Orange of the Twin Pools

Details were vague of what happened in there between the femii and her sibling, only kept mumbling about "the distant" and "bracelet".

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The Dishes THE DISHES!!!

I vaguely heard the sound of someone else screaming as i pulled my 1911 from my breast plate and fired three rounds into her neck. before the world started to twist away showing sky, rocks, sky and rocks with a sickening feeling of falling.

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Research Log [#008]

Whilst the government did allow the lapd onto the scene, they apparently seemed very vague about the situation, even discouraging the lapd to investigate. despite this, apparently the investigations are going ahead anyway, being led by sergeant a.

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NM #13 ~ Window

It was still the weary, vaguely hopeless visage he'd had to blankly stare down for years, but the harder he looked, the more it felt different. in some way he couldn't discern, it was different.

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Endless Love (Lilac)

I smile lifting my head in a proud gesture smelling something vaguely familiar but the scent not giving my brain any ideas.

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Cotton Fluff Bio

Inspiration stuck as she began to manipulate the cotton with her hooves and magic until eventually she had created what vaguely resembled a flower.

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Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 7: Theories

"well, no but we still have a better chance of finding that than something as vague as 'merger`, all we have to do is narrow it down and we have it." "o.k. so, err..."

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To Befriend a Giantess

I seemed to have vaguely recalled being captured and against my will and consent, forcibly transferred for a crime i didn't commit, and yet, there i was, standing alone in a harsh environment, walking around aimlessly all the while fearing that my life would

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The Songs I'm Singing

Journals for a while, but this isn't one of them - the format might be vaguely similar, but this time, i'm letting the hockey hunk characters to introduce some of _the_i_r_ favourite music - maybe we'll learn some extra tidbits about them in the process?

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A new doll

The evident vixen trailed off, waving her to the most grand assortment of them, every kind of doll of every sort, some of them even looked vaguely... familiar. "these are all so well done! you said they were affordable?"

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I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 2

Along the walls were several guards, looking vaguely bored and making him vaguely nervous. people began to spread out, the mats near the door getting taken up first. some sat down with no complaint, but most muttered under their breaths.

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A Couple of Mooks

There was the vague image of timon and pumbaa on the screen doing nothing in particular. all that came from the speakers was static. both stared in disbelief. "oliver..." said jam slowly, "...where did you get this tape?" "at a pawn shop!"

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