Family Days 18
#18 of Family Days
Ben is feeling a bit antsy about his lack of time spent with his boyfriend after being outed by Chris nearly two weeks ago. Of course, the lack of time spent with Marion isn't the only thing bugging him either. He was out to the pup too--he wasn't just the teacher anymore.
OK, back into the action of it all! Sorry for delay in getting this one to you guys...bit of holiday delay and computer trouble, and, well, bit of everything really haha. Either way, I hope you enjoy! Happy belated holidays!
Another week had passed. Ben let out a small sigh as he continued his game of solitaire on the computer--utterly bored. He'd caught up on all his work, and already had the plan for the lesson for when the students came in; there was nothing to do. He wouldn't mind calling Marion, except the wolf was at work. And really, considering how long he had, it wasn't like the call would be anything more than a quick hello.
And well, he had also already spoken with the wolf. Marion knew to expect him tomorrow--even if that was for a routine medication pick-up. Perhaps he would seem desperate if he called too much? But they were past that weren't they? After all, Marion had seemed quite happy to hear that he called just to talk. Sometimes just to say hey and check-up.
Then again, that was about all the calls felt like at the moment anyway. Well, not really: they were nice--very nice, but he wouldn't have minded seeing the wolf. After Chris had walked in he hadn't seen Marion since. Well, technically not after the wolf had made sure he was OK after his asthma attack. Sure, he understood that they needed to be careful and to wait and get Chris's approval, but they had it.
After all, he could still remember Marion's call and just how ecstatic the wolf was about his son being OK that he was gay. It had been that kind of tone where you just expect the person to jump and kiss someone. Well, maybe he was a bit hopeful in that respect.
Things were going so well it seemed. After all, if chris was OK with him dating his father then that was the only obstacle they had had to overcome. As far as he could tell the only thing left to do with Marion was let things take their natural progression. He liked the wolf--he wanted to be with him throughout the day; something he realized was a symptom of affection that did not go away with age.
Still, it wasn't like when he was a cub, where he thought it was this all consuming force that drove him. No, Marion was surely a treasure, but one he could wait for; after all, he was ready to wait till the wolf came out ot his son. Over the past few months he'd felt happier than he had in quite awhile--all attributed to the wolf.
A few more moments of peaceful boredom passed by before the bell rang. Ben let out a small tired sigh. He wasn't exactly physically tired, but he was a bit ready to be done with the whole school day--having had to write up a sassy vixen who had thought it appropriate to tell him she was going to get her boyfriend, a small fox himself, to beat him up. Honestly, he didn't know what the vixen had been thinking, then again, she'd always had a bit of a mouth on her.
As the students began to file in Ben closed his computer, and stood up, welcoming them in fashion and asking how they were doing. Some replied, others just walked by, some gave polite nods, and others just rolled their eyes--which was still a response at least. Soon they were all seated and talking back and forth. With a small frown he realized exactly what he was about to do--but hoped the benefit for their grades would outweigh the negatives.
" I thought I'd give a small qui--" Ben began before there was a plethora of groans and accusations that he was a cruel, unnatural bear who fed off the tears and pain of a thousand pups and cubs. Ok, well, perhaps no one said it quite like that. He let out a small sigh before continuing, "I figured a quiz on balancing reactions would be only have to guess the products on a few," he said, truly wondering if one of his students would miss the fact that sodium and chlorine come together to form salt--something he'd drilled into them and was sure was common sense.
"Can we use calculators?" a tigress asked, his lips smacking on gum as she did.
"There aren't any calculations that would require a could probably count the numbers on your fingers. Now, go spit out that gum," Ben said, and with a very teacher like lick of his thumb began to distribute the papers. He caught Chris's eye for a brief moment as he went to the pup's line of desks. Without missing a beat he managed to cast a friendly, I'm-not-going-to-make-this-awkward-just-because-I'm-dating-your-father-and-your-still-my-student, smile at the pup.
When the papers were out he sat down at his own desk and looked out over his class--watching for straying eyes, lights from phones, or papers falling inconspicuously into the paws of 'innocent' students. Luckily he only had to say 'eyes on your papers please' once throughout the entire thing. He felt he was overly kind to give them all half the class to answer the sheet of equations--even giving them the last five minutes the look through notes: not that anyone should've needed to.
For the rest of the class he spoke about where he'd left off, about the briefest introduction to electrochemistry. For some of the pups he could see it was still going over their heads. He loved teaching, he truly did, and he was happy teaching the college preparatory class, more so than the technical preparatory class at least. Still, he would've liked to teach honors, or even a college level course--in the levels he taught he most often got students who truly didn't care about their education; the one thing he could never understand.
He tried to help them, to show that learning was fun, but quite honestly some days it seemed like a losing battle. One of his students, a short rat named Steven, did not seem to grasp the idea that he had no chance of playing professional basketball--not because he was just too short, but because he had no skill or aim. Still, the student would remind him of how 'he was gonna make it big and get all those bitches' as he put it.
Of course, not all students were that bad. His class at the moment was decent enough, and he could enjoy teaching them at times. Truthfully for the majority of the time he did enjoy teaching; it was something he wanted to do. The idea of just influencing one life, to possibly make one student out there think of one day wanting to go out and achieve greatness--nor for themselves--but for the good of others; that was a dream.
But for now he was perfectly content as he was--teaching some pups and cubs about the greatness of electrochemistry and how it was thanks to that very study that all of them had been able to get in the car and come to school today, well, of course with the help of a few other sciences and engineering too. He was coming to an end of his talk; not because he was done. No, that was rarely the case. Instead, it was nearing the end of the day. And, as if a force came over him, he realized there was one thing left to do.
"Uhh...well....I guess that is it now?" Ben asked, looking at the clock and feeling a bit of a coward, but also knowing it was a stupid idea. And so he let it pass him by, watching as everyone got up and began to leave.
Ironically Chris was one of the last to leave. He smiled once more at the pup and waved a paw in his direction. To his surprise the pup stopped, and for a brief moment they both just stared at one another--Ben with a smile and Chris blankly. "Is there something I--"
"No, no...I umm, have to go," Chris replied quickly, cutting off the bear's words and exiting the room. He didn't know what he was expecting. Ben was nice enough, right? But how much did he really know about the bear? Ben was his teacher--how much of his life did he really see? He hadn't even realized his own father was dating--so what could he possibly know about Mr. Vaughn?
Ben let his paw go limp as the pup ran out on him and a small frown fell over his features. He really hoped the pup wasn't scared of him, or worried, or angry at him. Sure Chris said it was OK for him to date his father, but children could lie--could hide their feelings. He let the ideas go though, along with his more foolish one, instead leaning back into his chair and letting out a tired sigh.
For about an hour and a half afterwards Ben found himself doing small idle work in the lab of the school, trying his best to clean the overly stained test tubes and counters. He had made a request for better equipment, but was very sure it would be turned down. It was a shame really; not to be able to have nicer things. Instead the money went to things like sports and keeping those type of things in better order--even the marching band got more. Well, he wasn't actually annoyed at the marching band, since they did a lot of fundraisers.
Still, he couldn't help but wish that the school system would put more time into a better management of supplies. He was still thinking upon the subject when he closed the door to his room, locking it for the night and ready to go home. He made his way to the door, opening it with a small huff as the cold air smacked into him--a bad result of being on the third floor of the school building and having an outside stair-well. It offered a nice view and in the spring and summer it was actually very beautiful even, but in the deep fall it was a bit worse, and in the winter it was bitingly annoying.
He ignored it and began to move his way down the stairs, glad for his small investment into a satchel--or as his students preferred to tease him--his man purse. Still, it was a nice investment, or it had been about ten years ago. Now the old thing was ready to fall apart and he desperately needed a new one, but all the ones he'd looked at hadn't quite found his fancy. They all didn't match him, they looked far too official, he liked his college one, the rugged look that matched him.
A black fur caught his eye and Ben felt his heart jump a bit at the sight of his boyfriend. But that thumping quickly went away when he realied his 'boyfriend' had lost weight, height, and maturity in appearance. Instead he smiled at his boyfriend's son, "Chris," he said, deciding to catch the pup's attention.
Chris's ears flickered on his head and he glanced up from his phone. He was supposed to call his father, but the idea went away at the sight of the bear. Mr. Vaughn's voice sounded very different; it wasn't school-like at all. Instead for a brief moment he just thought of the bear like he would any other adult, not lecturing or overbearing like most teachers (even if Ben didn't meet that category anyway). A moment passed before he realized his silence, "Uhh, Hello Mr. Vaughn..."
Call me Ben, tell him to call you Ben--that's a good first step!! Ben thought to himself, well, screamed was a bit more appropriate a term. "What are you doing here so late?" was the question that came out though.
"Had a project with a group after practice...just now finishing,"
"Oh, well, looks like your on top of things," Ben replied, remembering Marion telling him about what Chris was doing and knowing the pup wasn't lying. Not that he expected Chris to lie, not at all, right? Ben felt his stubby tail flicker just a bit behind him--something he didn't quite ever enjoy as a feeling, but the idea that came with it was familiar.
"Yeah....I guess,"
"Mind if I ask you a question?"
The pup nodded, but his ears flicked against his head uncomfortably. He was OK with Ben dating his father, so what did the bear want? A brief image of the bear telling him he was going to have to get used to him came to mind, or of Ben telling him to move aside came to mind, but they were just as quickly cast away for the irrationality of them.
Soon the class had emptied out and Chris kept his paws in the pockets of his jacket, his flickering ears betraying his attempt to look like he was fine and uninterested in what the bear wanted with him. Ben continued to stand still for a few moments, his mind running back and forth in the strange last minute idea; both from his own creation and going off what he'd heard from Marion in one of their nightly chats.
"Mr...Vaughn?" Chris asked after a moment, wondering what the bear wanted still.
"Well, it's getting towards the evening, and I haven't eaten anything yet, would you like to join me for dinner? Chris?" Ben asked, scratching at his chest nervously while trying to appear calm and collected.
"Sure," Chris answered quickly, not sure exactly why he said yes. He hadn't meant to say yes, he hadn't meant to answer at all. He didn't know what the bear was after. Did Ben think that a small dinner would make it so that they were chummy? Did Ben even want to get to know him? Maybe the bear was just asking so he could tell his dad he tried being nice. And then after that they would work to get him out of their life?
Chris shook his head and let out a sigh. That wasn't right. It wasn't Ben and Marion's life; it was his and his father's--theirs. Even that, though, was sour to him and he shook his head again to cast the idea away.
"Oh, about Ivan's Bistro?"
"Ivan's Bistro," Ben repeated, having been shot down by the pup's shaking head for his first two suggestions--or so it seemed. The pup's attention just now seemed to be upon him though.
"Umm....I guess that sounds OK..." Chris replied, looking around the courtyard of the school, as if wondering who might see him go off with the bear.
"OK, well, I parked over this way," Ben said, throwing a paw over his shoulder and taking a few steps back. He began to walk towards the teacher parking lot, looking over his shoulder and smiling at the pup. He tried to exchange a bit of banter with Chris, but wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to talk about. How well did he know Chris after all? This is weird ground...I don't think many guys have to get the son's permission. Well, in that respect didn't Chris already sanction me going out with his dad?
After a short drive and a quick order Ben found himself sipping at a cup of coffee as he tried to get to know his boyfriend's son just a bit better. The pup had told him a few things, like his enjoyment for the piano, but before he could comment on that the pup changed the subject. He didn't know if he could go back to the subject either--though he very well wanted to.
Still, things moved by at a quick pace, sometimes strange and awkward, and other times with both feeling nice--comfortable even. They both ordered and ate in relative silence, though it wasn't by any means a bad silence. In fact, it was enjoyable, just being able to sit down with the other, well, Ben thought at least. Still, there was something that was on his mind; something he wanted to get off his chest.
"I...ehh," Ben let out after they had finished eating. He stammered for a moment and looked away. A moment later he looked back and scratched at a spot behind his ear, "I'm sorry about any inaptness or....umm, well, any strains I caused between your father and you,"
"You d--" Chris began, wanting to tell Ben he hadn't caused any, but finding he couldn't. A part of him wondered if his hesitation came because he didn't want to lie to the bear, or if because, somehow a part of him was still a bit angry with him. After a minute he looked away and shrugged his shoulders.
Ben scratched at the same spot, looking off to a distant corner and wondering if there was something he could do to rectify his errors. He wanted Chris to like him--he wanted the pup to know that he wasn't a bad guy, that he could be cool even. Oh what do I even know about being cool? 'Oh shucks, I think Voltaic cells are the darn-tootenist things about!' ....yeah right Ben thought with a small sigh, realizing just how out of touch with the younger generation he was, and that even if he was in touch, he'd still be a nerd and geek by all means of the terms.
"How about we go see that Hunt of the Claw?" Ben asked suddenly, not sure where the suggestion coming from save the fact Marion had told him Chris wanted to see it, but explicity forbade it. Maybe a bit of living on the wild side was just what he needed to show Chris he wasn't such a bad guy...
Every so often he knew his eyes drifted from the screen. The movie itself wasn't his type of movie--then again, he had grown out of horror movies during college, when he had gotten to the level of being able to predict even those movies that 'redefined' horror. What he kept his attention on however was Chris, as much as he could without drawing attention to himself.
Though that itself was not a problem. The pup's eyes were glued to the screen, and if there was anyway for him to be even more immersed in the film then Ben could not think of it. After about twenty minutes it seemed Chris had forgotten about the popcorn--and only occasionaly reached out for his drink, even then gripping at air so he could keep his eyes on the screen.
A part of Ben had to admit he was a bit surprised of Chris. The movie really was--well, startling in some parts; it had certainly earned its R-rating. But Chris didn't seem scared at all, in fact, the pup seemed thrilled. There was plenty of horror to it; with the most heart-thumping part being where the soriety girl had hid under the bed only to find the skeleton of her roommate. Of course, Ben had thought the scream could be a bit better.
And well, maybe a part of him was trying to act all tough and brave for Chris. Sure, it had been since middle school that he'd screamed out in terror, but he wasn't going to risk it now. He wanted Chris to know he was worthy of dating his father. He wanted to show the pup that he was strong and brave.
But perhaps more than those--the very reason he had brought Chris--was to show the pup that he could be fun and interesting. He didn't want the pup to label him as some boring, fat, monotone teacher who just sat at a desk thinking of lesson plans and ways to fail his students on the next test. Of all the ideas out there, that was the most terrifying; to be set into the teacher stereotype, to be seen as weird if he wasn't in school.
Still, he knew he would throw away his chance at cool if he felt Chris did actually become too scared, or even if he felt the movie deviated in anyway from Marion's ideas. OK, well, perhaps it was a bit of leeway in that respect. After all, the wolf had explicitly told Chris he would not go see the movie. Still, he wasn't about to let Chris sit through something he felt Marion himself wouldn't sit through.
Ben let out an inquisitive 'hmm' as he noticed Chris jump in the seat next to him--and somewhere in the theater a woman let out a small shriek. On the screen the camera was shaking in that manner that made it seem like the victim was running and you were in their shoes. Breifly looking back Ben noted a lumbering figure headed towards the person--with what seemed like a barbed club.
He looked over at Chris for a few moments. The pup wasn't shaking, and he seemed OK. Very briefly Chris looked over at him too, and their eyes held. It was perhaps a short glance, but Ben felt it lasted for awhile. Even in the darkness of the theater he could note the emerald tint in the pup's eyes, and just how different that was from Marion's icy blue eyes. He smirked at the pup and nodded towards the screen, which made Chris's ears flicker against his head before the pup quickly returned his attentions to the screen.
"No! No God no!! Not Chrissy! Oh W--Ugh!" the fox on the screen screamed before there was a thunk, and her eyes glazed over and that age old look of blood dripping began. The camera panned to some scenic outlook--where the chase had occurred, and a small river of blood ran through a divot in the rocks while one saw the shadow of the killer and the fox--the fox dropping to the ground.
"Well....she's dead," Ben mumbled to himself, trying to remember if this movie was supposed to have zombies or not. He preffered zombies.
What did Marion prefer though?
"Well...that was...rather gory," Ben said as the lights began to come back on. There was no reply and after a moment he looked back over at the pup, who was still staring at the screen. He waited a moment more before waving a paw in front of Chris's eyes, " OK?"
Chris started in his seat, not quite scared, but not quite expecting a large paw to encompass his vision either. He quickly looked over at Ben and nodded, "Y--Yeah, I'm fine,"
"That wasn't too scary for you, was it?" Ben asked, wondering if he should've gone for an action movie instead. But Chris had wanted to see the horror film...
"No." Chris slightly yelped in reply, not wanting the bear to think he couldn't even handle a scary movie.
"OK...I mean...well, it's not a bad thing to be scared...everyone is sc--"
"I'm not scared,"
"Y--yeah, of course," Ben replied, his small speech about being brave ended far before it had a chance to begin. He smiled at Chris and stood up with a small groan of satisfaction as he stretched his legs, "Well, what do you say we head out of here Chris?"
Chris nodded and soon found they were heading to the outside world again. The ride back to his house happened without any events. They spoke about the movie freely: Ben laughing a bit more than he thought was normal after such a movie. The bear wasn't a serial killer was he? Just like in the movie? Ben always wore flannel shirts and looked like a lumber jack--maybe that was because he used to be one and cut up furs instead of trees?
"Well, I guess we're here," Ben said, noticing Chris break out of his trance. He smiled at the pup and took a small leap of bravery for himself, placing a paw over Chris's shoulder and giving it a small squeeze, "I'm glad you came with me---been awhile since I've been out to a movie,"
"T--Thanks for taking me,"
"It was my pleasure...really,"
Chris snuffled a little and looked away.
"Now...I guess this will be our little secret...right?" Ben asked, fighting the urge to put a finger to his lips in exaggeration. He had to remind himself that Chris wasn't quite a pup, that he probably viewed himself as a young mature fur--the last thing he wanted to do was insult him in any way. Well, even if Chris was still quite a pup. Instead he just smirked a bit and quirked up an eyebrow.
"Yeah....sure," Chris replied, not able to help a small smile as he did. He knew Ben was just trying to get on his good side, and the bear had done that quite well enough. Well, the bear was as close as he wanted--which wasn't probably very far. Still, he didn't think the bear was simply a teacher any more.
"Well...umm, I gu--Do you want to come in? Say hey to my dad?"
The question took him by surprise. Ben had mostly planned to just drop the pup off, and stay long enough to watch as Chris walked inside, but an offer inside was nice too. And after all, Marion would like seeing him, right? He couldn't deny a bit of bias on his own part in wanting to see the wolf after their two week isolation. "Sure...that'd be nice,"
Soon enough warm air filled both the fur's noses. Ben could easily smell both Chris and Marion in the house, and looked around the place for a few moments before a familiar voice caught his ears.
"Ah, hey there Pup," Marion said as he entered the room, having been reading a book in the kitchen. His eyes quickly caught the figure behind the pup though. Instead of the usual brightness that would've come to it his brow furrowed a bit, "Ahh, Ben gave you a lift,"
"Well, yeah...we were hanging out," Chris replied easily, shucking his bookbag off and leaving it in a corner. He didn't have any work to do tonight, so it wouldn't' be any trouble to leave it there. Instead, he would be able to go up and read from his book--the one his mother had loved so much. Looking back he smiled at the bear, "Thanks for taking me out M--Be--Mr. Ben," he stammered, caught between which title to use.
Marion contained himself. Still, in his mind it seemed things went quickly, like Ben waved a quick good-bye to the pup and that Chris moved up the stairs excruciatingly slow. In his mind the only thing he could think of was a bit of everything--all of it about Ben and Chris. Chris had lied to him, had told him he was at the school doing work for a project, and would call him when he was finished. Obviously the pup hadn't called. It was nearing eight and he had been beginning to grow a bit more than anxious--especially when the pup hadn't answered his phone a few minutes ago. Still, all his fear was put aside now; only another emotion remained.
Ben had lied to him. The bear hadn't told him he was going to be taking Chris out, nor had the pup told him he would be hanging out with Ben. Both of them had, frankly, miserably failed to meet any sort of positive expectation at the moment.
Chris jumped up the stairs, leaving the two adults alone, and Ben immediately caught the unpleasant look in his boyfriend's eye. He gave an encouraging smile, "What's wrong? You look upset,"
" know..." Marion replied with a shrug of his shoulders, not ready to show his disappointment, and after a second realizing he didn't have to. The bear's face dropped and it seemed like Ben had been hit by a train.
"M--Marion...I, you know......Oh God...." Ben began, before slapping paw over his face and snarling in annoyance at his own stupidity. He looked back at the wolf and held out a paw, as if to show his innocence, "I...I swear Marion I didn't mean to do--"
"You didn't mean to what?" Marion inquired, his foot beginning to tap against the ground as it did when scolding Chris.
"I...I should've called you. It's was a spur of the moment idea, and I really--you know I trust you Marion, and I just wanted to know a bit more about let him get to k--Oh god...I'm such a moron!"
Marion's tapping foot began to stop. The angst the bear was showing; he didn't like it. He had no doubt Ben's intentions were very good. And the fact that Chris had smiled and reffered to the bear by his first name wasn't a bad sign either. A wheeze caught his immediate attention and he quickly moved over to Ben, putting an arm around the bear, "Hey, Hey...just calm down for me, OK?"
Ben nodded and tried to calm himself down, not wanting to have another asthmas attack at his boyfriend's house--though it seemed everytime he walked through the door he just screwed something up.
"Breath Ben...You're OK, you're OK," Marion told the bear, rubbing over Ben's back in large circles as the bear began to calm down slowly. He couldn't help but feel almost guilty, even if he hadn't done a single thing wrong. But knowing Ben felt so bad--enough to get emotionally distraught over the whole thing, made it nearly impossible to be angry at the bear.
A few minutes passed, with Ben regaining his breath and with Marion mumbling encouragments to him--along with a hurried 'it's ok...I know you meant well' though he wasn't quite sure the bear heard that bit. Soon it seemed everything was back to normal, and Marion pulled back from the bear just a bit, "You OK?"
"Yeah...I--I'm sorry have no idea how sorry,"
"I told you's OK....So...what did you two do?" he asked after a moment, letting out a small sigh.
"Oh you know...nothing much, we just hung out," Ben answered, shrugging his shoulders a bit, not meeting the wolf's eyes.
"Oh," Marion let out, a small smirk on his features. Both of them were hiding something, that was a bit more than obvious, but did it matter? Chris had smiled and wished the bear goodbye, had acted kindly to Ben, and seemed like he had had a good time. And of course it wasn't like Ben would've done anything he would've outright disagreed with. He wondered just how far he could dig with the bear--without causing an attack of course. Whatever the two had done together, did that matter?
Well, yes, yes it did! But to the best of his knowledge--about both the two furs he cared so much about, and the circumstances--whatever the two did together had made them closer. He highly doubted his son hadn't realized Ben was trying to get his approval, or that Ben hadn't conjured up the entire thing: or more importantly that the bear hadn't told him anything about going out. But still, his son was closer to Ben and the bear had shown a great intiative to get to know Chris--that was good, right? Leaning up he planted a small kiss on the bear's lips, "Well, I'm glad you two had fun...though a bit of warning would be very well advised next time,"
Ben winced and looked away, "I'm sor--"
"It's OK," Marion replied, his flash of 'parent-protecting-and-freaking-about-being-lied-to' going as fast as it had come. The bear--and Chris--had made a mistake to not tell him what they were doing: Chris for lying and saying he was working on a project and Ben for not telling him about the plans. The only reason his anger flashed so briefly and didn't fall down on Ben like an erupting volcano was because he knew the bear had truly meant well.
"Really Marion, I swear...I....I wasn't thinking," Ben began again, this time stuttering just a little, "I'm so sorry t--"
"Hey, hey...I said it was OK," Marion interrupted, a bit confused on why Ben sounded so scared now.
"Y--You meant that?" Ben asked, his eyes going a bit wide.
"Of course I did Ben. I know you meant well...why, did you think I would stay angry?"
" just said 'it's ok' so quickly and I was w--"
Marion interrupted the bear's rambling with a light kiss. He clasped his paws over Ben's arms and smirked, "Ben, it's OK. I know you meant well, and you both made a mistake. I forgive you really," he said and his smile increased a bit more, "But if you ever take my child out again without telling me....God have mercy on your soul,"
It may have been rather threatening, but it sounded very right. In hindsight, he wasn't sure what he'd expected. He had lied to his boyfriend, and, well, for lack of a better term, pup-napped Chris too. What parent would not be upset about that? And yet at the same time he couldn't help but realize how extremely lucky he was to have Marion as a boyfriend--how quickly and easily the wolf forgave him; even if he knew the threat was very very real. Ben snuffled a bit and shrugged his shoulders once more, but upon realizing it was the fourth or fifth time he'd done it gave a light cough--Oh yeah...cause it's not at all paranoid to be noting the actions so that he doesn't note them and realize...Oh!
"Watcha thinking about?" Marion inquired, almost enjoying the one-sided game now. He was done with his warnings and anger: he forgave Ben, and he'd warned the bear about not telling him of such plans beforepaw. The bear was trying too hard to act like nothing had happened, which only reinforced his idea that something had. "Something I should be concerned with?"
"What? No,, not at all," Ben stammered.
" two didn't you know, smoke anything or drink?"
"What? I would never do that without your permission...wait...I wouldn't do that with your permission!" Ben replied, appalled at the prospect, but thrown off by the way it made Marion begin to laugh.
"Oh I'm just playing with're acting so serious--makes me wonder if you did do something I wouldn't approve of,"
"I...umm," Ben began, Oh God, I screwed up, he's going to break up with me........apologize! No, just play it cool! No, apologize! Play it cool! He's already gotten onto you about taking Chris out without telling--Damn it! What if he's just playing with me? He plans to break up anyway, doesn't he? Why wouldn't he?! I proved just how despicable I am! But I just wanted to show Chris was worth his dad's time! I mean it wasn't like I h--
Marion silenced the bear with another small kiss to his cheek, "Heheh...would you like to stay and watch some TV?" he asked, more and more of a smile coming over him at the realization that the bear could stay. Even if Ben didn't, that was an option.
Ben let out a small sigh and did his best to throw away his fears. Marion was laughing and smiling, surely the wolf wasn't angry with him. Looking down at the wolf he gave his own smile, though still a bit nervous and twitching because of that. A second later and he felt calm enough to answer, even if it was only a nod.
"OK, cool," Marion replied, pulling away a little, but keeping a paw on Ben's, to pull him along. After a minute they were both sitting down; him with his paws by his side and Ben with his paws in his lap. To say they were acting strange wasn't entirely untrue. Looking over Marion noted the bear's eyes were on him, and he gave a small smile, but Ben quickly looked away. "Sooo....uhh, how was your day?"
"Good. You?"
"It was well enough I guess. I guess I get to see you at work soon, huh?" Marion asked, remembering the bear telling him how he needed to pick up some more medication.
"Yeah...tomorrow, right?"
"Mhmm. Though I hope you're not expecting special treatment,"
"Heh...well..." Ben let out, snuffling a little. He slowly moved his paws off his lap and shrugged his shoulders, trying as best he could to casually and nonchalantly put a paw over the cushions--for that age old trick of his arm around his date--impromptu date though.
Marion smirked a little, but felt a mental sigh of relief to see Ben loosening up. He hadn't been sure what to do quite yet. It was the first time the bear was over. Back at Ben's place, when they had watched a movie it had all happened naturally, but now they were back into uncharted waters.
A few moments passed before Marion felt the first touch from the bear--very light. It was inquisitive, and just as gently he pressed back against it. A moment later the paw was resting on his shoulder. He glanced over at Ben and smirked: the bear was pretending to be focusing on the TV, as if he didn't realize what he was doing. Still, he was sure it was actually uncomfortable for the bear, after all, it wasn't exactly comfortable to keep your arm fully extended.
So, making his own move, Marion slowly leaned over till he felt his head rest against the bear's shoulder. Ben's paw dropped down to his arm where the bear gave him an encouraging squeeze. He didn't bother to hide a happy sigh before nestling into Ben's hold, and becoming comfortable.
They stayed like that for close to an hour, but both knew it wouldn't last. It was a school night for two furs under the roof; one a guest and the other a resident. Soon enough Ben found himself at the door, smiling and talking naturally with the wolf. But all too soon he knew it was time to say good-bye. He was holding onto one of Marion's paws and gave it a small squeeze, "Well...I guess I should be headin out, eh?"
"Well...I get a good-bye kiss...right?" Marion asked after a second, cocking his head and giving his best smile.
"Y--Yeah...of course you do," Ben stammered. He calmed himself quickly enough before beginning to lean forward. He noted the look in the wolf's eye and slowed down his desecent to meet his boyfriend's lips. Marion didn't want a quick peck--that was good, right? Thinking as quickly as he could--he came up with nothing. Instead Ben just let his heart take the lead, and with his free paw brought Marion closer to him, slowly letting his lips meet the wolf's. A paw landed lightly on his cheek as he pulled Marion to him--leaving the realm of a goodbye peck for a true kiss.
"Mmm," Marion let out, stroking over Ben's cheek with his thumb and enjoying the warmth Ben offered from the cold of the night as the bear held him tightly to him. As nice as the kiss was, it ended soon enough, with them both pulling back and smiling at the other. He nuzzled the underside of the bear's muzzle for a few moments, "Be safe on your way home, OK?"
"I will be..." Ben replied, not letting go of the wolf yet, instead rubbin his paw up and down his boyfriend's back. "Do you think we could go out sometime soon? It's been nearly two weeks and, well, I'm kind of missing taking you out,"
Marion chuckled lightly and looked up at the bear.
"Or has Chris grounded you?" Ben asked, chancing to throw in a bit of humor. Well, perhaps it wasn't very funny, or at all so, but it was an attempt. And in the end, the wolf did laugh a little--which made him feel like it was worth it.
"I'm free Saturday...unless you've got homework to grade,"
"I'll give them an extension through the weekend," Ben replied, not bothering to admit he was not lying to the wolf who was chuckling lightly at his joking-not-joke.