The Other Dragon World: Chapter 1

The only thing he could trace from them was that there was a human or sort trying to summon this 'spyro', and from what he had heard, spyro was the purple dragon he crashed to.

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Burdens - Chapter 30: Illusion

He rolled over and saw no trace of the wolf. he figured he was eating or helping with his family. he sighed and sat up. his body ached from the prior day.

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Hunted Hunter Short Story

She could afford to leave no trace; even her elfish tracks were light, too small for the most skilled of trackers to navigate.

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Hypnovember Day 8 - Forest

Their long tail - far longer than a usual wolf-tail - wagged gently, tracing long arcs in the dirt behind them. lager noted that they didn't look hungry, at least. or maybe they're just good at hiding it.

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Eternal - Part 1

As she stalked out of the café, his eyes followed her, tracing down her toned back.

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City of the Damned -Chap V

He awoke in a cage, swearing in draconic as his scaled hands found their way to a nasty gash on his head, coming back with traces of silver blood. struggleing to his feet, he looked over to his side in curiosity.


Patreon Story

A hand reaching up to feel no trace of them "what have you done?" "reach higher" the voice continues. following the instructions she soon finds them, poking from the top of her head are two pointy and furred ears. "what have you done?"

Endless Hope - ch.4

He mumbles looking at where they ran all around him traces of wet grass.

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"The Thin Line," Part SS

Not only were they leaving no trace with elfmind or with glamer, but as far as i could see, they were leaving no trace in the snow as they moved along. they were gliding, invisibly, on the white surface.

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D.E1 Chapter 34 Desertion

"trace the location of the message. decode it. do what ever it takes to find out what is the meaning of this.

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