The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Eight
Where else would he be after twisting in front of the whole village?
Scale Armor
He shifted and twisted around, searching his forelegs one more time, trying to find any sign of the braces that had started his transformation.
Scale Armor
He shifted and twisted around, searching his forelegs one more time, trying to find any sign of the braces that had started his transformation.
Ricky vs Zander [Birthday beatdown]
If successful, he would try to spin himself out from under that arm and try to twist the lion's arm into an armbar. "yach! nice one..."
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 14
twisted pink replied. "that still does not tell our emperor what it can do." the green power fur ranger barked at her. "watch and find out, you little green monkey." twisted pink said as the green power fur ranger softly hissed at her.
A Day In The Woods by Theo Winters
Suddenly his hands twisted and started to swell, fur pushing out around the joints and quickly enveloping the rough skin.
A Day in the Woods
Suddenly his hands twisted and started to swell, fur pushing out around the joints and quickly enveloping the rough skin.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Five
twist. change. twist. invite me. accept me. twist. twist!_ the older kulgan clenched his teeth as his younger self raised the stone and turned it so the sharp edge was facing the wrist of his left arm.
The end - the beginning
twisting around, my mind screaming, soon joined by my throat, i felt as every bone in my body, seemingly one by one, shifted and twisted, the energy of the dying god fuelling me to grow, become larger and, like the other wolves, quadrupedal.
The Coyote's Ring
Her muscles began to burn and twist, and a groan escaped her throat. turning to her side, she turned and looked down at her body. her limbs seemed to be growing shorter. no.
Relaxing, Piece by Piece
Cracking his knuckles over the already twisted, stretched and knotted mass of serling's arm, christian shook his head towards his grinning sibling. "give him your best shot, and so will i.
MoonDust, Chapter 19
He twisted off his helmet and his comm icon disappeared from imogene's heads-up display. just as well--she'd dreaded hearing to the play-by-play anyhow.