Danny Fletcher: Asthma Aftermath.
The soft humming of hospital fans and the murmurs of wandering doctors are the kind of noise a worrying mother shouldn't need to hear. But she did. For a few hours by now. She could tell you all about the rhythm and pattern of each of them, and with a...
Family Days 36
He'd even laughed at ben having an asthma attack. the fur deserved to get laid out; hell, mostly all the students agreed with him, at least the ones he saw as he walked out of the principal's office. so why was he in trouble?
A One-Man Masquerade
It was easier to breathe then than when i had an asthma attack, but somehow, this felt worse. much worse. my eyes kept from tearing only with effort.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Two
I figured you were having an asthma attack." i nodded. that wasn't even close to being true, but explaining things to him right now was the last thing i wanted to do. groaning, i looked around. the masked man was nowhere in sight. "where'd he go?"
Family Days 19
He hadn't meant to cause an asthma attack. "oh chris, trust me, none of this is your fault," marion replied and moved over to his son.
Family Days 18
Well, technically not after the wolf had made sure he was ok after his asthma attack. sure, he understood that they needed to be careful and to wait and get chris's approval, but they had it.
In-Between Ch. 1
Then it happened and i lost her for good...i don't know if i should say i was lucky or not...but that's when my asthma attacks first started.
She also started getting asthma attacks every now and then. for several months her allergic reactions increased in intensity. after a few more tests he found a combination of drugs that would help her.
Pandemic-Day 51 11:59 AM 1/12/2023-Black Ford
I remember having an asthma attack one day and my dad raced through traffic to get me to the hospital. if we had waited for the ambulance i would have suffocated."
Family Days 17
Marion would've followed right after him but the bear began to suffer an asthma attack. apparently the stress and surprise of a student finding out that his teacher had been making out with his father shocked him.
Ester's New Look
Once ester had caught her breath and diana was sure that they would not be dealing with an asthma attack from the small mouse she began to push her forward once more, leading ester though another patch of woods and onto a small dirt road that seemed like a