Messages from the Heart

Valentines day had come and gone without a candy heart to be seen. but now, almost two weeks later... it seemed as though a miracle had happened.

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The Curse of the Sacchariferous Queen: A Tale of Bubblegum and Greed

You could almost feel the terrified cringing of the town as they waited for her great retribution, for it was known the sacchariferous queen had no mercy in her candy heart.

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Ch. I

He pulled out a little bouquet of candy hearts, my favorite too, the sweet glass-like kind (i don't know what the proper term is), and said, "these are for you, happy valentine's day!"

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Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2

What sadistic person kept candy hearts in their desk drawer? it was like they just wanted to torture newborn dinosaurs! well this had been a bust.

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Cave Drawer and the Magical Tablet

Flea bag gave peach a pink done bone and the kids candy heart dog treats. on st. patrick's day they wore all green and had green beer. the dogs ate green eggs and ham. for easter they went on an easter egg hunt and had ham for dinner.
