get some ideas." Elijah commented with a light punch to the shoulder of Nathan. The fox's younger brother groaned at the comment.

"You guys are all so weird, liking other guys and stuff." He exclaimed.

"Don't knock it 'till you try it bud." The husky replied ruffling his hair slightly slightly.

"Is it almost time?" Rachel asked the husky.

"Just about, figured I'd come get you three so you could help start rounding everybody up." He replied.

"No problem, come on boys!" Rachel replied signaling to the vulpine brothers. They followed each other out through the bedroom and down the stairs. Elijah leaned over the rail to the two still down in the pool.

"Hey you two start drying off, it's almost time for the final toast!" He shouted getting "okay's" from both of them. Elijah closed the sliding glass door behind him upon returning to the bedroom and walked back out into the hall. He caught two blurs run passed him at the end of the hall and he sighed.

"Dan! Zan!" He called to the brothers. The hyena twins shamefully walked back to the end of the hallway where Elijah could see them.

"Sorry Elijah." They both recited with ears pinned and tails tucked.

"Get downstairs you two, it's time for final toast." Elijah told them and they both nodded heading down the stairs. The husky followed their lead down the opposite side of stairs back to the balcony above where a group was beginning to form.

Zachary ran up the stairs holding something in his paw, handing a cookie to Elijah. "Edna told me to bring you this." He said before running back down the stairs. Elijah searched the crowd for the older woman who'd baked the cookies, giving her a thumbs up taking a bite out of it.

The trio of foxes effectively rounded up everyone in the house gathering them all into the main lobby area. Nathan joined Elijah up on the balcony as the last of the furs joined the group. The table in the middle of the lobby had a new set of glasses for each person for the final toast of the night before the party really got going. Once everybody had grabbed a glass Elijah started the toast.

"It's been a fun night so far but we've got a lot of celebrating left to do, so we'll let you readers get going so you can get back to waiting around for Christmas tomorrow." He exclaimed.

"So tonight we have one final thing to toast to." Nathan continued for him.

"We'd like to toast to a fantastic new year ahead, and we hope to see you all next year where we'll hopefully have a much larger crowd! Thank you all for coming out tonight, and we'll see you all next year!" Elijah finished holding up his glass. Just as everyone was about to drink, Nathan interrupted the toast.

"I believe we've forgotten about something my friend. Can I ask that Jasper joins us up here for a moment? I'd like to make one final toast." The fox said with a sly grin, getting a confused look from the husky. The wolf ran up the stairs to join the two hosts, just as confused as Elijah. Stepping back slightly, the fox continued.

"And a toast to many great years ahead for our two lovebirds, or should I say lovedogs, possibly one of the cutest furry couples I've ever had the chance to meet. Here's to you guys!" The fox finished, grinning as the lights dimmed and pulling a sprig of mistletoe from his back pocket, holding it over the two. The two stood dumbfounded before Jasper glanced at the husky mischievously, pulling him into a kiss.

The crowd below hooted and hollered, with a lone "ewww" coming from the fox's younger brother. And as the couple shared a Christmas kiss, a ghostly form watched her son from the shadows, smiling happily at the scene.

Nathan watched amusedly as the couple continued the kiss, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Seeing as they're busy at the moment, I'll send you all off. Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

And that's a wrap you guys! Once again thank you all for the continued support over the last month in a half, the amount of effort you guys have inspired me to put into this is incredible and I can't thank you guys enough. I'll see you all after (or possibly during we'll see) the break, hope you get lots of stuff! :D